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The Superhumanize Podcast

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The Superhumanize Podcast

Superhumanize and learn how to transform and transcend your human experience, and achieve the highest potential of mind, body and spirit. Our host Ariane Sommer brings you deeply insightful interviews with the global thought leaders in health, personal development, business, biohacking, science and spirituality - to inspire YOU to live your best life ever. Ariane is a published author, vegan biohacker and wellness entrepreneur, journalist and keynote speaker. Born in Germany and growing up in diverse places including Sierra Leone, India, Spain, the UK and the United States, Ariane has a unique global perspective on our individual struggles, as well...

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Recent Episodes of The Superhumanize Podcast

Discover the Hidden Superpower That Is Preventing You From Reaching Your True Potential with Dr. Judith Orloff

Discover the Hidden Superpower That Is Preventing You From Reaching Your True Potential with Dr. Judith Orloff

Welcome to Superhumanize and another deep dive into all things human potential. Today, I am thrilled to have Dr. Judith Orloff join us. Dr. Orloff is a psychiatrist, an empath and intuitive healer, and the New York Times bestselling author of several transformative books, including "The Empath’s Survival Guide," "Thriving as an Empath" and her latest, "The Genius of Empathy”.

As a full-blown empath myself, I deeply resonate with Dr. Orloff's work and the unique insights she offers into the world of empaths and highly sensitive individuals. In this episode, we will explore the concept of empa...

Episode 26 July 2024 32m and 18s

Unlocking Peak Mental Health: Dr. Georgia Ede's Revolutionary Nutritional Strategies for Brain Optimization

Unlocking Peak Mental Health: Dr. Georgia Ede's Revolutionary Nutritional Strategies for Brain Optimization

I’ve had the pleasure of following Dr. Georgia Ede’s groundbreaking work for a while now and her insights into the connection between nutrition and mental health have continually impressed me. Dr. Ede is a Harvard-trained psychiatrist with over two decades of clinical experience, specializing in nutritional psychiatry and brain metabolism. Her personal journey and professional expertise have led her to uncover powerful dietary strategies that can transform mental health, which she has detailed in her newly released book, 'Change Your Diet, Change Your Mind.'

Dr. Ede's work has significantly advanced our understanding of how spec...

Episode 2 July 2024 57m and 57s

Harnessing Abundance: The Quantum Mechanics of Manifestation with Emma Mumford

Harnessing Abundance: The Quantum Mechanics of Manifestation with Emma Mumford

Have you ever felt like there’s more to life than what meets the eye, and that your thoughts and intentions could shape your reality? Our guest, Emma Mumford, also known as the "Spiritual Queen," is the UK's leading voice in manifestation and the Law of Attraction. Emma is a best-selling author and the host of the number one spirituality podcast on iTunes, "Spiritual Queen's Badass Podcast."

Emma has dedicated her life to helping others break free from limiting beliefs and create an abundant reality. Her journey from a savvy savings expert to a spiritual leader is tr...

Episode 24 June 2024 1h, 3m and 12s

An Actionable Blueprint to Health, Integrative Medicine and Peak Performance with Dr. Ryan Greene

An Actionable Blueprint to Health, Integrative Medicine and Peak Performance with Dr. Ryan Greene

Imagine stepping into a place where the boundaries between medicine, fitness, and holistic health blur—where every aspect of your wellbeing is addressed under one roof. This visionary approach is the brainchild of our guest today, Dr. Ryan Greene.

Dr. Greene is an osteopathic physician and the innovative co-founder of Monarch Athletic Clubs, groundbreaking facilities that integrates preventive medicine, physical therapy, and advanced fitness training. With a Master’s degree in Exercise Physiology, Immunology, and Human Nutrition from the University of Illinois and post-graduate training at both Dartmouth and the Mayo Clinic, his expertise is deep.


Episode 19 June 2024 49m and 48s

From Grain Brain to Gut-Brain: Dr. David Perlmutter's Groundbreaking Research on Processed Foods, Neurodegeneration and More.

From Grain Brain to Gut-Brain: Dr. David Perlmutter's Groundbreaking Research on Processed Foods, Neurodegeneration and More.

Imagine a world where the foods we eat daily are quietly eroding our brain's capabilities, silently accelerating the aging process of our most vital organ. Recent groundbreaking studies have unveiled the shocking impact of ultra-processed foods on our brain health, revealing significant reductions in gray matter volume and white matter integrity.

