Skill Piper

Young Heretics

Brought to you by, Spencer Klavan

Young Heretics

The classical education you never knew you were missing. Join scholar and writer Spencer Klavan on a tour through the great works of the West. In a world gone mad, we're not alone: the great men and women who went before us have wisdom to guide us. With their help, we can recover truth, beauty, and the stuff that matters.

...see more


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Recent Episodes of Young Heretics

The Isaiah Code: How to read prophecy

The Isaiah Code: How to read prophecy

Is prophecy a species of translation, or encryption, or both? This fascinating question, prompted by last week's episode on quantum cryptography, breaks down into two different sub-questions: how do prophets receive and communicate their messages, and how should we understand them? There are lots of ways to go wrong here--think doomsday cults--but also some fascinating ways to go right that help reveal the nature of language, scripture, and history. Plus: an illustration of the four traditional ways to interpret the Bible.

Check out our sponsor, the Ancient Language Institute (now offering Old English instruction!):

Episode 6 September 2024 33m and 41s

Pumpkin Spice Patroclus: The real relationship between Achilles and his companion

Pumpkin Spice Patroclus: The real relationship between Achilles and his companion

Fall is in the air, which means the time has come for us to close out our study of the Iliad. From book 16 to the end in book 24, the poem engages in what remains one of the most enduring subtle studies of rage, war, grief, and even PTSD that the human mind has ever produced. It shows us the roots of all tragedy in our own lives and throughout history, leaving the stage set for a new adventure in the Odyssey. Which we'll pick up next week!

Pre-order my new book, Light of the Mind, Light of t...

Episode 204 3 September 2024 1h, 1m and 5s

Cracking the Code: What Bitcoin and Quantum Cryptography have to do with Kabbalah and AI

Cracking the Code: What Bitcoin and Quantum Cryptography have to do with Kabbalah and AI

Ifmmp! After months spent explaining how communicating works in different languages, I've gotten a question about now not communicating works, in any language. Turns out the answer will take us through ancient mysticism, the invention of computers, and the technology behind Bitcoin...all in 30 minutes! At the end of it all, a tl;dr on what we should think about the race to build bigger faster quantum systems to make and break codes in our age of AI and machine-generated poetry.

Check out our sponsor, the Ancient Language Institute (now offering Old English instruction!):

Episode 30 August 2024 37m and 4s

Troy but for Real: The Best Scene in the Iliad

Troy but for Real: The Best Scene in the Iliad

If I were making a movie of the Iliad (a good one, not the Brad Pitt version of Troy), there's no question the trailer would have to include today's central scene: Hector and Andromache on the wall. This is the money shot that reveals the poem in its full greatness, honest and sober about the realities of war but capable of mourning with those who suffer defeat. The Trojans might be the most interesting part of the poem, especially for what they reveal about the problems of polytheism and the contrast it poses to the Christian gospel. All this and...

Episode 203 27 August 2024 1h, 2m and 3s

How Alphabets are Formed (Words, Words, Words 22)

How Alphabets are Formed (Words, Words, Words 22)

"A word is a kind of painting of which the subject is a thought," wrote Nicolas Beauzée. Even an Enlightenement Frenchman is right twice a day. But where does that leave the written word--as a picture of a picture of a thought? Yes, I argue in this episode, and there's profundity in that which goes far beyond the history of alphabets--though that is, in its own right, exceptionally cool too. It's all here in the latest words, words, words.

Dear English Language:

Sign up to A...

Episode 24 August 2024 32m and 11s

Our Greatest Technology (Words, Words, Words 21)

Our Greatest Technology (Words, Words, Words 21)

The cotton gin, the railroad, the printing press, the internet...there are plenty of candidates for the world's biggest tech revolution, but the biggest one might be one we've never even thought about before. And it has to do with how we process language, so naturally...I'm obsessed. PLUS: in a very special announcement, all my listeners are invited to join me at New College Florida this fall semester for an online course on Greek literature! Link below.

Class is in session:

Check out our sponsor, the Ancient Language Institute...

Episode 22 August 2024 32m and 18s

Muad'Dib! Why Achilles was Right and Agamemnon was Wrong

Muad'Dib! Why Achilles was Right and Agamemnon was Wrong

And we're off to the races! The Iliad begins in earnest this week with the outbreak of the feud between Achilles and Agammemnon (#TeamAchilles). The drama that unfolds contains almost the entirety of all that was to come in Greek culture, from the terror of hubris to the magnificent achievement of city-states in coalition. Plus: stick around to the end for a bunch of very cool announcements.

Trump the Sandworm:

Sign up to Audit my Class:

Foundations of the West:Athens and the Logos


Episode 202 20 August 2024 57m and 54s

Achilles in the Coconut Tree

Achilles in the Coconut Tree

Is the Iliad just a cautionary tale about toxic masculinity? Or is there something deeper at work in Achilles' murderous rage? To really understand the poem, you have to understand--and internalize--what it means to live in an honor culture, and to seek justice in a universe that makes no guarantees. After listening to this episode you can understand the story of the poem as it was meant to be understood, rather than letting petty modern ideologues set the terms of interpretation.

Check out our sponsor, the Ancient Language Institute (now offering Old English instruction!):

Episode 201 13 August 2024 1h, 5m and 14s

One More Thing: Breaking News!

One More Thing: Breaking News!

What a time to be alive. New Euripides just dropped! Results are pouring in not only from the AI project that's unearthing new passages from the charred scrolls of Herculaneum, but also from the good old-fashioned method of leafing through mounds of old scrolls. Some of it is directly related to everything we've been talking about in Homer and the mythic cycle. It's the only Young Heretics news that's fit to break.

Check out our sponsor, the Ancient Language Institute (now offering Old English instruction!):

Pre-order my new book, Light of...

Episode 9 August 2024 26m and 47s

Choose Your Fighter: Achilles as a Manly Archetype

Choose Your Fighter: Achilles as a Manly Archetype

The game is on, Helen is abducted, and now it's time to gather the Greeks for war. There are lots of stories about how the Achaean forces made their way to Troy, and some of them--like the story of the Achilles heel--are permanently associated in the popular imagination with Homer's stories. But how many of them are actually in the Iliad? And what's Homer doing by making this version of Achilles the central focus of his story? This week we sift through the myths to get to know the man, and what he tells us about masculinity in the 21st...

Episode 200 6 August 2024 59m and 44s

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