Skill Piper

MSA Podcast

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MSA Podcast

It is a podcast produced by the medical students’ associations from Alfaisal University in KSA. The main idea behind this podcast is to shed the light on the creative and amazing student of the Alfaisal family.

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Recent Episodes of MSA Podcast

هل يجب على الجميع بدء بودكاست؟ مع محمود شريم

هل يجب على الجميع بدء بودكاست؟ مع محمود شريم

يحدثنا محمود عن قراره العفوي ببدأ البودكاست الخاص به وكيف كانت هذه الخطوة العفوية والغير مدروسة تماما سببا في أن تتغير حياته! محمود مؤمن بأن كل شخص فينا يجب أن يبدأ البودكاست الخاص به. لكن من أين أتت هذه القناعة؟ وهل الجميع عنده ما يستحق أن يُستمع له على أية حال؟ محمود يدافع عن رأي هذا ويستدل بقصته والمنعطفات التي مر بها حتى يصل إلى ما هو عليه الآن. 
محمود هاوٍ للطبيعة أيضًا، تحديدًا التيراريوم، وهي حدائق مصغرة في إناء زجاجي شفاف ولها نظام بيئي متكامل. 
وأخيرًا، ما قصة محمود مع الطب؟ 

قامت بإعداد الحلقة الكشافة ليان الحبيب وأشرف على هندسة وتعديل الصوت "المهندس" مَعين الداموني

شاركونا أفكاركم عن الحلقة على  #MSAPodcast ويهمنا معرفة آرائكم عن حلقاتنا، وتقييماتكم للبودكاست على منصاتنا المختلفة كما أنه بوسعكم اقتراح ضيف أو موضوع لنا بمراسلتنا على:


Episode 16 31 March 2024 48m and 27s

Ink and Inspiration: A Journey Into Sri Lanka’s Heart With Zainab Ifthikar

Ink and Inspiration: A Journey Into Sri Lanka’s Heart With Zainab Ifthikar

Zainab, a Sri Lankan author, intern, NGO founder, and award winner, discusses her interests, inspirations, commitment to her homeland and culture, involvement in community service, and her passion for writing and journaling in this episode. Tune in to learn more about Zainab's experiences and perspectives.

This episode was prepared by the scout: Hiba Raheel
And the Sound engineer for this episode: Maeen AlDamouni
Please enjoy and let us know what you think of the episode on:
To suggest guests for the upcoming episodes, reach us through our email:


Episode 15 3 December 2023 38m and 40s

Beyond Boundaries: Thriving in Academics, Wellness, and Community with Maryam Altayeb

Beyond Boundaries: Thriving in Academics, Wellness, and Community with Maryam Altayeb

Maryam Altayeb, 2023 medical graduate, aryam Altayeb recently graduated in 2023. Iepisode gives us insight on what’s it’s like being MSA’s Vice President for 2 years, her love for the gym, studying and academics, learning from others, mental and physical health, spirituality, and most importantly the value of being kind and lending a helping hand. Maryam reminds us that you never know what someone is going through and shows the importance of being humble, understanding, accepting and non-judgmental. Please tune in and listen to Maryam’s amazing experiences and wonderful advice!

This episode was prepared by the scout: L...

Episode 14 6 July 2023 1h, 31m and 29s

Why Should We Care About Raising Awareness? With Sarah Ul Haque

Why Should We Care About Raising Awareness? With Sarah Ul Haque

Sarah Ul Haque, a second year medical student, owner of “healthkhair” social media account, and pilot shares with us all her experiences learning to fly, getting a pilot’s license, and starting her very own Instagram page where she breaks the stigma on many health topics surrounding our community!


This episode was prepared by the scout: Leanne Alhabib


Please enjoy and let us know what you think of the episode on:



To suggest guests for the upcoming episodes, reach us through our email: MSA-Podcast@alfaisal.e

Episode 13 17 April 2023 47m and 57s

عن لعبة الملوك، مع عُمر الرفاعي

عن لعبة الملوك، مع عُمر الرفاعي

يحدثنا عُمر عن الشطرنج، اللعبة التي يتبين لنا من حديثه أنها أكثر بكثير من كونها لعبة لتمضية الوقت فقط. نعرف عن تاريخ الشطرنج، حاضرها، والقليل عن كيف سيبدو مستقبل اللعبة في ظل سطوة الذكاء الاصطناعي. 
ما قصة The Queen’s Gambit؟ وكيف أثر على شعبية اللعبة؟ هل يستطيع أي منا أن يلعب الشطرنج ويصل لدرجة الأستاذية (Grandmaster)؟ 
كل هذا وأكثر مع عُمر.

