Skill Piper

Take the Leap

Brought to you by, Colleen Biggs

Take the Leap

When was the last time you took a leap of faith trusting that everything is going to work out? Do you crave growth, or are you merely content with the status quo? If you want more out of your life, out of your career, and out of your relationships, you are in the right place. It’s time for you to step into the Spotlight to expand your influence and attract the right clients. Your Host, Colleen Biggs, will expose the actions you need to take, through the experiences and interviews of our guests, so you no longer are sitting on...

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Recent Episodes of Take the Leap

How To Thrive Despite The Past

How To Thrive Despite The Past

Episode #185: How To Thrive Despite The Past

Join us today as Colleen prepares a solo episode. I delved into some deep topics that have been resonating with many women I've encountered recently. Today, I want to share three key takeaways from this powerful episode:

1. Redefining Success

In the episode, I discussed the importance of redefining success and breaking free from societal norms. Success is not just about numbers, likes, or followers. It's about embracing who you are and recognizing your worth as a unique individual. Remember, you are already someone special just as you are.<...

Episode 6 September 2024 16m and 12s

Letting Go And Living Without Attachments

Letting Go And Living Without Attachments

Episode #184: Letting Go And Living Without Attachments

Join us today as Colleen Interview's Dan Woerheide on Take the Leap. In this episode, we delved into the topic of eliminating attachments to specific outcomes, and Dan shared some valuable insights that I can't wait to share with you all. Here are three key takeaways from our conversation:

Episode 2 September 2024 35m and 27s

Unlocking Optimal Health

Unlocking Optimal Health

Episode #183: Unlocking Optimal Health

Join us today as Colleen Interview's Melissa Deally on Take the Leap. In this episode, we delved deep into the importance of holistic health, the transformative power of education for girls, and the keys to living a vibrant and purposeful life. Here are three key takeaways from our enlightening conversation:

Episode 29 August 2024 42m and 1s

The Power Of Embracing Change

The Power Of Embracing Change

Episode #182: The Power Of Embracing Change

Join us today as Colleen Interview's Randi Deckard on Take the Leap. In this episode, I had the pleasure of chatting with the incredible Randi Deckard, who shared her inspiring journey from a clinical lab scientist to a GTM leader.

Episode 22 August 2024 32m and 32s

Embracing Your Inner Calm

Embracing Your Inner Calm

Episode #181: Embracing Your Inner Calm

Join us today as Colleen Interview's Elaine Glass on Take the Leap. In this episode, Elaine shares valuable insights on reconnecting to our true soul's calling and living a more purposeful life.

Here are three key takeaways from our enlightening conversation:

Nurture Your Body: Elaine emphasizes the importance of nurturing our bodies as the first step towards reconnecting with our true selves. By tuning into what our bodies need and clearing out what no longer serves us, we can create a strong foundation for personal growth and well-being. Clear...

Episode 15 August 2024 28m and 16s

Journey To Financial Independence

Journey To Financial Independence

Episode 6 August 2024 28m and

Recalibrating Your Thoughts

Recalibrating Your Thoughts

Join us today as Colleen Interview's Michele Blood on Take the Leap. In this episode, Michelle shares her inspiring journey from a successful rock singer to a creator of positive affirmation songs after a near-fatal car accident.

Here are three key takeaways from this empowering conversation:

Episode 1 August 2024 27m and 3s

The Power Of Intuition In Business And Life

The Power Of Intuition In Business And Life

Episode #178: The Power Of Intuition In Business And Life

Join us today as Colleen Interview's Melinda Vanfleet on Take the Leap. In this episode, Melinda shares her inspiring journey of taking a leap of faith and following her intuition to achieve success in her business and personal life.

Here are three key takeaways from our conversation:

Trusting Your Intuition: Melinda emphasizes the importance of listening to your gut feeling and following your intuition. She highlights how tuning into your intuitive energy can lead to success in various aspects of life, including relationships, business, and...

Episode 30 July 2024 39m and 3s

Transform Your Business With BANK Methodology

Transform Your Business With BANK Methodology

Episode #177: Transform Your Business With BANK Methodology

Join us today as Colleen Interview's Kelly Leightner on Take the Leap. In this episode, we dove deep into the world of personality intelligence and how it can revolutionize the way you communicate, sell, and build relationships.

Here are three key takeaways from our enlightening conversation:

Understanding B.A.N.K. Personality Types: Kelly introduced us to the B.A.N.K. acronym, which stands for Blueprint, Action, Nurturing, and Knowledge. Each personality type has unique characteristics and preferences that can significantly impact how you interact with...

Episode 25 July 2024 35m and 6s

How To Prevent Burnout And Thrive

How To Prevent Burnout And Thrive

Episode 23 July 2024 34m and 32s

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