Skill Piper

Scam Squad

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Scam Squad

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Recent Episodes of Scam Squad

Scam Squad - July 27 2024 - TECH SCAMS & - MORE

Scam Squad - July 27 2024 - TECH SCAMS & - MORE

This week, Patti Teel and Deputy D.A. Vicki Johnson, host their favorite Criminologist, Judy Yates, who will update us on the major scams currently afflicting us now. She will also explain how many of these scams have been altered or evolved into much more sophisticated and complex scams that are making it much more difficult for all of us to spot and determine whether or not they are scams or whether they are legitimate contacts. Yates will also tells us how to avoid them.

Episode 24 July 2024 19m and 11s

Affinity Fraud Targets Seniors at Church  07-13-24

Affinity Fraud Targets Seniors at Church 07-13-24

This week, Patti and Vicki interview Deputy DA, Casey Nelson about his recent court case prosecuting an Affinity Scammer. Affinity Fraud is an investment fraud in which a scammer targets members of a common identifiable group based on things such as attending the same church or being members of the same country club. This is a very, very exciting episode you definitely can't miss.

Episode 9 July 2024 22m and 1s

Scam Squad -  WEIGHT LOSS SCAMS  07 - 06 -2024

Scam Squad - WEIGHT LOSS SCAMS 07 - 06 -2024

This week, host Patti Teel and co-host Deputy District Attorney, Vicki Johnson, discuss the latest new weight loss drugs that have been all the rage of the world. due to their very, highly effective results. Unfortunately, there is a huge problem with floods of scammers advertising and selling fake, phony, and dangerous imposters of these very popular weight loss drugs, that can cause great sickness, hospitalizations, and even death. Learn how to avoid purchasing these scam fake weight loss drugs. You won't want to miss this episode if you are interested in the latest news about these highly effective weight...

Episode 3 July 2024 13m and 1s

Scnsqd - 2024 - 06 - 29 - Impersonation Scams

Scnsqd - 2024 - 06 - 29 - Impersonation Scams

Impersonation Scams have become the most lucrative scam for scammers. The most impersonated company that scammers impersonate is Best Buy and often say they are from Best Buy's tech support experts the Geek Squad. The second most impersonate company scammers use is Amazon. Patti and Vicki will tell you all about it on this weeks episode of Scam Squad. Don't miss it.

Episode 25 June 2024 11m and 53s

Scmsqd - 2024 - 06 - 22 NEW SCAMS TO WATCH FOR

Scmsqd - 2024 - 06 - 22 NEW SCAMS TO WATCH FOR

This week, Patti and Vicki are warning all of us about new scams to especially watch out for this year. As we know, scammers are getting more resourceful and convincing every day for three basic reasons. Patti and Vicki with explore in depth these three basic reasons and tell us how to guard ourselves against being scammed with these new scammer tricks and methods.

Episode 19 June 2024 13m and 9s

Scmsqd - 2024 - 06 - 15 - When Mom is Caught up in a Romance Scam

Scmsqd - 2024 - 06 - 15 - When Mom is Caught up in a Romance Scam

This is one of Scam Squad's most exciting and best episodes ever. The Fake Vince Gill Romance Scam. Patti and Vicki interview the daughter of a Romance Scam Victim who thought she was in an online romance with famous Country singer songwriter, Vince Gill. It turned out to be a Nigerian Romance Scam that swindled this 72 year old woman out of her life's savings of nearly a half million dollars. Runtime: aprox 21 mins

Episode 10 June 2024 20m and 50s

Scmsqd - 2024 - 06 - 08 - Crimnologist Judy Yates

Scmsqd - 2024 - 06 - 08 - Crimnologist Judy Yates

This week hosts Patti Teel and Vicki Johnson have special guest Criminologist Judy Yates tell us all about the latest technology that is causing huge increases in imposter scams with Social Security, Medicare, Banks, fake employers, and many common agencies and services. The gals will tell you how to protect yourself from these scams as well as what to do if you have been scammed by a fake employer or imposters pretending to be from Social Security, Medicare, Sherriff's Office, and other agencies and businesses. You won't want to miss this episode.

Episode 3 June 2024 19m and 1s

Montecito Bank & Trust Warning:  Tech Support & Altered Check Scams

Montecito Bank & Trust Warning: Tech Support & Altered Check Scams

Scam Squad's guest this week is Fraud Expert, Shawn Dyer, from Montecito Bank & Trust. In this episode you'll learn about the Tech Support Scam that is still being used to manipulate our computers and steal our money. Dyer also tells listeners about the Altered Check Scam. Learn how the scam is pulled off and what you can do to safeguard yourself. Runtime 21 mins

Episode 27 May 2024 21m and

Scmsqd - 2024 - 05 - 25 - B&B Scams

Scmsqd - 2024 - 05 - 25 - B&B Scams

Summer is approaching and soon it will be time to go on vacations. The Scammers are out in full force, especially with the phony B&B booking scams. Learn how to avoid these scams and others in this week's episode of Scam Squad. Don't let a scammer ruin your summer vacation. Learn how to get you money back if you have been scammed by booking your B&B.

Episode 21 May 2024 13m and 40s

Scmsqd - 2024 - 05 - 11 - Old Resurrected Scam Warnings

Scmsqd - 2024 - 05 - 11 - Old Resurrected Scam Warnings

This week, Retried Senior Deputy District Attorney Vicki Johnson tells us about how many of the old scams that sort of died out awhile ago which are now making a comeback resurgence in a huge way. You won't want to miss this episode about these tricky Resurrected Scams.

Episode 16 May 2024 15m and 19s

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