قامت بإعداد الحلقة الكشافة آية مقراض وأشرف على هندسة وتعديل الصوت "المهندس" مَعين الداموني


شاركونا أفكاركم عن الحلقة على  #MSAPodcast ويهمنا معرفة آرائكم عن حلقاتنا، وتقييماتكم للبودكاست على منصاتنا المختلفة كما أنه بوسعكم اقتراح ضيف أو موضوع لنا بمراسلتنا على:


Episode 12 25 February 2023 42m and 45s

Athlete-Turned-Doctor: Behind The Scenes, with Abdelrafour Houdane

Athlete-Turned-Doctor: Behind The Scenes, with Abdelrafour Houdane

Abdelrafour Houdane, an intern and future orthopedic surgeon, shares all about his journey in a variety of sports. He talks about his love for sports and how it can help him detach from reality. Abdelrafour shares his amazing experiences with rugby, surfing, skiing and so many more sports! In this episode he also shares the other aspect of sports such as injuries, recovery, and near death experiences. Sports can have an amazing impact on many and teach us all a lot, so join us in listening to this episode!


This episode was prepared by the s...

Episode 11 10 January 2023 1h, 17m and 17s

The Special Episode

The Special Episode

Our 10th episode is a special one where we as team come together! We play games, answer all your frequently asked question and even read all your wonderful comments. Join us and get to know the dynamic of your MSA Podcast!


Please enjoy and let us know what you think of the episode on: #MSAPodcast  
To suggest guests for the upcoming episodes, reach us through our email:

Episode 10 24 August 2022 1h, 19m and 23s

What Does a Gardner and a Scuba Diver Have in Common? With Lina AbuSulayman

What Does a Gardner and a Scuba Diver Have in Common? With Lina AbuSulayman

Lina, a 4th year medical student shares her devotion to taking care and pouring love to all of the variety of plants she owns. She talks about how taking care of plants and having all different kinds of plants was always incorporated in her life since childhood and it one of her many hobbies. This episode is truly interesting as it doesn’t only give insight on her love for plants, but also her love for the ocean and sea animals as she is a licensed scuba diver!


This episode was prepared by the scout: Aya...

Episode 9 29 May 2022 1h, 7m and 54s

Tales of a Traveler, with Leena Alzayer

Tales of a Traveler, with Leena Alzayer

Leena Alzayer, a first year medical student, shares the love for travel like many others, but to her traveling is not only a hobby or a summer destination, it holds genuine value and importance to her that helped shape her in the person she is today. Listen to this episode to hear more about Leena’s passion for travel.

This episode was prepared by the scout: Leanne Alhabib

Please enjoy and let us know what you think of the episode on:


To suggest guests for the upcoming episodes, reach us thr...

Episode 8 15 April 2022 56m and 37s

الطريق إلى رئاسة اتحاد الطلبة، مع يمان برغوت

الطريق إلى رئاسة اتحاد الطلبة، مع يمان برغوت

يُحدثنا يمان عن قصته، بدايةً من نشأته في سوريا، بلده التي يُحب، ووصولًا إلى الفَيصل، المكانِ الذي -على حد تعبيره- سيُغيره كثيرًا. مررنا بمحطات كثيرة، ولم يفتنا طبعًا أن نتحدث عن رئاسة يمان لاتحاد الطلبة وتمثيله لدفعته قبل ذلك. لم يتوقف يمان طيلة حديثنا معه عن أن يُلقي التحايا والمدائح على الأشخاص الذين مرَّ بهم خلال تمثيله لدفعته ورئاسته لمجلس الطلاب، لتكون حلقتنا التي أردناها له وعنه هو فقط ملونةً بأطياف الثناء عليكم وعلينا وعلى الفيصل! 

هذه الحلقة من إعداد الكشافة: آية مقراض 


شاركونا أفكاركم عن الحلقة على 
ويهمنا معرفة آرائكم عن حلقاتنا، وتقييماتكم للبودكاست على منصاتنا المختلفة
كما أنه بوسعكم اقتراح ضيف أو موضوع لنا بمراسلتنا على:


Episode 7 27 March 2022 1h, 19m and 17s

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