Skill Piper

Bright Side

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Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

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Recent Episodes of Bright Side

11 Parenting Mistakes That Ruin a Child’s Growth

11 Parenting Mistakes That Ruin a Child’s Growth

All parents have their own – unique – way of bringing up their kids. Many of them work in order to be able to buy new toys for them, others are strict because they want their children to be disciplined and goal-oriented, others give their children a choice and teach them to make decisions on their own. Every family has its own ways of upbringing, but there is one thing that all parents have in common: when they look back, they all want to fix some of the mistakes they made in the past.

The first year...

Episode 6 September 2024 12m and 49s

12 Things Your Dog Hates About You

12 Things Your Dog Hates About You

Do you want to understand your dog better? Did you know that most of the dogs don't like when you pat their heads? Here are 12 of these annoying habits that your beloved pets don’t like at all.

When you get a dog, your life becomes way more fun. Now you have a best friend, who's waiting for you to come home every evening and lightens up your mood. No matter the circumstances every dog unconditionally loves his or her owner, but there are quite a few ways you can get your dogs mad without even realizing it.


Episode 6 September 2024 10m and 30s

What If You Stopped Drinking Water for 7 Days?

What If You Stopped Drinking Water for 7 Days?

An average person drinks about 264 gallons of water a year. People take this liquid for granted and perhaps never think what would happen if they stopped drinking it. Well, let's see what dire consequences this action would have.

"Water" includes other liquids such as soda, juices, tea, and old plain soup. However, these options are perceived by your body mostly like food. If the level of water in your body drops by 1 percent, your survival instinct will kick in, and you will start to feel thirsty.

As water is supposed to lubricate your joints and...

Episode 6 September 2024 12m and

22 Things You Should Do at Least Once in Your Life

22 Things You Should Do at Least Once in Your Life

When you have a plan, life can be so eventful! There are certain things that you definitely must do before you turn 30 – they can help you feel that you’re truly making the best of your time! Lucky you – we found a list of such things. You don’t need superpowers to do them, and they can enrich your life with unforgettable experiences. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s start crossing them off the list!


Visit a really exotic place 

Buy tickets to a music festival

Run a half marathon...

Episode 6 September 2024 8m and 38s

15 Tough Riddles That Will Break Your Head

15 Tough Riddles That Will Break Your Head

These 15 riddles will require thought, intellect and creativity. But nothing compares with that great feeling, when you manage to crack several riddles in a row! Let's tease our brains!


Animation is created by Bright Side.


Music by Epidemic Sound

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Episode 5 September 2024 12m and 59s

How To Get Dimples Quickly to Make Everyone Go Awww

How To Get Dimples Quickly to Make Everyone Go Awww

Only 20 % of people in the world are blessed with dimples. However, if you are among the 80 % of those who don’t have them, but want to, there is a solution. Here is a list of easy exercises to get charming dimples and “ten hottest celebrities with dimples” list as a bonus!

Remember none of these techniques will give you a permanent result, but maybe it is for the better. This way you can get your dimples on whenever you want or need them!


Pulling the cheeks in 0:4...

Episode 5 September 2024 12m and 20s

4 Types of Toxic Cookware to Avoid and 4 Safe Alternatives

4 Types of Toxic Cookware to Avoid and 4 Safe Alternatives

We all know the importance of eating healthy, but not everyone knows that the cookware you use to prepare your dishes is just as important as the food itself. Even the healthiest diet can result in severe health problems if your pots and pans are toxic. Find out which cookware you should avoid by all means for the sake of your own health and the health of your family.

The non-stick properties of Teflon cookware are achieved with a coating of PTFE. This is a plastic polymer that, when heated above 572°F, starts to release toxins. These t...

Episode 5 September 2024 12m and 47s

9 Proofs You Can Increase Your Brain Power

9 Proofs You Can Increase Your Brain Power

The human brain is probably the most mysterious organ in our body. Scientists keep learning new facts about its work, but it still hides lots of secrets. There are a few simple ways to boost your intellect and improve your brain power, and they will surely surprise you!


Chronic lack of sleep worsens memory 0:40

Prolonged stress destroys the brain 1:07

Love and hate have a lot in common 1:29

The brain is sensitive to dehydration 1:53

Pregnancy changes the brain’s structure 2:13

The abundance of sugar re...

Episode 5 September 2024 7m and 57s



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If you’ve ever been to a gym, you’ve surely seen some painful characters who don’t follow proper gym etiquette and make you wish you stayed home. We at Bright Side have listed the 8 rules you should be following to make the gym experience much more pleasant for yourself and your fellow gym goers.


Our Social...

Episode 4 September 2024 4m and 52s

True Pyramids Purpose Has Been Finally Discovered

True Pyramids Purpose Has Been Finally Discovered

Many researchers thought that the Egyptian tombs were constructed to highlight the majesty pharaohs. And that's what we studied at school. Yeah, past tense! Brace yourselves, folks, because it looks as if scientists have finally discovered the true purpose of the pyramids! It seems these unique structures might have had a function that was a far cry from burying the dead...


How the Great Pyramid of Giza is different from any other traditional tombs 1:22

Could the ancient Egyptians have had technologies as advanced as the modern ones? 2:57


Episode 4 September 2024 16m and 46s

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