Skill Piper

The Email Marketing Show

Brought to you by, Email Marketing Heroes

The Email Marketing Show

The fun email marketing podcast. Sell more of your online courses, grow your membership and bring in more coaching clients with email marketing that doesn't stink. Sound good? Then join your fellow Email Marketing Heroes for your weekly dose of fun, practical, yet brutally honest email marketing advice. You can listen in to a piping hot, fresh episode every 'Email Marketing Wednesday' or if you prefer learning with your eyes instead of your ears, we turn each episode into a full written blog post at => Get your free DAILY email marketing lessons direct to your email inbox at...

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Recent Episodes of The Email Marketing Show

How to Measure Email Marketing Success with the Right Numbers

How to Measure Email Marketing Success with the Right Numbers

When it comes to running a business, it can feel like you're constantly drowning in numbers. Open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates—it’s easy to get lost in data.

But here’s the truth: most of these numbers don’t actually matter.

So, which ones do?

We’re Kennedy and Fifi, and that’s exactly what we’re tackling in this week’s episode of The Email Marketing Show!

Useful Episode Resources

Related episodes

How To Use Summits To Get Visible (Even If You’re An Introvert) And Bui...

Episode 225 4 September 2024 25m and 47s

How We Are Currently Leveraging The Power Of AI To Create A Smarter Business

How We Are Currently Leveraging The Power Of AI To Create A Smarter Business

Are you using AI in your business? Can it save you time, make you more efficient, and deliver a better experience to your customers? Depending on what you do and how you use AI, yes.

We’re Kennedy and Fifi, and today we're going to be talking about how we are leveraging the power of AI right now in our business. No fluff. No 'ideas' - just practical stuff that we're actually doing.

Ready? Let's go!

Useful Episode Resources

Related episodes

How To Use Summits To Get Visible (Even If...

Episode 248 28 August 2024 28m and 57s

How We Are Leveraging The Power Of AI In Our Business

How We Are Leveraging The Power Of AI In Our Business

Are you using AI in your business? Can it save you time, make you more efficient, and deliver a better experience to your customers? Depending on what you do and how you use AI, yes.

We’re Kennedy and Fifi, and today we're going to be talking about how we are leveraging the power of AI right now in our business. No fluff. No 'ideas' - just practical stuff that we're actually doing.

Ready? Let's go!

Join The Email Hero Blueprint

If you like what we shared today, know that bringing yo...

Episode 224 28 August 2024 28m and 57s

How To Send Promotional Emails WITHOUT Annoying People

How To Send Promotional Emails WITHOUT Annoying People

How do you make sure you get better results, more engagement, and more sales using email marketing campaigns? You need to understand the psychology of marketing.

We’re Kennedy and Fifi, and today we're going to share the 9 psychological strategies that we successfully use in all our email marketing campaigns.

Ready to discover all our best secrets?

Useful Episode Resources

Related episodes

How To Use Summits To Get Visible (Even If You’re An Introvert) And Build Your Email List, With Fifi Mason.

Useful Strategies To Stop Proc...

Episode 247 21 August 2024 29m and 1s

Turn Your Funnels into Sales Machines with Kate McKibbin

Turn Your Funnels into Sales Machines with Kate McKibbin

We’re Kennedy and Fifi, and on this episode of The Email Marketing Show, we're chatting with Kate McKibbin from Hello Funnels to discover powerful ways to optimise your email marketing funnels.

Ready? Let's go.

Useful Episode Resources

Related episodes

How To Use Summits To Get Visible (Even If You’re An Introvert) And Build Your Email List, With Fifi Mason.

Useful Strategies To Stop Procrastinating RIGHT NOW To Get Your Email Marketing Done!

How To Build The Most Impactful Email Marketing Strategy Plan To Make More Sale...

Episode 246 14 August 2024 29m and 16s

9 Powerful Psychology Techniques To Improve Your Email Campaigns

9 Powerful Psychology Techniques To Improve Your Email Campaigns

How do you make sure you get better results, more engagement, and more sales using email marketing campaigns? You need to understand the psychology of marketing.

We’re Kennedy and Fifi, and today we're going to share the 9 psychological strategies that we successfully use in all our email marketing campaigns.

Ready to discover all our best secrets?

Useful Episode Resources

Related episodes

How To Use Summits To Get Visible (Even If You’re An Introvert) And Build Your Email List, With Fifi Mason.

Useful Strategies To Stop Proc...

Episode 245 7 August 2024 42m and 53s

Mistakes With Your Email Marketing Automation Strategy

Mistakes With Your Email Marketing Automation Strategy

Do you automate your emails? Did you know you could (unknowingly) be making these very common mistakes with your email marketing automation?

We’re Kennedy and Fifi, and today we're going to share what you can do better with your automated email sequences.


Let's go.


(1:06) Want to carry on with the conversation? Join our FREE Facebook group. 

(1:31) Check out our sponsor - Zerobounce! 

(4:51) Not showing your personality. 

(9:03) Not sending emails out 'live' first. 

(11:55) Not checking the data. 


Episode 244 31 July 2024 22m and 25s

The 3 Subconscious Reasons For Not Buying - What Stops People?

The 3 Subconscious Reasons For Not Buying - What Stops People?

Do people have reasons for not buying from you? Yes, they do.

We're Kennedy and Carrie, and today we're sharing the three subconscious questions people have that stop them from buying from you. It's super important you answer these exact questions in your marketing and sales copy because people can't and won't buy unless you do!

Ready to find out what these questions are and make more sales in your business?

Let's go.


(0:30) Want to carry on with the conversation? Join our FREE Facebook group. 


Episode 243 24 July 2024 25m and 15s

How To Create An Effective Lead Magnet Email Sequence That Gets Your Subscribers To LOVE You!

How To Create An Effective Lead Magnet Email Sequence That Gets Your Subscribers To LOVE You!

Do you use a lead magnet to grow your email list? Does the strategy work for you? How can you make it work even better? We're Kennedy and Carrie, and today we're sharing how to create a lead magnet sequence that will get your subscribers to love you.

And grow your list.

And your business.



(0:35) Want to carry on with the conversation? Join our FREE Facebook group. 

(2:14) Check out our sponsor - Zerobounce! 

(2:46) Treat your lead magnets with reverence. 

(5:15) Don...

Episode 242 17 July 2024 20m and 55s

Can't Stop Procrastinating? How to Stop Putting off Your Email Marketing

Can't Stop Procrastinating? How to Stop Putting off Your Email Marketing

Are you someone who can't stop procrastinating when it comes to doing your email marketing? Well, you're not alone.

We're Kennedy and Carrie, and today we're sharing some useful strategies to help you stop putting your email marketing off so you can get it done. Right now!


Let's go.


(0:34) Want to carry on with the conversation? Join our FREE Facebook group. 

(2:01) Check out our sponsor - Zerobounce! 

(3:06) Just get started (or jump back in). 

(5:15) Stack habits together or schedule appo...

Episode 241 10 July 2024 34m and 6s

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