Skill Piper

Commuter Bible OT

Brought to you by, John Ross

Commuter Bible OT

Commuter Bible OT is a work-week audio Bible reading plan to match your weekly schedule. In five days a week, Monday-Friday, you can listen to the entire Old Testament over the course of a year. We even break on holidays! Presented chronologically, this podcast presents the Old Testament's contents in the order in which they occurred. Subscribe today and get more of God's Word in your daily life. Part of the Commuter Bible family of podcasts, using the Christian Standard Bible translation (CSB). Learn more at

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Recent Episodes of Commuter Bible OT

2 Chronicles 18-20

2 Chronicles 18-20

When we last read from the book of 2 Chronicles we were introduced to Asa’s son, King Jehoshaphat, and as we’ve read from 1 Kings, we’ve heard an account of his partnership with King Ahab of Israel. We’ll hear some parallels from the 1 Kings account today, but we’ll hear more about King Jehoshaphat then Ahab. Remember that Asa, Jehoshaphat’s father, failed to call upon the name of the Lord when there was threat of war, but by contrast, Jehoshaphat regularly calls upon the Lord throughout this narrative. Each time Jehoshaphat humbles himself and prays or calls a prop...

Episode 140 26 July 2024 22m and 15s

1 Kings 21-22, Psalm 119:65-80

1 Kings 21-22, Psalm 119:65-80

In our last episode, Ahab struck a deal with Ben-Hadad, the king of Aram instead of destroying him, but because the Lord had set him apart for destruction, an unnamed prophet pronounced judgment on Ahab. Some time passes, and Ahab sets his sights on a field that belongs to another man. After he refuses to sell it, Ahab pouts in his room until Jezebel hatches a scheme to murder him and take his land. Elijah appears to prophecy his demise, and remarkably, Ahab responds with humility. Later, the prophet Micaiah shares a vision of the Lord’s throne room wh...

Episode 139 25 July 2024 22m and 7s

1 Kings 19-20, Psalm 119:49-64

1 Kings 19-20, Psalm 119:49-64

After experiencing the power and authority of the God of Israel on top of Mount Carmel, where fire fell from heaven to consume Elijah’s sacrifice, the prophet runs to Jezreel ahead of King Ahab. Upon hearing Jezebel’s threats to execute him, Elijah then flees in despair to a distant mountaintop. Later, King Ahab of Israel goes to battle with Ben-Hadad of Aram. The Lord sends an unnamed prophet to alert Ahab that the Lord will win the battle for Israel so that Ahab will know that He alone is God over the whole earth. Then, when Ahab diso...

Episode 138 24 July 2024 20m and 17s

1 Kings 17-18, Psalm 119:33-48

1 Kings 17-18, Psalm 119:33-48

The line of kings in Israel began with Jeroboam who built golden calves for a more convenient worship experience. After him came Nadab, Baasha, Elah, Zimri, and Omri, all of whom were evil in the Lord’s sight. This brings us to King Ahab, who should be worshipping the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God who brought Israel out of Egypt, but instead he marries a Baal worshiper, turns to serve Baal himself, then builds a temple to Baal in Samaria. Elijah boldly confronts the king in the name of the Lord of Armies. God works wonders th...

Episode 137 23 July 2024 19m and 39s

1 Kings 16, 2 Chronicles 16-17, Psalm 119:17-32

1 Kings 16, 2 Chronicles 16-17, Psalm 119:17-32

In our last reading, we left off with two kings, King Baasha, who has just become king over Israel, and king Asa, who has ruled over Judah for three years at the time of Baasha’s ascension to the throne. Baasha became king by force, killing Jeroboam’s son Nadab as well as the rest of Jeroboam’s family. Take note of the rotating door of kings who rule over Israel, leading up to King Ahab, who is incredibly wicked. Not only that, you’ll also notice how long Asa rules in faithfulness to the Lord while Israel’s kings come...

Episode 136 22 July 2024 17m and 15s

1 Kings 15, 2 Chronicles 13-15, Psalm 119:1-16

1 Kings 15, 2 Chronicles 13-15, Psalm 119:1-16

Our readings today examine the lives of two descendants of David who each reigned as king over Israel. First, there’s Abijah (or Abijam), who reigned for only 3 years, but who makes an impassioned speech against Israel’s king Jeroboam, warning him that he should not wage war against the Lord and those who serve Him. Abijah’s son Asa takes the throne after him, and Asa devotes himself to the Lord for most of his life. The Lord rewards Asa’s faithfulness by blessing the nation of Judah with a long period of peace. In 2 Chronicles we’ll also read...

Episode 135 19 July 2024 22m and 24s

1 Kings 14, 2 Chronicles 10-12, Psalm 118

1 Kings 14, 2 Chronicles 10-12, Psalm 118

Our episode begins with a retelling of the insulting manner in which Rehoboam addresses Jeroboam, only this time the account is from 2 Chronicles rather than 1 Kings. Recall that it was the prophet Ahijah who tore a new robe into 12 pieces and gave 10 pieces to Jeroboam, symbolizing the number of tribes he would rule over. After Jeroboam leads a revolt, he became king over those 10 tribes. Despite the Lord’s kindness to Jeroboam, he also turned away from God and immediately set up two sanctuaries, each with a golden calf. As we read from 1 Kings 14, the same prophet who once de...

Episode 134 18 July 2024 24m and 22s

1 Kings 11:26-13:34, Psalm 116-117

1 Kings 11:26-13:34, Psalm 116-117

In marrying wives from surrounding nations, he has disobeyed the direct command of the Lord and fallen into idolatry. As such is the case, the Lord vowed to take the kingdom away from Solomon’s family after he is gone. Sadly, the wisdom that Solomon had passed on to his sons doesn’t take root, and the foolishness of his son Rehoboam causes a revolt and a division in the nation of Israel. Today, we’ll be introduced to Jeroboam, a man who Ahijah prophesies will rule over ten tribes of Israel. If Jeroboam walks in the ways of the Lo...

Episode 133 17 July 2024 24m and

2 Chronicles 9, 1 Kings 10:1-11:25, Psalm 115

2 Chronicles 9, 1 Kings 10:1-11:25, Psalm 115

Solomon is not only a king, he is a king among kings, whose wisdom and splendor became well known. As such, the queen of Sheba pays him a visit to see his kingdom. Not only that, but the text tells us that “all the kings of the world wanted an audience with Solomon to hear the wisdom God had put in his heart.” The 2 Chronicles passage concludes with Solomon’s death, but 1 Kings gives us other details about the end of Solomon’s life before concluding. In his old age, Solomon was not wholehearted in his devotion to the God of I...

Episode 132 16 July 2024 22m and 24s

Ecclesiastes 8-12, Psalm 114

Ecclesiastes 8-12, Psalm 114

We’re concluding the book of Ecclesiastes today which was written by King Solomon. Keep in mind that we are reading the Old Testament chronologically, and when we’ve finished this book, we’ll be back in 2 Chronicles and 1 Kings, covering the rest of Solomon’s life. As you may have already heard, two major themes of the book of Ecclesiastes are the ideas of futility and humility. Though Solomon had almost every resource at his fingertips, he could not do all the things he wanted and though he could find pleasure, he could not find ultimate fulfillment in the thin...

Episode 131 15 July 2024 18m and 59s

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