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Insight Myanmar

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Insight Myanmar

Insight Myanmar is a beacon for those seeking to understand the intricate dynamics of Myanmar. With a commitment to uncovering truth and fostering understanding, the podcast brings together activists, artists, leaders, monastics, and authors to share their first-hand experiences and insights. Each episode delves deep into the struggles, hopes, and resilience of the Burmese people, offering listeners a comprehensive, on-the-ground perspective of the nation's quest for democracy and freedom. And yet, Insight Myanmar is not just a platform for political discourse; it's a sanctuary for spiritual exploration. Our discussions intertwine the struggles for democracy with the deep-rooted meditation traditions of...

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Recent Episodes of Insight Myanmar

Bonus Content: An Interview with The Bangkok Podcast

Bonus Content: An Interview with The Bangkok Podcast

We were honored to join our friends at The Bangkok Podcast to discuss the origins of our platform and how we've navigated the challenges of hosting discussions in the post-coup environment. We are sharing an interview that occurred on their feed earlier in the year.

Episode 13 September 2024 36m and 51s

Navigating a Mine Field

Navigating a Mine Field

Episode #267: Yèshua Moser-Puangsuwan discusses the profound impact of landmines in Myanmar with an equal mix of empathy and depth. He vividly describes how retreating soldiers have planted landmines indiscriminately in both military and civilian areas, leading to devastating consequences. His meticulous investigations reveal the Myanmar military's systematic and large-scale use of landmines, which he categorizes as war crimes due to their indiscriminate nature. Yet he is unsparing of resistance groups in his exposé as well. His extensive fieldwork and research have shown that landmines often harm civilians long after conflicts have ended.


Yèshua's work...

Episode 267 10 September 2024 1h, 46m and 42s

Namaste to Nowhere

Namaste to Nowhere

Episode #266: We are joined by Kimi Colney and Makepeace Sitlhou, journalists covering the humanitarian crisis and ethnic conflicts along the Indo-Myanmar border in India’s northeastern states. They discuss the complex dynamics of this region, characterized by its diversity in ethnicity, language, and religion, and its physical and psychological isolation from the rest of India.

Kimi and Makepeace highlight how this area, often overlooked by India's central government, faces significant challenges in managing the influx of refugees fleeing the military junta's violence in Myanmar. Mizoram, one of the states in Northeast India, has shown solidarity with these re...

Episode 266 6 September 2024 1h, 8m and 18s

Reading the Tea Leaves

Reading the Tea Leaves

Episode #265: Marc Batac's story is one of profound political transformation, reflecting the broader struggles of Southeast Asia. Born in the eastern regions of the Philippines, Marc's early exposure to socioeconomic struggle, and the dysfunctionality of governance and political patronage in his homeland, shaped his worldview and set him on a course of activism.

In 2017, Marc played a pivotal role in helping organize a regional youth meeting that laid the groundwork for the Milk Tea Alliance (MTA), a transnational movement advocating for democracy and human rights. The Alliance, born out of a shared experience of state violence and...

Episode 265 3 September 2024 1h, 53m and 28s

The Cure Lies Within

The Cure Lies Within

Episode #264: Shalini Sri Perumal delves into her expertise in community-based healthcare, particularly focusing on the integration of indigenous and traditional medicine among Burmese migrant women in Thailand. Shalini's professional journey includes significant work with the Mae Tao Clinic on the Thai-Burma border, an important healthcare facility founded by Dr. Cynthia Maung. The clinic has expanded over the years, offering a wide range of services including reproductive health, dental care, and maternal care, despite facing challenges such as limited funding and the discrimination that Burmese migrants often encounter.

Shalini emphasizes the critical role of traditional medicine in preserving...

Episode 264 31 August 2024 1h, 33m and 57s

Passage to India

Passage to India

Episode #263: Sanjay Valentine Gathia weighs in on the complex India-Myanmar relationship, highlighting the historical context and evolving policies that have shaped it. He underscores the importance of understanding the diverse voices emerging from Myanmar's Spring Revolution, emphasizing the need for India to reassess its strategic interests and adopt a more inclusive approach.

He critiques the Indian military's predominant influence on their country’s relationship with Myanmar, which is primarily based on finding ways to leverage a positive relationship to get the Burmese military to crack down on Indian guerrilla groups that operate across the northeastern border. Instead, Ga...

Episode 263 27 August 2024 1h, 18m and 14s

A Woman’s Place is in the Revolution

A Woman’s Place is in the Revolution

Episode #262: Hnin Thet Hmu Khin, a dedicated women's rights activist, reveals the often undocumented struggles and triumphs of women in Myanmar's revolution. Despite their widespread and committed participation, women are conspicuously absent from media narratives and decision-making roles, often relegated to the background even as they stand at the forefront of the fight for freedom. She bravely discusses the pervasive gender stereotypes and the alarming incidents of sexual violence within revolutionary ranks, challenging the listener to confront these uncomfortable truths.

She also highlights the often-overlooked contributions of military wives, whose influence has led to numerous defections, turning...

Episode 262 24 August 2024 1h, 53m and 4s

From The Ground Up

From The Ground Up

Episode #261: Saw Kapi delves into his journey and contributions to Myanmar's democratic and educational landscape. His story began with involvement in the 1988 student uprising against military rule, which led him to the Thai-Burma border to join the resistance. The struggle for democracy became a central theme in his life, intertwining with his identity as a student and later as an educator.

Saw Kapi emphasizes the critical role of education in revolution, stressing that a well-educated population is essential for sustainable change. He highlights his efforts in preparing young Burmese for international scholarships and higher education, aiming to...

Episode 261 21 August 2024 2h, 1m and 31s

Beyond the Headlines

Beyond the Headlines

Episode #260: Helene Buchholz, a journalist from Germany, ventured into the heart of Myanmar's conflict, driven by a personal mission to shed light on an underreported crisis. A radio journalist for the German public broadcasting network, Helene stepped out of her comfort zone, undergoing extensive training to prepare for the dangers that lay ahead.

In Myanmar, Helene embedded herself with the People's Defense Force (PDF), a group of civilians turned resistance fighters. These were not seasoned soldiers, but new volunteers from diverse backgrounds, unified by a shared purpose: to protect their people from the brutal military junta. Helene’s...

Episode 260 16 August 2024 1h, 11m and 41s

Dr. Jenny Ko Gyi

Dr. Jenny Ko Gyi

Episode #259: When Dr. Jenny Ko Gyi followed her military husband to a remote posting in rural Gangaw, she had no idea how profoundly the experience would affect not only her own spiritual life, but also go on to impact the lives of hundreds of thousands of meditators across Myanmar.

Jenny was working at the local clinic, and a colleague told her about a small meditation retreat she had attended deep in the forest, on Monle Hillock. Jenny was keen to visit, although it was not an easy trek to the monastery; in fact, she might have been...

Episode 259 13 August 2024 1h, 46m and 2s

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