Skill Piper

English Learning for Curious Minds

Brought to you by, Leonardo English

English Learning for Curious Minds

Are you looking for a more interesting way to learn English? English Learning for Curious Minds is a podcast for intermediate-advanced English learners. Learn weird and wonderful things about the world at the same time as improving your English. Every episode comes with an interactive transcript, subtitles and key vocabulary and is spoken at a speed you can understand. Join listeners from 189 countries and discover a more interesting way of improving your English. Find the bonus episodes, interactive transcripts, subtitles, key vocabulary, and more at

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Recent Episodes of English Learning for Curious Minds

#492 | Cool Britannia | 1990s Britain

#492 | Cool Britannia | 1990s Britain


In this episode, we'll travel back to the 1990s and uncover the story of "Cool Britannia," a time when Britain experienced a cultural renaissance.


From Oasis to Tony Blair, The Spice Girls to Damien Hirst, we'll learn how politics, music, fashion, and art intertwined to create one of the most vibrant eras in recent British history.

Cool Britannia: A 1990s British cultural renaissance Vanity Fair's iconic 1997 cover: Liam Gallagher, Patsy Kensit Tony Blair's "New Labour" and political change in 1990s Blair's 1997 Downing Street party with cultural icons Britpop bands: Oasis, Blur, Pul...

Episode 25 July 2024 17m and 42s

#490 | JK Rowling & Transgenderism

#490 | JK Rowling & Transgenderism


JK Rowling, famous for Harry Potter, is now at the centre of a controversial debate on transgender rights.


We'll explore her views, why they've sparked so much outrage and support, and the impact on free speech laws in the UK.

JK Rowling and her views on transgenderism Tweet supporting Maya Forstater’s views on sex and gender Public reaction: support and death threats Her article explaining her five reasons for speaking out Impact on education and safeguarding Freedom of speech concerns Personal experiences influencing her opinion Criticism from Harry Potter actors Scott...

Episode 18 July 2024 19m and 4s

#488 | John Stonehouse | The Politician Who Faked His Death

#488 | John Stonehouse | The Politician Who Faked His Death


John Stonehouse, a promising British politician, disappeared off the Miami coast.


Had he drowned in a swimming accident? Had he been eaten by sharks?


To everyone's surprise, he turned up in Australia a few weeks later with a new identity...

John Stonehouse: Charismatic British politician Disappeared from a Miami beach in 1974 Mysterious reappearance in Australia Stonehouse's financial and personal troubles Speculation about Stonehouse being a Czech spy John Stonehouse's affair with his secretary Impersonation and multiple fake identities Legal trial and prison sentence Impact on British politics and the...

Episode 11 July 2024 19m and 5s

#486 | North vs. South | The Great English Divide

#486 | North vs. South | The Great English Divide


What's the difference between the North and the South of England?


And when does the "North" end and the "South" start?


In this episode, we'll explore these questions, and touch on differences in accents, lifestyles, and even what people call their evening meal.

The origins of the north-south divide in England The fuzzy line dividing north and south Common stereotypes of northerners and southerners The impact of the Industrial Revolution on the north The decline of northern industries in the 20th century Margaret Thatcher's role in closing northern coal...

Episode 4 July 2024 20m and 58s

#484 | Robert Fortune: The Man Who Stole Tea From China

#484 | Robert Fortune: The Man Who Stole Tea From China


Robert Fortune, a Scottish botanist, pulled off one of history's greatest acts of corporate espionage: stealing the secrets of tea production from China.


In this episode we'll explore his daring adventure, the fascinating world of 19th-century tea trade, and how his actions forever changed the global tea industry.

Robert Fortune's theft of tea from China Importance of tea to Britain Opium trade with China Impact of Opium Wars Restrictions on foreign travel in China Fortune's disguise and exploration Discovery of tea production methods Transportation of tea plants to India Success of the...

Episode 27 June 2024 20m and 27s

#482 | Ayn Rand & The Philosophy of Objectivism

#482 | Ayn Rand & The Philosophy of Objectivism


Ayn Rand is one of the most controversial thinkers of the 20th century.


In this episode, we'll explore her philosophy of Objectivism, which champions rational self-interest and free-market capitalism, and discuss why her ideas remain divisive today.

Ayn Rand's life and background Philosophy of Objectivism "The Fountainhead" and its themes Success and controversy of "Atlas Shrugged" Core beliefs of Objectivism Role of government in Objectivism Rational self-interest explained Controversies and criticisms of Objectivism Ayn Rand's impact and legacy Rand's personal life contradictions
Full interactive transcript, subtitles and key vocabulary available on...

Episode 20 June 2024 20m and 12s

#480 | Marcus Aurelius | The Philosopher Emperor

#480 | Marcus Aurelius | The Philosopher Emperor


Meet Marcus Aurelius, the Roman Emperor who combined power with philosophy.


In this episode, we'll learn about his famous work, "Meditations", and explore five key ideas that still resonate today.

Introduction to Marcus Aurelius Importance of his book "Meditations" Control what you can, ignore what you can't Live according to nature and rationality Continuous self-reflection and self-examination Embrace and welcome fate Awareness of impermanence and mortality Authenticity and practical advice Aurelius' personal struggles and resilience Modern resurgence of Stoicism and its relevance today
Full interactive transcript, subtitles and key vocabulary ava...

Episode 13 June 2024 17m and 22s

#478 | The UK General Election (2024)

#478 | The UK General Election (2024)


The British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has called an early general election in the UK, surprising many.  

We'll explore why he made this decision, the main themes of the election, and who could be the next Prime Minister. 

Rishi Sunak calls an early election for July 4th.History of Conservative leadership since 2010.British Prime Ministers’ unpopularity and challenges.Reasons behind Rishi Sunak's early election call.Overview of the UK’s “first past the post” system.Key candidates: Rishi Sunak vs. Keir Starmer.Keir Starmer’s political strategy and criticisms.Conservative Party’s campaign focus on trust...

Episode 6 June 2024 20m and 17s

#476 | The Glasgow Ice Cream Wars

#476 | The Glasgow Ice Cream Wars


Ice cream vans can be a sweet memory for many, but for Glasgow in the 1980s, they were anything but.  

From selling drugs to inciting gang wars and even murder, we'll uncover the dark and shocking tale of the Glasgow Ice Cream Wars. 

Background to The Glasgow Ice Cream WarsIce cream vans in GlasgowLiving conditions in Glasgow schemesIce cream van territory fights Criminals entering the ice cream tradeOrganised crime and drug dealingAndrew Doyle's resistance to intimidationDoyle family fire and deaths Wrongful conviction of Campbell and SteeleCampbell and Steele's exoneration after 20 years

 Full i...

Episode 30 May 2024 22m and 55s

#474 | The Trial Of Amanda Knox (pt1)

#474 | The Trial Of Amanda Knox (pt1)


Amanda Knox's study abroad adventure turned into a nightmare when her housemate was brutally murdered and she found all police attention pointed at her.  

In this episode, we'll learn about the twists and turns of this murder case that gripped Italy, the UK and the United States. 

Overview of Amanda Knox casePerugia as a popular student cityMeredith Kercher and Amanda Knox's backgroundDiscovery of Meredith Kercher's bodyInitial police investigation and Knox's interrogationBeliefs and contradictions in police findingsMedia sensationalism and "Foxy Knoxy" personaPresentation of evidence in courtAppeals and ultimate acquittal of Knox and SollecitoRudy Guede's inv...

Episode 23 May 2024 26m and 54s

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