Skill Piper


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The official podcast of T.REX ARMS. Weekly thoughts and conversations between various team members discussing equipment, training, history, politics, and of course, the behind-the-scenes stuff regarding the business and technology of developing and making tactical gear. Produced by Isaac Botkin.

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Recent Episodes of T.REX TALK

Incompetent People are Threatened by Competence

Incompetent People are Threatened by Competence

Conflict comes from division, and division can be created along many lines. Geography, heritage, color, or possessions... Marxism, for example, always tries to divide between the haves and the have nots, the oppressors and the oppressed. But there is another metric that usually gets ignored until the gap is too wide to be bridged.

Episode 3 September 2024 44m and 10s

Weaponized Justice with Paul Vaughn

Weaponized Justice with Paul Vaughn

A common theme of the current Democratic party messaging is an urgent need to stop Donald Trump from regaining the White House and weaponizing the DOJ against his political enemies. However, it is obvious that the executive branch has already been weaponizing agencies against political enemies of the DNC. Today's guest on the show is Paul Vaughn, a long time T-Rex friend and ally, who has had direct personal experience with this kind of political intimidation through our own enforcement agencies. You can learn more about his story from his articles on Substack, and the Stifled Cry podcast. 

Episode 229 27 August 2024 58m and 36s

The End of the World - with C.R. Wiley

The End of the World - with C.R. Wiley

There's a lot of conversation about the end of the world, the end of civilization, and the end times at the moment, and this conversation, even amongst non-Christians is shaped by Christian eschatology that has seeped into out culture. C.R. Wiley joins us to break down three historical views of a future apocalypse that have a big impact on how people think about current affairs, foreign policy, and future events.

C.R. Wiley has written a number of books and can be heard on the weekly Theology PugCast discussing topics like these. 

Episode 21 August 2024 32m and 21s

August Tyranny Update

August Tyranny Update

The UK has cracked down on anti-immigration protests and "armchair thugs," which is newspeak for people who post memes on the internet. The Police Chief of the London Met has even threatened to extradite American memers who have violated UK hate speech laws so that they can face the crown's judgement. 

Meanwhile, in the free-speech-loving USA, the legacy media has created a Kamala Harris presidential campaign out of whole cloth, and have shut Donald Trump out of almost any coverage. When millions of people listened to him having an unscripted conversation with Elon Musk o...

Episode 13 August 2024 30m and 31s

How Cultural Institutions Get Compromised

How Cultural Institutions Get Compromised

If you look at recent American History, you can see some amazing technical successes, some incredible economic achievements, but also an unmistakable trend of cultural decline in some institutions. Have our academic bulwarks, entertainment studios, and political entities gotten this bad by accident? Or on purpose? Let's have a look at a single institution that is being infiltrated in real-time: the American church.

The book that we are discussing is "Shepherds for Sale" by Megan Basham, which documents how liberal think-tanks and NGOs have been funneling money into conservative seminaries and denominations, and what they are getting...

Episode 226 6 August 2024 33m and 50s

Historical Revisionism and the Crusades with the Kings Hall Podcast

Historical Revisionism and the Crusades with the Kings Hall Podcast

We talk about the crusades and the past and present trends of historical revisionism with our guests, the Kings Hall Podcast.

Episode 31 July 2024 1h, 42m and 34s

Capabilities and Incompetence in the Navy with Commander Salamander

Capabilities and Incompetence in the Navy with Commander Salamander

Big government systems and systemic incompetence has been in the news a lot this week, but how does that work in the DoD? We reach out to an anonymous source with years of experience in Big Navy and NATO to peek behind the curtain.

Episode 23 July 2024 1h, 20m and 53s

Why Big Government is the Danger

Why Big Government is the Danger

This episode of T.Rex Talk was recorded on July 13th of 2024, just an hour before an attempted assassination of Donald Trump. And yet, it's almost exactly the the content that we would have released in response to the assassination attempt.

Episode 16 July 2024 36m and 14s

The TechPrepper's Project List

The TechPrepper's Project List

If you are interested in targeted radio communication, you already know who TheTechPrepper is. In this episode he explains how he got into long-range decentralized communications, how his tool development process has changed, and why he is interested in other projects such as multi-spectral camouflage and wide band RF awareness.

Episode 9 July 2024 1h, 13m and 53s

Book Review: Slaying Leviathan

Book Review: Slaying Leviathan

"Slaying Leviathan" was written by Dr. Glenn Sunshine in 2020, and it is a fantastic introduction to western political thought, and the different outcomes of different theories and experiments. 

Check out the book here

Episode 2 July 2024 29m and 2s

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