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The HC Commodities Podcast

Brought to you by, Paul Chapman, HC Group

The HC Commodities Podcast

For related content and to find out more about HC Group, a search firm dedicated to the energy & commodities sector, visit Each day, around the world, we have fascinating one-on-one conversations with our connections in the commodities sector. Our collaborators are uniquely informed, creative and inspirational in their fields. We want to provide our community a seat alongside us, listening in to these conversations in that special way podcasting provides as we tackle topical and people related issues with the leaders and leading minds in our sector. Visit more information on us and...

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Recent Episodes of The HC Commodities Podcast

The Complexity in the Energy Transition with Marco Raugei

The Complexity in the Energy Transition with Marco Raugei

The energy transition is complex. That complexity tends to be papered over with simplifications and beliefs, even myths, both within the sector and the broader public on both sides of the debate. Yet, to make the right investments and decisions as companies and societies, it requires careful analysis and ultimately managing the inherent trade-offs. In this episode, we zoom in on the reality of the energy transition, the science required and the competing philosophies. Our guest is Marco Raugei, Senior Lecturer and Researcher at Oxford Brooks University. He is an Environmental Scientist with a PhD in Chemical Sciences and...

Episode 210 23 July 2024 57m and 1s

The Super Charged Capex Cycle with Jeff Currie

The Super Charged Capex Cycle with Jeff Currie

Is the commodity super cycle, long heralded, a mirage? Or, super charged by a capex cycle,  are we just at the start? What is the state of the commodity investment cycle? Why and how has geopolitics and dollar weaponization changed the landscape? If there is a global run up in prices will energy keep pace with metals? What does all this mean for the trading sector and investors? Returning to the HC Commodities Podcast to give his analysis of the commodities markets over the last year, and what the outlook is, is Jeff Currie, now Chief  Strategy Officer of En...

Episode 209 16 July 2024 47m and 29s

Data Centers: engines of change in power markets with Eugene McGrane

Data Centers: engines of change in power markets with Eugene McGrane

Data is the new the economic engine of the world. Globally, data centers are proliferating bringing their huge demand for energy – especially clean energy delivered reliably. Markets, policy and regulation are still adapting, often too slowly, to the changing energy mix and decarbonization demand. Could data centers be the engines of change to bring our power grids into a renewable ready world? Could this be the energy management opportunity of the decade for power traders? Our guest, Eugene McGrane argues just this. Eugene is an Executive Managing Director at Cushman Wakefield, supporting their power clients across all real estate ca...

Episode 208 9 July 2024 42m and 46s

Commodities in Portfolio Construction with Hussein Allidina

Commodities in Portfolio Construction with Hussein Allidina

In this episode we explore commodities’ role in asset management and portfolio construction? Why should asset managers and investors seek exposure to commodities within their portfolios? What are their historical long-term performance as part of a broader mix of equities and debt? Indeed, are institutional investors currently underweighted, especially as we enter a period of higher inflation and industrial restructuring? Our guest argues they are and outlines why: Hussein Allidina is Managing Director and head of commodities at Toronto Dominion Asset Management.

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Episode 207 2 July 2024 38m and 26s

Hedging with Samuel Basi

Hedging with Samuel Basi

Hedging is the basic tool of the commodity trader. Yet, outside that community it is little taught, little understood and underutilized – especially as raw material prices are becoming more volatile in an age of disruption. What is hedging? What are the costs and benefits and why is it not more exploited up and down the value chain. Our guest is Samuel Basi, author of the new book “Perfectly Hedged. A Practical Guide to Base Metals”. Samuel is the founder and CEO of Perfectly Hedged LLC a training consultancy for the sector and a former metals trader at both Trafigura and Gr...

Episode 206 25 June 2024 34m and 9s

Geographic Arbitrage with Michael Ferrari

Geographic Arbitrage with Michael Ferrari

In commodities, the lowest cost producer or shipper is king.This in turn drives siting assets, determined by human factors such as cost, legal and tax regimes and geographic factors like proximity to rivers, coasts, production and markets. However, today the world is becoming more volatile both in weather events and in policy. And in fact locations a few miles apart can have very different risk profiles – with those choosing wisely outstripping competitors as crucial times of disruption.  And those risks are now being mapped down to the precise GPS coordinates. Our guest is someone who is leading the cha...

Episode 205 19 June 2024 39m and 35s

The Unstoppable, Exponential Energy Transition with Kingsmill Bond

The Unstoppable, Exponential Energy Transition with Kingsmill Bond

In this episode, our guest argues that not only is the energy transition happening, it’s happening faster and more profoundly that you can imagine…and it’s being led by China. The ‘age of renewables’ will be very different than the ‘age of carbon’ and the same forecasting assumptions do not apply. The energy transition is being driven by technology, economics, geo-strategy and, of-course, necessity. And the data proves it. Our guest is Kingsmill Bond, Senior Principal at the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI). Kingsmill’s latest analysis is available in the link in the show notes.

Episode 204 11 June 2024 47m and 25s

Russian Sanctions with Sarah Hunt

Russian Sanctions with Sarah Hunt

In a deglobalizing and volatile world, sanctions can upend commodity markets overnight. Commodities underpin global trade and are often themselves direct targets of sanctions or swept up in restrictions imposed on trade infrastructure, such as finance and shipping. In this episode, we do a deep dive on the suite of Russian sanctions imposed since the invasion of Ukraine. How do sanctions work? How are they imposed and by whom? What are the specific Russia related sanctions and what are their consequences for the commodities sector? And how should companies prepare for and manage them? Our guest is Sarah Hunt...

Episode 203 4 June 2024 52m and 16s

The Japanese Power Market with Xavier Veillard

The Japanese Power Market with Xavier Veillard

In this episode, we are diving into the Japanese power market, which by virtue of its size, generation mix and recent liberalization, is fast becoming one of the most active power markets in the world, attracting a host of domestic and international energy merchants. What is the regulation that underpins the market? How does it function and who are the participants? Who is, and where do you get, the talent to build such a capability. Our guest is Xavier Veillard, Partner at Mckinsey, heading their global power and gas commodities offering.


Episode 202 28 May 2024 39m and 13s

Governmental Relations, Planning and Policy with Peter Stahley

Governmental Relations, Planning and Policy with Peter Stahley

Western Governments have enacted a slew of policies to support energy security and its transition to a greener future. These policies can radically shift the economic landscape for the commodity sector participants. However, the reality of implementing these policies, from the power lines needed to the mines for critical metals, requires navigating byzantine levels of planning and approval. What does this mean for the West’s ability to compete in the energy transition. What does this mean for commodity traders who have historically eschewed close governmental relations? Why does that need to change? Our guest is Peter Stahley, Senior VP...

Episode 201 21 May 2024 54m and 53s

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