Skill Piper


Brought to you by, Sean McCann


Striving to Wake the Dead, to light up individuals' consciousness with truth and morality to cut through the illusions of mind control. Support this podcast:

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Recent Episodes of WAKE THE DEAD

William Ramsey Investigates w/ Sean McCann 'Trump assassination attempt'

William Ramsey Investigates w/ Sean McCann 'Trump assassination attempt'

Sean McCann returns to William Ramsey Investigates to discuss the recent assassination attempt of Donald Trump. Sean is not only a podcaster, he's also a photographer. He discusses the photograph taken by Douglas Mills on the day of the shooting. The image captures a bullet flying past Trump's head. This image has led to a lot of confusion & Sean is here to explain how Mill's camera photographed a speeding bullet. This image proves a bullet did fly past Trump's head. His ear was not damaged by glass or a razor blade. William & Sean discuss many other aspects of the...

Episode 22 July 2024 1h, 42m and 8s

WTD ep.129 Jon Uhler L.P.C. 'psychopathy & pornography'

WTD ep.129 Jon Uhler L.P.C. 'psychopathy & pornography'

Jon Uhler L.P.C. returns to Wake the Dead to discuss how pornography is integrally connected with psychopathy. Pornography to a psychopath is like gasoline to a fire. This conversation continues from our last discussion on episode 122. Pornography is a weapon to destroy our consciousness & trap Mankind into an easily controllable, carnal beast mindset. Certain levels of pornography's depravity require it's viewers to silence their conscience & agree with immoral behavior. This habitual progression dulls & ultimately mutes our innate morality. Creating de-facto satanists, pornography is a useful weapon for the psychopathic controllers of society. Turning culture toward moral relativism...

Episode 129 12 July 2024 2h, 29m and 48s

Psyop Cinema w/ William Ramsey & Sean McCann 'Civil War(2024) & The Second Civil War(1997)'

Psyop Cinema w/ William Ramsey & Sean McCann 'Civil War(2024) & The Second Civil War(1997)'

Sean McCann's recent appearance on Psyop Cinema, (hosted by Thomas Millary & Brett Carollo) along with our good friend William Ramsey. Originally posted on July 10th, 2024..

"We are joined by both William Ramsey and Sean McCann for a discussion that follows up on the analysis we did with them earlier this year on Leave the World Behind. Unpacking the surprisingly dull recent Alex Garland film Civil War, we also spend time talking about the much more lively film The Second Civil War, a 1997 made for TV movie directed by Joe Dante. The Second Civil War offers a satirical...

Episode 12 July 2024 2h, 14m and 5s

Wake the Dead & Chant it Down with Mark Passio 'Flat Earth psyop'

Wake the Dead & Chant it Down with Mark Passio 'Flat Earth psyop'

Mark Passio joins Luemas & Sean for a discussion about the cognitive infiltration of the 'truth' movement called 'Flat Earth'. We can all see how this psyop pushes the agenda of the Dark Occult. The Flat Earth psyop spreads ignorance & makes all sources of information untrustworthy. Ultimately blocking the truth of reality from entering the ears of the duped. When all sources of information can't be trusted, that dooms people to a quasi solipsism & a cul-de-sac of confirmation bias. The new religion is the model & everyone who doesn't believe is the enemy.

Can't we admit this is the...

Episode 4 July 2024 2h, 1m and 37s

WTD ep.128 Derrick Broze 'water fluoridation trial'

WTD ep.128 Derrick Broze 'water fluoridation trial'

Derrick Broze joins us on Wake the Dead to discuss the nearly 70 year practice of water fluoridation in America. Derrick is an author, activist, journalist, researcher, filmmaker, musician & anarchist. He has worked tirelessly for over a decade to bring us quality information via his website Since the beginning of his activist career, Derrick has been sounding the alarm regarding the government's forced 'medication' of the population, we all know as water fluoridation. Fluoride has been known to be toxic to humans since the 1930's yet the American government has chosen to poison it's citizens via the water...

Episode 128 28 June 2024 1h, 9m and 7s

WTD ep.127 Tom Blue Wolf 'Love is the healer & forgiveness is the medicine'

WTD ep.127 Tom Blue Wolf 'Love is the healer & forgiveness is the medicine'

Tom Blue Wolf returns to Wake the Dead to remind us to change the narrative toward love. I was asked by a listener for more episodes aimed at solutions. I immediately thought of Tom. He has been our guest twice before & he always raises the vibration of our thoughts & communications. Tom is an Elder of the Star Clan of the Eufaula Band of the Anicoosa Tribe assigned to the Muscogee Nation. He has dedicated his life to healing our earth & our human family. It is always a pleasure to hear Tom's voice, please enjoy the show.


Episode 127 22 June 2024 1h, 33m and 56s

WTD ep.126 Grey 'military Monarch who defected'

WTD ep.126 Grey 'military Monarch who defected'

Grey visits Wake the Dead for the first time to tell his story & how he is fighting to organize safety for SRA survivors. As a child, Grey was a victim of generational Satanic Ritual Abuse. As a young adult he was used as a high level 'Monarch' mind controlled slave for the military. Grey tells us about the nature of this evil cult and his violent defection from it. Grey also shares with us his current efforts to fight the evil individuals who run this Trauma Based Mind Control system. He created Organize Safety as a way for survivors...

Episode 126 15 June 2024 1h, 54m and 14s

WTD ep.125 Laura Worley 'the Tree of Death is the root of all SRA programming'

WTD ep.125 Laura Worley 'the Tree of Death is the root of all SRA programming'

Laura J. Worley joins us for the first time to teach about the core programming used to map the splits of every Satanic Ritual Abuse victim owned by the worldwide cult of Lucifer.

Laura Worley is a Speaker, Trainer, Coach, Author & survivor of this cult. Laura was born into a generational cult family and was sold into the CIA and MK Ultra projects as a child. Laura went to talk therapy for over 20 years & was not healing. Her journey of self discovery led her to find the root of her mental programming. The common programming themes of...

Episode 125 9 June 2024 1h, 23m and 25s

WTD ep.124 Amy Lane 'occult Mormonism & crimes of the FLDS cult'

WTD ep.124 Amy Lane 'occult Mormonism & crimes of the FLDS cult'

Amy Lane is invited to Wake the Dead for the first time to teach us about Dark Occult Mormonism & the crimes of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints & it's leader Warren Jeffs. This is a topic which this show should have investigated long ago. Researcher & podcaster Amy Lane is here to remedy that. After much time down the rabbit hole of occultism, mind control & human slavery, Amy brings us important information to help us better understand the nature of these elements.

Find Amy Lane here:


Episode 124 9 June 2024 1h, 49m and 13s

William Ramsey Investigates with Sean McCann 'MSM admits Covid vax causes death'

William Ramsey Investigates with Sean McCann 'MSM admits Covid vax causes death'

Sean McCann is a guest on William Ramsey Investigates to discuss the media's shift in narrative regarding the Covid jabs. Suddenly major newspapers and television news anchors are saying that the jabs do have side effects & cause many deaths. AstraZeneca removed their product from the market right after they admitted publicly it causes blood clots. We have finally turned the corner on the incessant messaging regarding the poisonous shots.

Find William Ramsey here:


Episode 6 June 2024 1h, 47m and 11s

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