Skill Piper

Generally American (A Journey in American English)

Brought to you by, Christopher M. Chandler, Kris Schauer

Generally American (A Journey in American English)

Hello, Hola, Guten Tag, Bonjour, こんにちは ! Welcome everyone, this is a podcast for those wanting to learn about U.S. culture through Standard American English, also known as General American. We talk about various different topics related to the U.S. and the U.S.'s relations with other countries. My co-host and I would like to think of this as more of a journey because you never know where it’ll take us. Plus, since the journey’s more important than the end or the start, we hope that you’ll be willing to join us! Let’s see where it takes us!

...see more


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Recent Episodes of Generally American (A Journey in American English)

S5E11: Season Finale - Recap

S5E11: Season Finale - Recap

In this episode, we recap and revisit all the topics of this season! 


We talk about the extreme heatwave and the challenges of living without air conditioning.We discuss the process of renovating their homes and dealing with noisy neighbors.We share updates on their children's growth and the challenges of parenting.We have differing opinions on copyright law and video game piracy.We enjoy playing board games and recommend trying out different games.We discuss changes in German citizenship laws and the possibility of English becoming an official language.We mention their e...

Episode 11 17 July 2024 56m and 13s

S5E10: Cultural Influence as a Form of Soft Power

S5E10: Cultural Influence as a Form of Soft Power

In this episode, Kris and I discuss the concept of soft power and its influence on global relations. We explore how the United States, as a global power, exerts its soft power through cultural, economic, and military influence. We also touch on the impact of American pop culture, such as music, TV shows, and movies, on other countries. We highlight the importance of soft power in shaping perceptions and relationships between nations.


Soft power is the ability to influence others without the use of force, and the United States exerts its soft power through cultural...

Episode 10 26 June 2024 47m and 37s

S5E9: Staying Informed: A Civic Duty

S5E9: Staying Informed: A Civic Duty

In this episode, Kris and I discuss the concept of civic duty and its various aspects. We touch on topics such as jury duty, paying taxes, staying informed, and the role of the military. We also explore the differences between the US and Germany in terms of civic duties and the cultural attitudes towards them.  



Civic duty encompasses various responsibilities such as jury duty, paying taxes, and staying informed.The US and Germany have different approaches to civic duties, with the US emphasizing individual participation and Germany focusing on collective decision-making.Su...

Episode 9 11 June 2024 49m and 20s

S5E8: The Ethics of True Crime Podcast

S5E8: The Ethics of True Crime Podcast

In this episode, Kris and I discuss their thoughts on true crime podcasts and the ethical implications of consuming and creating true crime content. We  explore the fascination with killers and the morbid curiosity that drives the popularity of true crime. We also touch on the desensitization that can occur from consuming too much true crime media and the potential educational value of understanding criminal behavior. The conversation raises questions about the ethics of portraying killers authentically and the line between journalism and exploitation.


True crime podcasts have become increasingly p...

Episode 8 23 May 2024 48m and 56s

S5E7: Exploring the Evolution of the Gig Economy

S5E7: Exploring the Evolution of the Gig Economy

In this episode, Kris and I  discuss the gig economy from the perspective of food delivery apps like Uber Eats and DoorDash. We explore the definition of a gig and how it has evolved over the years. We also touch on the challenges and risks faced by gig workers, such as low pay, reliance on tips, and lack of benefits. We discuss the gamification of gig apps and the impact of the gig economy on traditional industries like taxis. They also mention other gig platforms like Upwork and Fiverr. Overall, We highlight the convenience and drawbacks of t...

Episode 7 8 May 2024 49m and 3s

S5E6: Media - Questioning Your Own Biases and Opinions

S5E6: Media - Questioning Your Own Biases and Opinions


In this episode, Kris and I discuss the media and the challenges of consuming information in today's world. We  talk about biases in the media, the importance of fact-checking, and the need to be skeptical of information. We  also touch on the influence of social media and the pressure to be the first to report news.  We emphasize the importance of seeking out diverse sources of information and being aware of one's own biases.


The media has biases, and it's important to be aware of them when con...

Episode 6 18 April 2024 46m and 57s

S5E5:Exploring the Evolution and Diversity of Music Discovery

S5E5:Exploring the Evolution and Diversity of Music Discovery

In this episode, Kris and I discuss various methods of discovering new music and how it has evolved over time. We touch on the influence of wealth on music discovery, differences in music discovery between countries, the role of soundtracks in music discovery, and the evolution of music mediums. We  also speculate on future music discovery methods and recommend starting a music exchange group to expand one's musical horizons.


Music discovery has changed significantly over time, with streaming services and algorithms playing a major role in how people find new music.The influence o...

Episode 5 1 April 2024 47m and 33s

S5E4: About Fast Food and Things

S5E4: About Fast Food and Things


In this episode, Kris and I discuss the topic of fast food. We start with a conversation about the weather and moving, then transition into talking about fast food as a part of life in the US. We discuss how fast food was once seen as a treat but has now become a way of life for many people. We also touch on the issue of food deserts and how fast food can be the only affordable option for some. We then discuss the rising prices of fast food and the use of apps and rewards...

Episode 4 15 March 2024 48m and 48s

S5E3: Citizenship and Board Games

S5E3: Citizenship and Board Games

In this episode, we discuss various topics from weather and travel to citizenship and board games. We share personal experiences and insights, including the process of proving citizenship for a newborn, the cost of obtaining documents, and the different ways to become a US citizen. 

In the latter half, we also talk about their preferences for board games and the excitement of playing tabletop role-playing games like Dungeons & Dragons. The episode concludes with a discussion on the Super Bowl and a tragic incident that occurred during the celebration parade.


Proving c...

Episode 3 27 February 2024 50m and 56s

S5E2 - Copyright Law, Public Domain, and Patent Infringement

S5E2 - Copyright Law, Public Domain, and Patent Infringement

 In this episode, we discuss intellectual property and its impact on various industries. We touch on the Super Bowl, the Pal World game and copyright infringement, Disney's role in copyright law, the concept of public domain and lost media, piracy and streaming services, and the issue of artists getting paid for their work. We provide insights into the complexities and challenges surrounding intellectual property and the balance between protecting creators' rights and ensuring access to creative works.


Intellectual property is a complex and evolving area of law that impacts various industries.Copyright i...

Episode 2 13 February 2024 49m and 43s

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