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Recent Episodes of

What is Heaven & Hell?

What is Heaven & Hell?

In the eighth week of our series in Systematic Theology, we tackled the doctrines of heaven & hell. What are these destinations all about, and what do they reveal about the character of God?

Episode 25 February 2024

What is Salvation?

What is Salvation?

In the seventh week of our series in Systematic Theology, we address the subject of salvation. What is salvation, or what does it mean to be saved? This is a fundamental question of Christianity and the most significant question of our lives.

Episode 18 February 2024

Who is Jesus Christ?

Who is Jesus Christ?

In the sixth week of our series in Systematic Theology, we tackle the question of Who is Jesus Christ? There is much to say about this one who is central to our faith. The more we understand the person & work of Christ, the more we will be moved to worship Him.

Episode 11 February 2024

What is Sin?

What is Sin?

In week five of our series in Systematic Theology, we consider the doctrine of sin. Though a weighty topic, we must understand it rightly and deal with it seriously. It not only impacts our relationship with God, but every other area of our life.

Episode 5 February 2024

What is Man?

What is Man?

In week four of our series on Systematic Theology, we tackle anthropology: What is man? This is a question about origin, purpose, and identity that every human being asks. Here we go back to the beginning to see God's original intent for mankind.

Episode 28 January 2024

Who is God?

Who is God?

In the third week of our series on Systematic Theology, we consider Theology Proper: the doctrine of God. Though one sermon could never fully answer these questions, we'll consider who God is and what He is like.

Episode 21 January 2024

What is Scripture?

What is Scripture?

In week 2 of our series on Systematic Theology, we look at the doctrine of Scripture. How are we to think, feel, and act rightly in regards to God's Word?

Episode 14 January 2024

What is Theology?

What is Theology?

To introduce our series on Systematic Theology, we start with considering the subject of theology. What is about, who is for, and why does it matter?

Episode 7 January 2024

2023 Year In Review

2023 Year In Review

It was an eventful year of ministry, and we want to celebrate God’s goodness to us! During this broadcast, we’ll hear from some of our leaders, review our six sermon series from 2023, and discover Pastor Andrew’s Top 10 Highlights of the year.

Episode 31 December 2023

Prince of Peace

Prince of Peace

The fourth and final descriptive title for the Messiah in Isaiah 9:6 is Prince of Peace. What does this peace entail? And how do we live in light of it?

Episode 24 December 2023

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