Skill Piper

Commuter Bible OT

Brought to you by, John Ross

Commuter Bible OT

Commuter Bible OT is a work-week audio Bible reading plan to match your weekly schedule. In five days a week, Monday-Friday, you can listen to the entire Old Testament over the course of a year. We even break on holidays! Presented chronologically, this podcast presents the Old Testament's contents in the order in which they occurred. Subscribe today and get more of God's Word in your daily life. Part of the Commuter Bible family of podcasts, using the Christian Standard Bible translation (CSB). Learn more at

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Recent Episodes of Commuter Bible OT

Isaiah 37, 2 Kings 19, Psalm 147

Isaiah 37, 2 Kings 19, Psalm 147

The readings from today’s chapters are near perfect parallels, with only minor differentiations between them. After hearing the report about the royal messenger who insulted the Lord God and the people of Judah, Hezekiah immediately expresses a sense of mourning and loss by covering himself in sackcloth and ashes. He sends directly for Isaiah, who reports that the Lord will soon turn them around. After a second threat spoken from the Assyrian spokesman, Hezekiah heads to the temple and prays to God. Isaiah, who apparently is elsewhere, sends a message of hope from the Lord to Hezekiah, promising th...

Episode 169 6 September 2024 22m and 39s

2 Chronicles 32:1-19, 2 Kings 18, Isaiah 36

2 Chronicles 32:1-19, 2 Kings 18, Isaiah 36

Over the next few days we’ll be reading regularly from three books, 2 Chronicles, 2 Kings, and Isaiah, as we continue pursuing a fairly linear chronological reading of the Old Testament. At the point in the history of God’s people, Hezekiah is on the throne in Jerusalem and Isaiah is simultaneously prophesying in Judah. The kings of Assyria are knocking on the front door, taunting those in power. This not only includes the king and his officials, but God himself, whom they mock and equate to the gods of other nations. Today, you’ll hear the account of Sennacherib’s royal...

Episode 168 5 September 2024 20m and 48s

2 Chronicles 29-31, Psalm 146

2 Chronicles 29-31, Psalm 146

Recall that in our timeline of Judah’s kings the most recent king was Ahaz, who proved to be the most evil in king in Judah’s history up until that time. He not only worshipped other gods, but sacrificed his children to them as an act of pagan worship. When his son Hezekiah comes to power, he literally cleans house, restoring the temple of the Lord so that all Israel could be called back to worship the God of their ancestors. The priests and the Levites are called upon to consecrate themselves for worship, and they do everything by t...

Episode 167 4 September 2024 23m and 19s

Isaiah 31-35, Psalms 144-145

Isaiah 31-35, Psalms 144-145

Israel has sought out the men of Egypt for help against their foes, but they have not sought the Lord their God. When God’s people turn back to him, Assyria will fall by the sword of the Lord. A righteous kingdom is announced where rulers will rule justly, the fool will no longer be called a noble, and the Spirit will be poured out on the people. Next, woe is pronounced on the destroyer who is never destroyed, which is likely a reference to Sennacherib. In an upcoming episode we’ll hear the account of his messengers mocking the...

Episode 166 3 September 2024 24m and 25s

Isaiah 28-30

Isaiah 28-30

After a brief excursion in the book of the prophet Hosea, we are back in the book of Isaiah. This episode begins with a proclamation of woe against Samaria, called Ephraim in this prophecy. Specifically, they are chastised for being drunk all the time, having no vision, clarity, or wisdom to give to others on behalf of the Lord. Shifting away from the northern kingdom of Israel, he then chastises Judah for making deals with Assyria, or “Death” as they are called poetically here. Jerusalem, referred to as “Ariel”, will be burned and destroyed, for they have refused to open the...

Episode 165 30 August 2024 22m and 32s

Hosea 10-14, Psalm 143

Hosea 10-14, Psalm 143

Israel has taken the lavish blessings of their God and given those gifts to the calf idols of Baal, turning away from the covenant love of the God who redeemed them in order to love other gods. Therefore, in accordance with curses of the covenant he made with them at Sinai and for the sake of His holy name, the Lord will discipline his people for their rebellion. Through Hosea, God remarks that he raised Israel like a father raises children and laments the calamity that will come upon them. With this love in mind, He promises that He...

Episode 164 29 August 2024 18m and 39s

Hosea 6-9, Psalm 142

Hosea 6-9, Psalm 142

Hosea continues to prophesy against the house of Israel which often referred to as “Ephraim” in today’s text. Our passage begins with Hosea calling for repentance, knowing that the Lord forgives. The Lord laments that Israel’s love is fleeting like the morning mist, for they are not faithful to the Lord. Instead, they are promiscuous, going after foreign gods through pagan rituals involving threshing floors or self-mutilation. Because of this, the glory of the Lord God will leave them and they will be taken captive into Assyria and into Egypt. Their leaders will fall by the sword because...

Episode 163 28 August 2024 15m and 57s

Hosea 1-5, Psalm 141

Hosea 1-5, Psalm 141

Hosea was a contemporary of Amos whose ministry of prophecy lasted around 40 years, beginning during the reign of King Jeroboam II and ending during Hezekiah’s reign, who Judah’s next king in our chronological reading. Like Amos, Hosea spoke to the nation of Israel, often referenced as “Ephraim” in this book, under a time of lavish wealth and disparate poverty. Israel was being unfaithful to their God, and like the unfaithful nation the Lord has committed himself to love, Hosea is commanded to marry an unfaithful woman. Hosea’s pursuit of his unfaithful wife serves a parallel to God’s purs...

Episode 162 27 August 2024 19m and 11s

Isaiah 23-27, Psalm 140

Isaiah 23-27, Psalm 140

We begin with a pronouncement against Tyre, an island city that served as profitable port which traded in luxurious goods. Tyre established a trading colony called Tarshish (thought to be in modern-day Spain) which boasted impressive ships. Assyria attempted to take Tyre a number of times, but it was Nebuchadnezzar who first infiltrated the island city, followed by Alexander the Great who destroyed it. The following chapters in this episode concern God’s judgment of the whole earth, a judgment brought about by the sin of mankind. Though celebration will come to an end for a time, God will ev...

Episode 161 26 August 2024 21m and 44s

Isaiah 18-22, Psalm 139

Isaiah 18-22, Psalm 139

Today’s reading includes pronouncements against the nations of Cush (which we now call Ethiopia) and Egypt. The Cushites will be judged by the Lord and left for dead, but after this judgment they will bring tribute to the Lord of Armies at Mount Zion. Egypt will be judged by God through a civil war, and neither idols, nor spiritists, nor wise men will save them from the Lord’s hand. One day in the future, however, some Egyptians would worship the God of Israel, a dramatic turn of events given that Egypt had always been superior in military migh...

Episode 160 23 August 2024 22m and 27s

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