Skill Piper

The Great Sources with Rabbi Shnayor Burton

Brought to you by, Rabbi Shnayor Burton

The Great Sources with Rabbi Shnayor Burton

Lecture series in Jewish Philosophy. What was the purpose of Creation? What is man's place in the world? What are prophecy and prayer about? What is the significance of Shabbos and the Promised Land? Explore these fundamental questions of Judaism from their sources, and become familiar with the systems developed by the great Torah thinkers: R' Saadiah Gaon, R' Yehuda HaLevi, R' Bachya ibn Paquda, Rambam and the school of the Mekubalim. Opportunities for sponsorship of podcasts are available. Rabbi Burton can be reached at:

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Recent Episodes of The Great Sources with Rabbi Shnayor Burton

S7 E8.2 The Guide of the Perplexed, The Problem of Evil, 04: Transcendent God, Moses, and the Body, pt. 2

S7 E8.2 The Guide of the Perplexed, The Problem of Evil, 04: Transcendent God, Moses, and the Body, pt. 2

This lecture series is a project of כרם בין תורה לחכמה, generously sponsored by R' Yoel Werzberger.

0:00 Man is both a composite of body and soul, and pure soul

2:30 The question of the eternity or createdness of the world underpins the two different ways of viewing human beings

7:00 Seth was similar to Adam, who was the only man created ex nihilo and therefore uniquely spiritual

11:00 Why bodily affairs matter

Episode 8 7 August 2024 18m and 42s

S7, E8.1 The Guide of the Perplexed, The Problem of Evil, 04: Transcendent God, Moses, and the Body, pt. 1

S7, E8.1 The Guide of the Perplexed, The Problem of Evil, 04: Transcendent God, Moses, and the Body, pt. 1

This lecture series is a project of כרם בין תורה לחכמה, generously sponsored by R' Yoel Werzberger.

00:30 Moses perceived the whole of the universe, which is "all of God's goodness"

2:15 In order to understand the true nature of reality, one has to transcend the body

10:00 Was Moses' great perception the whole of the created universe or God's transcendence?

14:00 One cannot understand God's transcendence without understanding the whole of the created universe; and one cannot understand the whole of the created universe without understanding God's transcendence

21:00 What is actually meant by "God saw that it...

Episode 8 7 August 2024 54m and 28s

S7, E7 The Guide of the Perplexed, The Problem of Evil, 03: The Good God, Evil, and the Body

S7, E7 The Guide of the Perplexed, The Problem of Evil, 03: The Good God, Evil, and the Body

This lecture series is a project of כרם בין תורה לחכמה, generously sponsored by R' Yoel Werzberger.

Highlights: 00:00 The meaning of "good" according to Crescas; Plato and Aristotle on the meaning of "good"; Maimonides' strange silence on the issue

18:30 Maimonides shifts theodicy from ethics to metaphysics

20:00 Privation as a principle of reality

31:00 The dynamic interplay between being and non-being

37:00 Understanding the nature of being is how beings learn to appreciate being

50:30 Why do all humans think there is evil if there really isn't any?

54:00 Knowledge and the forms are eternal


Episode 7 31 July 2024 1h, 6m and 32s

S7, E6 The Guide of the Perplexed, The Problem of Evil, 02: Non-Existent Evil

S7, E6 The Guide of the Perplexed, The Problem of Evil, 02: Non-Existent Evil

This lecture series is a project of כרם בין תורה לחכמה, generously sponsored by R' Yoel Werzberger. Highlights:

1:00 Goodness is what is real, and evil is privation

3:20 The goodness of the universe is the foundational notion of the whole Torah

9:00 Are the masses of today similar to the masses in the past?

11:30 Existence is good as judged by all existents

14:45 Creation ex Nihilo and evil as privation

16:45 Non-existence is evil only relative to existence

28:30 Confronting evil is confronting the nothingness that preceded Creation, and induces fear of God due to its absurdit...

