Skill Piper

Rebel Buddhist

Brought to you by, Ana Verzone

Rebel Buddhist

Rebel Buddhist is all about freedom - inside and out - so if you want to tame your mind but not your life, this podcast is for you. In each episode, Master Certified Coach Ana Verzone, DNP, will teach you practical, effective tools from the fields of psychology, eastern spirituality, and self-coaching so you can train your mind to work for you instead of against you. Learn how to get out of your own way and cultivate the compassion and resilience you need for this wild new world. Explore how you can discover your own path to enlightenment and live...

...see more


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Recent Episodes of Rebel Buddhist

The Importance of Recognizing our "Growth Edge" Behaviors

The Importance of Recognizing our "Growth Edge" Behaviors

You know how sometimes you feel tired for no apparent reason, or maybe you want to check the f*ck out, or run away from it all?  Me too. Thing is, these things are all signs that we might be at a personal “growth edge.” This week we’re going to jam on how to know you’re at an edge, and why it’s SO important to identify what your “edge behaviors” are.

You will learn:

// What a growth edge is - and how knowing how we react to one helps us more effectively move through th...

Episode 226 13 September 2024 23m and 17s

How to Choose a Psychedelic Guide

How to Choose a Psychedelic Guide

This week we explore ideal things to look for when choosing a psychedelic sitter - facilitator - guide, or professional psychedelic-assisted therapist. We consider the different needs that arise around journeys for consciousness exploration and personal growth vs therapy, as well as things to think about if there is a significant medical or psychiatric history.

You will learn:

// Specific questions to ask when interviewing a potential guide

// Why it’s important for a guide to have both a technical skill set for the safety of the mind and body AND the capacity to ho...

Episode 225 6 September 2024 30m and 29s

Deep Seeing of Others and Ourselves

Deep Seeing of Others and Ourselves

This week we’re talking about the Deep Seeing of others - and ourselves. Deep Seeing helps us create more authentic and connected community, and a more enriched daily life. We’ll debunk the idea that what we DO is who we ARE, and jam on how to get to the core of other peoples’ essence (and our own). Plus, I’ll give you some ways you can practice deeply seeing and understanding others starting today.

You will learn:

// Why we often reduce others' identities (and our own) to what we DO, and how we can dive...

Episode 224 30 August 2024 18m and 23s

The Insecurities That Keep Us From Letting Go and Creating Space For Something New

The Insecurities That Keep Us From Letting Go and Creating Space For Something New

This week, we’re going to dive into the most common insecurities that keep us from letting go of our beloved STUFF and declutter our physical space and minds. I’ll talk about my own experiences and insecurities when it comes to getting rid of things - despite my years of work on trying to let go of attachments to it all. Plus, we’ll talk about some ways we can reframe our thoughts around our possessions, keeping only those items that bring us true joy and freedom.

You will learn:

// Why so many of us hav...

Episode 223 23 August 2024 24m and 47s

Struggling with When Things End

Struggling with When Things End

In this week’s Episode we jam on a daily practice we can do to decrease unnecessary suffering - which is what this podcast is all about! It’s completely natural that things end - relationships, careers, objects we adore, and more. Yet we have so much resistance when things do come to an end, often feeling like it wasn’t supposed to happen. We’ll talk about the concept of “little deaths” that we experience in everyday life, plus the difference between when an ending is more easily accepted vs when we have more resistance. 

We also dive int...

Episode 222 16 August 2024 32m and 22s

Greatest Hits Vol. 21 - Changing Our Relationship with Death

Greatest Hits Vol. 21 - Changing Our Relationship with Death

This week is a Greatest Hits throwback to one of my fave topics: death and impermanence! We’re gonna jam on why we often avoid thinking about death… and what acknowledging it can teach us about living now. I’ll also open up about one of my own biggest regrets in life and how it pushed me to create the life I wanted and live in integrity.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

// How to stop avoiding thinking about death – and how to instead acknowledge what facing it can teach you about living now

// A few...

Episode 221 9 August 2024 22m and 43s

Greatest Hits Vol. 20 - Freedom to Change Your Mind

Greatest Hits Vol. 20 - Freedom to Change Your Mind

This week we talk about why we feel obligated to finish everything we start - even if we’re miserable in it. Careers, relationships, even small things like movies and a bad meal. Often it’s because we think changing our minds equals failure or some sort, but there are many others I’ll cover in this episode. I also share how we can make every choice worth it... even when that means walking away from something we’ve put a lot of time, money, and energy into.

You will learn:

// Why we force ourselves to compl...

Episode 220 2 August 2024 19m and 32s

Our True Self vs Our Self-Like Parts

Our True Self vs Our Self-Like Parts

This week we dive into the concept of Self-like parts - those parts of us that SEEM like well-intentioned, wise, compassionate parts of us, but that ultimately still feed the immature ego and false sense of self. We also explore the concept of Self in Internal Family Systems and how Buddhist philosophy can help us know when we’re driven by our True Self vs our Self-like parts.

You will learn:

// What the Self is and how it relates to the theory of Internal Family Systems… and our core essence

// How self-like parts affe...

Episode 219 26 July 2024 25m and 52s

Radical Communication

Radical Communication

This week we explore radical and authentic communication, and how things can shift when we show up defenseless and in our true power. I’ll give you some ways you can enter into communication with the intention of growth and understanding, and explain the dangers of “right vs wrong” thinking.

You will learn:

// The problem with entering into communication with a right vs wrong mindset

// How to enter into communication to share our experience instead of prove a point

// The ways that defenseless can help us open up our hearts and minds...

Episode 218 19 July 2024 13m and 39s

Patience on the Path

Patience on the Path

In this episode, we talk about our (very) human need to have healing move quickly… and how any person who has suffered and made a lot of progress can tell you that it takes patience and time. We’ll talk about how to hold realistic expectations for any “quick-fix” approaches you may try and the dangers of a quick-fix mindset. I’ll also give you some great ways we can all work to cultivate that necessary patience!

You will learn:

// Why it’s important to not give up hope if our old patterns recur

// The dan...

Episode 217 12 July 2024 15m and 16s

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