Skill Piper

Portal to Ascension Radio

Brought to you by, Neil Gaur - Portal to Ascension

Portal to Ascension Radio

Explore and Expand your consciousness at Portal to Ascension. Bringing forth revolutionary and empowering conscious individuals that have dedicated their lives to the paradigm shift that is now occurring on the planet.

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Recent Episodes of Portal to Ascension Radio

Transmission from the soul

Transmission from the soul

Andena Sananda Kumara de Melchizedek (aka Angela Anderson) lives her truth, Soul Integrated, as an Embodied, Heart-Centered Conduit of Divine Frequency. As Divine Channel, Andena anchors a frequency which activates, within the Resonant field of all who Choose to Align and Attune, a Multidimensional Event which Ignites Awareness of the Innate Collective Truth that we are the Divine Source of ALL Creation, Harmonically Expressed through the Manifest Instrument of Form. Upon receipt of this Divine Frequency Emanation, is the Conscious Awareness shifted on the Quantum scale, through all levels of Existence. The result being akin to the Entanglement effect of...

Episode 596 6 September 2024 43m and 10s

Contemporary Mystery Schools

Contemporary Mystery Schools

Dana Micucci is an award-winning author, speaker, healer, and mentor. Dana’s latest book, the novel The Third Muse, is a metaphysical, time-travel mystery that celebrates the divine feminine wisdom of the Magdalene Order and the healing power of love. Her spiritual travel memoir Sojourns of the Soul: One Woman’s Journey around the World and into Her Truth—a gold winner in the Nautilus Book Awards—was inspired by her travels to many of the world’s most sacred sites. Both books offer a heart-centered message for our time. Dana has also enjoyed a decades-long career as a widely published...

Episode 595 5 September 2024 50m and 6s

What happened after my NDE

What happened after my NDE

Alysa Rushton, also known as the “Divine Superpowers Activator” is a near death survivor & energy intuitive, who’s thought of as one of the world’s most cutting edge thought leaders on conscious life creation and ascension. She is also the founder of the Internationally Accredited Divine Light Energy Healers Academy where she teaches the healing tools she learned on the other side to coaches, healers and entrepreneurs. Alysa has inspired thousands of light leaders, students, clients, and listeners from all over the globe to step into their true identity as a Divine being of light and activate their superpowers. When she...

Episode 594 4 September 2024 58m and 2s

The Mysticism of the Essenes and Druids

The Mysticism of the Essenes and Druids

Oliver is a Wisdom Keeper, Author, Storyteller and Sacred Site Guide. Currently deepening his connection to the Land and Mysteries of Ancient Wales. He is on a soul mission to bring back lost Mystery School Wisdom and Initiations from the Druids, Essenes and Celtic Christianity. With 10 years experience holding land based retreats all over the world, he has the rare ability to take you on an adventure uniting the worlds of Spiritual Initiation, Historical Knowledge and the Wisdom of Nature. Guiding individuals & groups through sacred journeys. Oliver weaves together sacred stories, ceremonies and teachings long forgotten. Helping you remember and...

Episode 593 3 September 2024 31m and 33s

A Whole New World If You Can Take It

A Whole New World If You Can Take It

A message from Neil: The Beginning of the Journey I was brought up in a Hindu family, and while I outwardly followed the rituals and customs, I considered myself an atheist Hindu. As I entered University at Cal State Fullerton in 2000, my interactions with diverse individuals and exposure to various music genres sparked a transformative phase in my life. I started writing poetry, which eventually evolved into spoken word performances at open mic events in Orange County. My poetry expressed a deep sense of curiosity, questions, and a longing for spiritual connection and healing. There was an underlying feeling within...

Episode 592 2 September 2024 41m and 34s

Japanese Physicist Walks on Water

Japanese Physicist Walks on Water

Dr. Kunio Yasue - Physicist and Applied Mathematician Starseed Academy Contact Japan Sept 14-15 1:05:00 Walking on Water Dr. Kunio Yasue is a distinguished physicist and researcher known for his pioneering work in the fields of quantum mechanics and consciousness studies. His research explores the intersection of quantum interactions, particularly the role of water molecules and electromagnetic fields, in understanding the origins of consciousness. Over time, Dr. Yasue's views have evolved, leading him to believe that consciousness is not merely a product of materialistic interactions but is deeply connected to spiritual elements. Dr...

Episode 591 19 August 2024 1h, 27m and 8s

Steven Greer: Organized Religion Chokehold on UFOs & Political Corruption

Steven Greer: Organized Religion Chokehold on UFOs & Political Corruption

Steven Greer speaks on the fundamentalist factions of organized relgion and how they have a stake in the disclosure of UFOs and about the general corruption at the highest levels 💐 Subscribe to receive access to 100's of hours of conscious presentations: ⚡ Join us at our annual in-person Portal to Ascension Conference: ❤️ Follow PTA on Instagram: 📅 Upcoming PTA Events: 🎙️ Portal to Ascension Podcast: ✔️ Join Portal To Ascension Telegram Chat Room:

Episode 590 17 August 2024 17m and 38s

Paul Wallis: Abraham & Moses Worshipped an ALIEN?

Paul Wallis: Abraham & Moses Worshipped an ALIEN?

Go on an extremely deep dive in part 1 of 3 segments where Neil interviews Paul Wallis on his research on Paleo Contact. In this episode Paul Wallis will discuss the time line of the Elohim Before 7thC BCE and the days when Judaism was a polytheistic faith. We will explore the life of Abraham and Moses and see who they really worshipped. Yahweh? An Alien? A Powerful one? 💐 Subscribe to receive access to 100's of hours of conscious presentations: ⚡ Join us at our annual in-person Portal to Ascension Conference: ❤️ Follow PTA on Instagram: https://www.instagram...

Episode 589 16 August 2024 45m and 52s

The Multidimensional Awakening

The Multidimensional Awakening

Join us in Glastonbury Tune in to the multidimensional realities with E Light 💐 Subscribe to receive access to 100's of hours of conscious presentations: ⚡ Join us at our annual in-person Portal to Ascension Conference: ❤️ Follow PTA on Instagram: 📅 Upcoming PTA Events: 🎙️ Portal to Ascension Podcast: ✔️ Join Portal To Ascension Telegram Chat Room:

Episode 588 15 August 2024 31m and 52s

Dr. Lydia de Leon: Science & Consciousness of Sacred Sites

Dr. Lydia de Leon: Science & Consciousness of Sacred Sites

Learn more at Today we explore what makes sacred sites around the world so special Join us in Glastonbury -

Episode 587 6 August 2024 1h, 22m and 32s

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