Skill Piper

The Firsts

Brought to you by, Yaqeen Institute

The Firsts

The Firsts: The Forerunners of Islam is the series that visits trailblazers of the ummah. Those that rise to the occasion, and inspire a generation. Host Sh. Dr. Omar Suleiman dives into the stories of the giants who were the first of their kind in this world, and distinguished in the next. Listen in to revive the personalities buried in history.Let’s meet the Firsts. This series is brought to you by Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research. We aim to make academic and Islamically-credible scholarship mainstream through accessible resources such as infographics, animations, podcasts, learning materials, and more. Visit ww...

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Recent Episodes of The Firsts

Mothers of the Prophet ﷺ: Amina and Halima al-Sa’diyya

Mothers of the Prophet ﷺ: Amina and Halima al-Sa’diyya

The Prophet ﷺ spent some of his earliest years with his foster mother Halima al-Sa’diyya (ra), and never forgot the love she nurtured him with. What was it like to find her again in his final years of life?

Episode 129 16 September 2024 1h, 3m and 57s

Hakim ibn Hizam (ra): When Money Stops Mattering

Hakim ibn Hizam (ra): When Money Stops Mattering

The nephew of Khadijah (ra) and a core figure in the decade prior to the Prophet ﷺ receiving revelation. He held out on Islam because of his worldly focus, yet eventually embraced Islam and a new focus on the hereafter.

Episode 130 16 September 2024 1h, 3m and 57s

When Allah Guided the Children of Abu Lahab

When Allah Guided the Children of Abu Lahab

The only enemy of the Prophet ﷺ mentioned by name in the Quran, yet his own children became Muslim and would read about their father’s punishment. The incredible story of the believing children of the Prophet ﷺ's uncle and how he received them.

Episode 131 16 September 2024 1h, 6m and 39s

The Most Honored Man By The Prophet ﷺ

The Most Honored Man By The Prophet ﷺ

If you saw him in Madinah, you would be taken aback by how he was honored by the Prophet ﷺ and the companions like no other human being, and if you heard him speak then you would know he was special. The last uncle of the Prophet ﷺ and a blessed connection for this Ummah.

Episode 132 16 September 2024 1h, 19m and 23s

Urwa ibn Masud (ra): The Chief Who Resembled Isa (as)

Urwa ibn Masud (ra): The Chief Who Resembled Isa (as)

A noble leader with a striking presence, he initially resisted the call of Islam and was a chief negotiator from Quraysh to the Prophet ﷺ in Hudaybiyyah. But when Islam entered his heart, he sought to lead his people to faith and lost his life in the process.

Episode 16 September 2024 46m and 44s

Ikrimah ibn Abi Jahl (ra): The Pious Son of Pharoah

Ikrimah ibn Abi Jahl (ra): The Pious Son of Pharoah

He was the son of the Pharoah of this Ummah who fought the Prophet ﷺ and his companions even up until the opening of Makkah. But through a journey of many twists and turns, came back to the Prophet ﷺ as one of his most loyal companions. His story of selflessness and martyrdom is ever inspiring and impactful.

Episode 126 3 June 2024 53m and

Abu Sufyan ibn Harb (ra): Forgiving the Enemy

Abu Sufyan ibn Harb (ra): Forgiving the Enemy

For two decades he was a chief antagonist of the Prophet ﷺ, only to be forgiven and given a position of leadership for the sake of the greater cause.

Episode 127 3 June 2024 1h, 15m and 54s

The Prophet ﷺ’s Brother: Abu Sufyan ibn al-Harith (ra)

The Prophet ﷺ’s Brother: Abu Sufyan ibn al-Harith (ra)

He was the first cousin of the Prophet ﷺ, and his brother in that he was nursed by the same woman. He was one of the closest and most beloved people to him. When Islam came, he turned his back on the Prophet ﷺ and became a bitter enemy until the very end where after a painful reunification, came a beautiful ending.

Episode 128 3 June 2024 58m and 31s

Amr ibn al-As (ra): His Wicked Father & “Better” Brother

Amr ibn al-As (ra): His Wicked Father & “Better” Brother

Before understanding Amr ibn al-As (ra), you need to know about his father who was a staunch opponent of the Prophet ﷺ, and his brother Hisham (ra) who was a companion long before him, with a legendary story of his own.

Episode 124 7 May 2024 1h, 7m and 51s

Amr ibn al-As (ra): From Rafah to Egypt

Amr ibn al-As (ra): From Rafah to Egypt

From his moments of opposing the Prophet ﷺ in practically every battle of Islam, and his seeking to remove the one place of refuge for the Muslims in Abyssinia, Amr (ra) doesn’t just turn a corner and embrace Islam, but he spreads it to Egypt and many places of the world including Gaza which weighs so heavily on us today.

Episode 125 7 May 2024 1h, 19m and 28s

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