This isn't science fiction—this is our reality. As bad as this sounds and is, the good news is, we can turn this around and actively not only stop the damage to our brain, but heal it and optimize it.

Our guest today is a...

Episode 11 June 2024 52m and 16s

The Hidden Invaders: Unmasking Parasites, Their Devastating Health Impact, and How to Eliminate Them with Sheela Mahdavi

The Hidden Invaders: Unmasking Parasites, Their Devastating Health Impact, and How to Eliminate Them with Sheela Mahdavi

Imagine hosting an uninvited guest inside your body—one that could be silently wreaking havoc on your health without you even knowing. Parasites, those unseen invaders, are far more common than most people realize and can be linked to a myriad of chronic conditions. Research shows that nearly one billion people worldwide are affected by parasitic worm infections annually, leading to chronic inflammation and a host of health issues, from autoimmune disorders to mental health problems.

Today’s guest, Sheela Mahdavi, is an expert who specializes in these hidden threats. As a nutritionist, detoxification specialist, and herbalist, Shee...

Episode 7 June 2024 55m and 45s

The Hunger Habit: Conquer Food Cravings with Neuroscience and Mindfulness with Dr. Jud Brewer

The Hunger Habit: Conquer Food Cravings with Neuroscience and Mindfulness with Dr. Jud Brewer

Imagine a world where food cravings are opportunities for deeper understanding and self-growth. Mindfulness, as a transformative tool grounded in neuroscience, is the realm of Dr. Judson Brewer, a pioneer in habit change and self-mastery.

Dr. Judson Brewer, MD, PhD, has spent over two decades blending mindfulness training with neuroscience, unraveling the brain's reward system and its role in addictions and anxiety. As Director of Research and Innovation at Brown University's Mindfulness Center and an associate professor in Behavioral and Social Sciences and Psychiatry at Brown’s Schools of Public Health and Medicine, his groundbreaking work has be...

Episode 5 June 2024 49m and 59s

Rewriting the Narrative: Val Emanuel On Sustainable Menstrual Healthcare and Female Empowerment

Rewriting the Narrative: Val Emanuel On Sustainable Menstrual Healthcare and Female Empowerment

Today, I’m happy to introduce Val Emanuel, a pioneering force in women’s health and environmental sustainability. As the co-founder of Rif Care, Val is revolutionizing menstrual health with organic eco-friendly products made from regenerative hemp fiber.

Val’s journey is one of resilience and innovation. After confronting significant reproductive health challenges, she turned to holistic healing methods, which led her to identify a gap in the market for safe, effective, and eco-friendly menstrual products.

In our conversation, Val and I delve into the importance of risk-taking, female empowerment, the need to change the narrat...

Episode 21 May 2024 44m and 23s

Trance States and Transformation: Dr. David Spiegel on the Science and Healing Power of Hypnosis

Trance States and Transformation: Dr. David Spiegel on the Science and Healing Power of Hypnosis

Welcome back to another episode of Superhumanize, where we dive deep into the spirit and the science of self-optimization and explore cutting edge approaches to health and wellness. Today, we're incredibly fortunate to have a true pioneer with us, Dr. David Spiegel, Associate Chair of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and the Director of the Center on Stress and Health, as well as the Medical Director of the Center for Integrative Medicine at Stanford University.

Dr. Spiegel has not only shaped our understanding of the mind-body connection but has revolutionized how we think about medical hypnosis. With over...

Episode 14 May 2024 1h, 32s

Re-emergence of the Goddess: Anodea Judith on the Power of the Divine Feminine

Re-emergence of the Goddess: Anodea Judith on the Power of the Divine Feminine

In today’s episode, we are honored to host Dr. Anodea Judith, a masterful weaver of psychological depth and spiritual wisdom.

Anodea has been called “a prophet for our time. She is a groundbreaking thought leader whose passion for the realization of human potential matches her concern for humanity’s impending crisis. Her fervent wish is that we “wake up in time”.

She is the founder and director of Sacred Centers and holds Masters and Doctoral degrees in Psychology and Human Health. Anodea is a also a celebrated speaker, therapist, global teacher and bestselling author. She has wri...

Episode 6 May 2024 49m and 47s

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