Skill Piper

Ghost Stories For The End Of The World

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Ghost Stories For The End Of The World

An occult history of post-war politics, deep state intrigue, true crime, and the spooks, gangsters, politicians and outright monsters who've shaped our unnerving reality.

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Recent Episodes of Ghost Stories For The End Of The World

90 - The Belgian X-Files 13: Dutroux Affair ii - Voices in the Walls

90 - The Belgian X-Files 13: Dutroux Affair ii - Voices in the Walls

EXTREME CONTENT WARNING: This episode contains some very harrowing and upsetting material. I don't recommend you listen to it if you're in a bad place/are likely to be triggered by the subject matter. Please take care.


The part about the murders.


@irc_nic joins me once again for this journey into Belgium's heart of darkness.




Episode 104 16 July 2024 21m and 53s

89 - The Belgian X-Files 12: Dutroux Affair i - The Lost Girls (1956 - 1995)

89 - The Belgian X-Files 12: Dutroux Affair i - The Lost Girls (1956 - 1995)

Nic (@irc_nic) guides us through the life story of Marc Dutroux. We look at his childhood, his descent into crime, and how he may have become a fixer for the Belgian political mafia.


"The Kludde" read by Michael S. Judge of Death is Just Around the Corner with our immense thanks.




Episode 103 29 June 2024 2h, 2m and 6s

The Belgian X-Files 11: Land of the Dead

The Belgian X-Files 11: Land of the Dead

Nic (@irc_nic) joins us once again for a panoramic sweep across Belgium at the end of the Cold War, and on the eve of the Dutroux Affair in multi-chapter anthology style episode.


0:53: Prologue

10:00: Chapter 1 - The Paul Vanden Boeynants Kidnapping

52:15: Chapter 2 - The Belgian Gladio Inquiry

82:40: Chapter 3 - The Murder of Gerald Bull

91:21: Chapter 4 - The Murder of André Cools

131:26: Chapter 5 - The Atlas Report and the Nebula

143:38: Chapter 6 - The Murder of Katrien De Cuyper



Episode 102 12 June 2024 2h, 53m and

87 - The Belgian X-Files 10: BRABANT KILLERS REDUX - Aftermath iii

87 - The Belgian X-Files 10: BRABANT KILLERS REDUX - Aftermath iii

Tonight we tie off Brabant Killers Redux by looking at an especially bizarre event that occurred just before the final massacre, using it as an illustrative example of how deep into the weeds you can fall, if you so wish, in trying to understand this most eerie of true stories. We then explore various theories people have put forward over the years to explain the crimes, and offer our own holistic take for good measure. We close by discussing what became of major players in the case, and set up threads we will pursue for the remaining episodes of...

Episode 101 23 May 2024 20m and 11s

86 - The Belgian X-Files 9: BRABANT KILLERS REDUX - Aftermath ii

86 - The Belgian X-Files 9: BRABANT KILLERS REDUX - Aftermath ii

Particularly strange deaths connected to the Brabant Killers attacks.




Episode 100 17 May 2024 44m and 5s

85 - The Belgian X-Files 8: BRABANT KILLERS REDUX - Aftermath pt 1 (1985 - now)

85 - The Belgian X-Files 8: BRABANT KILLERS REDUX - Aftermath pt 1 (1985 - now)

The first Gang Commission, the aftermath of the Brabant Killers operation, and the consequences.


Note: This is actually the first part of a four hour recording we did, but after some discussion we decided to cut it down into more manageable 60 - 90 minute instalments. This means Aftermath pt ii will land next week and, most likely, there will be an Aftermath iii dropping the week after. Then we're back to the usual 2 week release schedule. This now means that instead of 10 or 11 X-Files episodes there will pr...

Episode 99 10 May 2024 1h, 8m and 21s

84 - The Belgian X-Files 7: BRABANT KILLERS REDUX pt 2

84 - The Belgian X-Files 7: BRABANT KILLERS REDUX pt 2

The second wave.




Episode 98 26 April 2024 47m and 35s

83 - The Belgian X-Files 6: BRABANT KILLERS REDUX pt 1

83 - The Belgian X-Files 6: BRABANT KILLERS REDUX pt 1

The First Wave.

Episode 97 12 April 2024 2h, 1m and 54s

82 - The Belgian X-Files 5: The Pinon Affair

82 - The Belgian X-Files 5: The Pinon Affair

I'm joined again by @irc_nic as the Belgian Autumn begins.


Prince Albert and the Belgian business class over-promise and under-deliver in a trade deal with the Saudis. The resulting financial scandal exposes a vice network, blackmail operations and massive embezzlement. The Belgian establishment scrambles to cover it all up, but things take a dramatically darker turn when a psychiatrist files for divorce and his wife decides to share explosive secrets about extremely powerful people.




Episode 96 1 March 2024 1h, 34m and 50s

81 The Belgian X-Files 4: Chaos, Fascism and Solar Temples

81 The Belgian X-Files 4: Chaos, Fascism and Solar Temples

I'm joined by Belgian researcher Nic (@irc_nic) to talk about the post-war far-right in Belgium: what it believed, what it did, how it ensured loyalty, who profited...and who didn't. Paramilitary groups, Gladio, cults, dirty cops, gangsters and crooked spooks. They formed subterranean networks of mind-warping size that covertly influenced the course of modern Belgian history and planned everything from coups to terror attacks. Before us looms The Belgian Autumn.


This is the first hour or so free; UNLOCK THE FULL 2 1/2 HOUR SHOW HERE:


Episode 95 15 February 2024 48m and 38s

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