Episode 6 23 July 2024 59m and 44s

S5, E26 Exodus, Exile and Redemption, Sec. 3, Chapter 1: To Know or Not to Know

S5, E26 Exodus, Exile and Redemption, Sec. 3, Chapter 1: To Know or Not to Know

"Exodus, Exile and Redemption" is a study of the profound significance of Judaism's history. Written essays are published bi-weekly here: Please subscribe! This series is a project of the Jacob Lights Foundation. To support this and other ongoing projects of the foundation, please consider becoming a paid subscriber to the Substack newsletter or making a donation via Zelle to

Episode 26 15 July 2024 6m and 56s

S7, E5 The Guide of the Perplexed, The Problem of Evil, 01: What Does "Good" Mean & Why is Existence Good?

S7, E5 The Guide of the Perplexed, The Problem of Evil, 01: What Does "Good" Mean & Why is Existence Good?

This lecture series is a project of כרם בין תורה לחכמה, generously sponsored by R' Yoel Werzberger.

Highlights: 2:30 The problem of evil 5:30 The foundation of the Torah is that the universe is good 8:30 All evils are privations, made by God only indirectly 17:20 What does it contribute to a theodicy to say that God makes evils only indirectly? 21:00 What determines that existence is good? 23:00 What does "good" mean? 26:00 "Good" is a value-judgment of approval 31:30 A person can't take a position of disapproval on existence 39:00 Judging reality is participating in reality and thus involves taking a position on the value of reality 44:30 God's viewing of the...

Episode 5 10 July 2024 1h, 9m and 14s

S5, E25 Exodus, Exile and Redemption, Sec. 2, Chapter 19: Revisiting Prophetic Judaism: The Paradox of Decline

S5, E25 Exodus, Exile and Redemption, Sec. 2, Chapter 19: Revisiting Prophetic Judaism: The Paradox of Decline

"Exodus, Exile and Redemption" is a study of the profound significance of Judaism's history. Written essays are published bi-weekly here: Please subscribe! This series is a project of the Jacob Lights Foundation. To support this and other ongoing projects of the foundation, please consider becoming a paid subscriber to the Substack newsletter or making a donation via Zelle to

Episode 25 1 July 2024 4m and 16s

S5, E24 Exodus, Exile and Redemption, Sec. 2, Chapter 18: Criticism of the Bible Critics

S5, E24 Exodus, Exile and Redemption, Sec. 2, Chapter 18: Criticism of the Bible Critics

"Exodus, Exile and Redemption" is a study of the profound significance of Judaism's history. Written essays are published bi-weekly here: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Please subscribe! This series is a project of the Jacob Lights Foundation. To support this and other ongoing projects of the foundation, please consider becoming a paid subscriber to the Substack newsletter or making a donation via Zelle to

Episode 24 1 July 2024 3m and 15s

Galus, Gerus, and Yemos HaMashiach: The Dynamic Relationship Between Yisrael l'Amim

Galus, Gerus, and Yemos HaMashiach: The Dynamic Relationship Between Yisrael l'Amim

What is the nature of the relationship between Yisrael and the nations?

What does the Torah expect from the other nations?

Is conversion a positive or a negative?

What is the function of conversion to Judaism in the Torah's plan and in the destiny of Yisrael?

Guest Shiur in Kodesh, North Woodmere

Episode 11 June 2024 1h, 3m and 53s

S5, E23 Exodus, Exile and Redemption, Sec. 2, Chapter 17: Walking the Path: A Guide to Spiritual Perfection

S5, E23 Exodus, Exile and Redemption, Sec. 2, Chapter 17: Walking the Path: A Guide to Spiritual Perfection

"Exodus, Exile and Redemption" is a study of the profound significance of Judaism's history. Written essays are published bi-weekly here: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Please subscribe! This series is a project of the Jacob Lights Foundation. To support this and other ongoing projects of the foundation, please consider becoming a paid subscriber to the Substack newsletter or making a donation via Zelle to

Episode 23 3 June 2024 5m and 46s

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