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Hold These Truths with Dan Crenshaw

Brought to you by, Dan Crenshaw

Hold These Truths with Dan Crenshaw

Congressman Dan Crenshaw joins the world's leading experts for deep and insightful conversations about the most important issues facing us today.

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Recent Episodes of Hold These Truths with Dan Crenshaw

Biden Drops Out: The New Electoral Landscape | Dr. Frank Luntz and Kristen Soltis Anderson

Biden Drops Out: The New Electoral Landscape | Dr. Frank Luntz and Kristen Soltis Anderson

Conservative pollsters Dr. Frank Luntz and Kristen Soltis Anderson return to discuss how the election dynamics have shifted since the assassination attempt on President Trump and the coronation of Kamala Harris. What’s the state of the race since Biden dropped out? Who is the most dangerous (for Republicans) VP that Kamala could choose? What does JD Vance bring to the table for Trump? What are the prospects for Republicans in the House and Senate? As good as the polling looks now, Frank and Kristen explain why Republicans should run through the tape and not be overly confident.

Episode 26 July 2024 1h, 35s

The Trump Assassination Attempt: Facts VS Myth

The Trump Assassination Attempt: Facts VS Myth

Three key things I want to address, based on my own experiences planning and executing operations and also my conversations with law enforcement and Secret Service. This is a must watch.

1. What’s up with that building? Why wasn’t it secure?

2. Did the Secret Service counter sniper really just watch the assassin and refuse to shoot him?

3. Was the Secret Service ordered NOT to shoot the assassin??

Episode 16 July 2024 8m and 9s

Why You Should Care a Lot More About Critical Minerals | Michelle Foss, Ph.D.

Why You Should Care a Lot More About Critical Minerals | Michelle Foss, Ph.D.

Rice University’s Michelle Foss, Ph.D. gives us a crash course in critical minerals: what they are, where they come from, why we need them, and their geostrategic implications. We look at the future of deep-sea mining to harvest the vast resources laying on the sea floor. And we talk about the rapidly developing tech of carbon nanotubes, which are on the verge of revolutionizing everything from battery capacity to airplanes (and, of course, make the Batman suit a reality).

Michelle Foss, Ph.D., is the fellow in energy, minerals & materials at Rice University’s Baker Inst...

Episode 28 June 2024 48m and 35s

Human Trafficking Is Not What You Think | Austin Shamlin

Human Trafficking Is Not What You Think | Austin Shamlin

Human trafficking and modern slavery are very much a reality – but it’s nothing like how you see it depicted in movies. Austin Shamlin joined Rep. Crenshaw to debunk the common misconceptions and describe how human trafficking networks really operate. Austin breaks down the new approaches, using data intelligence, to dismantle global networks and rescue trafficked children. They end with a thorough analysis of the downfall of Haiti.

Austin Shamlin is the CEO and founder of Traverse Project, a nonprofit to combat human trafficking networks through data intelligence. He has served in the law enforcement and security indu...

Episode 14 June 2024 1h, 11m and 55s

Canceling the American Mind | Greg Lukianoff

Canceling the American Mind | Greg Lukianoff

The Coddling of the American Mind co-author Greg Lukianoff joins Rep. Crenshaw for a fun, wide-ranging conversation about cancel culture, the limits of free speech, and social psychology. Do some people deserve to be canceled? Should children be banned from using social media?  When do political protestors cross the line? What rhetorical devices do the left and right use to derail honest debates? And how can we all use the checklist of cognitive distortions to save our own sanity? All of this and much more with one of the most articulate thinkers of our time.



Episode 7 June 2024 1h, 22m and 1s

Get Back to Work: A Crisis of Laziness or Dependency? | David Bahnsen

Get Back to Work: A Crisis of Laziness or Dependency? | David Bahnsen

Bernie’s 32-hour work week proposal. Retired boomers golfing 7 days a week.  Declining workforce participation. Rising disability claims. What do all these things have in common? David Bahnsen argues it’s all part of a broad cultural change in people’s attitudes towards the importance of work for their personal fulfillment. He joined Rep. Crenshaw to discuss what this means for the state of our economy, our happiness, and our purpose in life.

David Bahnsen is the author of “Full Time: Work and the Meaning of Life” and a regular contributor to National Review. He is the founder of...

Episode 30 May 2024 1h, 30s

Liz Truss on the Struggle for Conservatism

Liz Truss on the Struggle for Conservatism

Former UK Prime Minister Liz Truss joins Rep. Crenshaw to discuss the mutual challenges they face within the conservative movement and against the far left in their respective nations. PM Truss also gives us a lesson in UK Parliament 101, the Bank of England’s powerful influence over the government, and what she experienced in her tenure as Prime Minister.

Liz Truss is the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and leader of the Conservative Party. She is the author of “Ten Years to Save the West.” Follow her on X at @trussliz.

Episode 24 May 2024 1h, 2m and 27s

The Holy Grail in Healthcare Innovation | Dr. Scott Gottlieb

The Holy Grail in Healthcare Innovation | Dr. Scott Gottlieb

Dr. Scott Gottlieb returns! The former FDA Commissioner gives us a deep dive into the revolutionary advances in cell/gene therapies and other treatments that have the potential to cure cancer, reverse aging, and re-engineer our DNA. We also discuss the emerging role of AI in healthcare and get a bit wonky discussing regulatory hurdles at the FDA. A must-listen for anyone interested in the future of healthcare, the impact of policy on medical innovation, and the exciting possibilities of gene and cell therapy. 

Dr. Scott Gottlieb served as the twenty-third commissioner of the FDA under President T...

Episode 16 May 2024 1h, 5m and 33s

On the Ground at the Columbia U Encampment | Zach Kessel

On the Ground at the Columbia U Encampment | Zach Kessel

National Review’s Zach Kessel has been on the ground at Columbia University covering the pro-Hamas student protests. He joined Rep. Crenshaw to discuss his observations from talking with students about their motivations and end goals. They cover the influence of faculty and outside groups in organizing the encampments. And they discuss the legal ramifications of universities actively enabling antisemitism and discriminatory admissions. 

Zach Kessel is a William F. Buckley Jr. Fellow in Political Journalism at National Review and a recent graduate of Northwestern University. Follow him on X at @zach_kessel.

Episode 8 May 2024 49m and 9s

Silent Invasion: How China Uses Fentanyl as a Weapon Against the U.S. | Peter Schweizer

Silent Invasion: How China Uses Fentanyl as a Weapon Against the U.S. | Peter Schweizer

It’s a well-known fact that fentanyl precursors come from China, but just how deeply involved is the Chinese government in the drug trade? Investigative journalist Peter Schweizer’s research has exposed a strategic partnership between the CCP and the Mexican drug cartels that goes way beyond shipping precursors. Peter uncovers China’s central role in the supply chain, the distribution, and the money laundering that enables the cartels to kill tens of thousands of Americans every year with deadly fentanyl. Peter also highlights the personal and financial ties that China has developed with U.S. politicians to influence policy...

Episode 2 May 2024 41m and 46s

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