Skill Piper

Get Off The Bench Podcast

Brought to you by, Kerryn Vaughan

Get Off The Bench Podcast

Get Off The Bench podcast showcases people who have backed themselves and are having a go, in the hope that others will be inspired to ‘get off the bench’ and do the thing they’ve always wanted to do.

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Recent Episodes of Get Off The Bench Podcast

Tiffanee Cook - Piffing the small talk

Tiffanee Cook - Piffing the small talk

Tiffanee Cook is a dynamic force in the worlds of boxing, coaching, podcasting, and speaking, driven by a passion to understand why some people thrive after life’s challenges. 

As a boxer and coach, her experiences shape her insightful approach to personal development.

Her podcast is a rich tapestry of narratives, where she explores a range of topics - from mindset and adversity to neuroscience and resilience. She blends personal stories with scientific research, offering listeners diverse perspectives on human potential and growth.

As a certified coach and personal trainer, Tiffanee is dedicated to...

Episode 231 29 August 2024 1h, 7m and 47s

Kerryn Vaughan - Drawing the line

Kerryn Vaughan - Drawing the line

It seems we’re always quick to judge or blame others, and just as quick to sit in denial or to justify our position. Often even when we know were are in the wrong! But how often are we accountable for our words and actions? And do we take responsibility for things that need to sit with us? What about owning up when we make a mistake. The latter are all things that sit above the metaphorical line, and being above the line helps us to perform better and build stronger relationships. But is it OK to go below th...

Episode 230 22 August 2024 16m and 16s

Kerryn Vaughan - Finding happiness in a box

Kerryn Vaughan - Finding happiness in a box

Happiness is that elusive thing we all chase, but what does it actually mean? What if we replaced that never-ending search with celebration and seeking moments of joy. Those things that bring us energy, put a smile on our dial, and fill our cups. What then, are we doing that is compromising our happiness and our opportunity to find those moments of joy, and can we do more of the things that are contributing to our wellbeing?


Sam Horn 

Episode 229 15 August 2024 15m and 33s

Kerryn Vaughan - Identity and authenticity

Kerryn Vaughan - Identity and authenticity

What if we could live our lives for ourselves, and not living to please the expectations of others? Do we even know what that would look like? The number one regret of the dying, according to author Bronnie Ware, is “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me”. When we know what we stand for and what values drive us, we have more confidence to stand in our space and assert and manage our own lives the way we want it to be. Ultimately we want to go...

Episode 228 8 August 2024 21m and 51s

Kerryn Vaughan - Exploring emotions

Kerryn Vaughan - Exploring emotions

We all have emotions and they are actually a great thing. Emotions are often labelled positive and negative because of the way they make us feel, but all emotions serve a wonderful purpose - to motivate us to take action to avoid or gain. All emotions come with a physical sensation, thoughts, and a behaviour. When we get an emotional charge, we can choose to suppress, react or respond. The good news is, we always have the choice.

Episode 227 1 August 2024 22m and 49s

Kerryn Vaughan - Challenging the fear of failure

Kerryn Vaughan - Challenging the fear of failure

Fear of failure is a very real thing and impacts almost all of us. But what if we pushed past that fear and took a risk to do something important to us? That’s where growth lives, and satisfaction, and confidence. We allow our beliefs and past experiences to determine what we try into the future and so many incredible dreams are never brought to life because of that fear. We miss grand opportunities and can end up chronically sick simply because we allow fear to paralyse us. But what if we put one foot in front of the ot...

Episode 226 25 July 2024 35m and 43s

Kerryn Vaughan - Zen outside of the comfort zone

Kerryn Vaughan - Zen outside of the comfort zone

This week my partner and I went to Metung Hot Springs. We booked it couple of months ago thinking it would be great to go in winter as the outside temperature would be freezing but it would be lovely and warm in the hot pools. However, we didn’t take into account that it might bucket down rain, because it is winter, and that we might actually decide to sit in the car at Metung, chomping on a pie while watching the pelicans rather than immerse ourselves in the geo-thermal pools. What we needed was a big attitude change an...

Episode 225 18 July 2024 20m and 36s

Kerryn Vaughan - Just behave yourself

Kerryn Vaughan - Just behave yourself

Challenging behaviour is something we all face, not only due to another person’s behaviour, but also our own. None of us are perfect and we all produce triggers that set off other people’s hot buttons. But what’s under the behaviour? Before we go judging and criticising others, and pointing our fingers at them believing we are in the right and they are dysfunctional, maybe we need to understand what drives behaviour and how our own interpretations and perspectives assist us, rightly or wrongly, in determining if a behaviour os good or bad. Some great tips in this o...

Episode 224 11 July 2024 28m and 14s

Justin ‘Jonesy’ Jones - Daring to live the dream

Justin ‘Jonesy’ Jones - Daring to live the dream

Justin Jones, otherwise affectionately known as Jonesy, is one of Australia’s pre-eminent explorers, key­note speakers, adventure thinkers and storytellers.

Over the past 19 years he has made a career of undertaking huge, epic, record setting expeditions around the world and sharing these on the stage and on screen. To date he’s spoken to over 350,000 people in 20 countries around the world and millions have watched his award winning documentaries.

He’s kayaked across the Tasman Sea from Australia to New Zealand, become the first to ski to the South Pole and back and walked across...

Episode 223 6 July 2024 1h, 5m and 55s

Kellie Eddy - Finding purpose in weddings and funerals

Kellie Eddy - Finding purpose in weddings and funerals

Kellie Eddy is a Civil Celebrant of 6 and a half years, based in Gippsland. She specialises in weddings, funerals and MC’ing events. Kellie has developed a fresh approach to sharing stories celebrating both life and love. 

A mother to two little ones and a Step Mum to a teen. After a decade and a half of trying pursuing different career paths; from Education, Employment to a singing Pizza Van owner she has now settled into a full time career within the Celebrant industry.  




Episode 222 27 June 2024 59m and 53s

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