Skill Piper

Ten Minute Bible Talks Devotional Bible Study

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Ten Minute Bible Talks Devotional Bible Study

Top 5 devotional podcasts worldwide according to Connect with God in the time it takes you to drive to work or empty the dishwasher. Every episode focuses on one passage, explains it and applies it to your life. Co-hosted by Keith Simon, Jensen Holt McNair, Tanya Willmeth, Jeff Parrett and Patrick Miller.

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Recent Episodes of Ten Minute Bible Talks Devotional Bible Study

Messy Prayers | The Writings | Ezra 9-10

Messy Prayers | The Writings | Ezra 9-10

Are your prayers messy enough? Are your prayers formative or formulaic? What if messy prayer is the path to transformation? In today's episode, Jeff shows us how Ezra's prayer in Ezra 9-10 encourages us to pray honestly, humbly, and hopefully.

Read the Bible with us in 2024! This year, we’re tackling a group of Old Testament books traditionally known as “The Writings”— Psalms, Chronicles, Proverbs, Daniel, Ruth and more! Download your reading plan now.

Your support makes TMBT possible. Ten Minute Bible Talks is a crowd-funded project. Join the TMBTeam to r...

Episode 1021 6 September 2024 12m and 38s

Rediscovering the Ancient Way | The Writings | Ezra 7-8

Rediscovering the Ancient Way | The Writings | Ezra 7-8

Are we in an age of rediscovering Jesus? Do you know the ancient way of Jesus? Are you devoted to the same practices Ezra was? In today's episode, Patrick shares how Ezra 7-8 encourages us to rediscover the ancient way of Jesus that leads to life. 

Read the Bible with us in 2024! This year, we’re tackling a group of Old Testament books traditionally known as “The Writings”— Psalms, Chronicles, Proverbs, Daniel, Ruth and more! Download your reading plan now.

Your support makes TMBT possible. Ten Minute Bible Talks is a crowd-fu...

Episode 1020 5 September 2024 8m and 22s

Dealing With Disappointment | The Writings | Ezra 3-6

Dealing With Disappointment | The Writings | Ezra 3-6

How do you deal with disappointment? Where do you turn when life doesn't go as expected? Where do you find hope? In today's episode, Jensen shares how Ezra 3-6 points us to the God whose kingdom will never disappoint.

Read the Bible with us in 2024! This year, we’re tackling a group of Old Testament books traditionally known as “The Writings”— Psalms, Chronicles, Proverbs, Daniel, Ruth and more! Download your reading plan now.

Your support makes TMBT possible. Ten Minute Bible Talks is a crowd-funded project. Join the TMBTeam to reach mor...

Episode 1019 3 September 2024 13m and 52s

God of History | The Writings | Ezra 1-2

God of History | The Writings | Ezra 1-2

Why is the book of Ezra in the Bible? How does it fit inside God's bigger story? How does it's ancient context speak to our lives today? In today's episode, Tanya gives the context for Ezra 1-2, reminding us of how God used real people of history to bring about His kingdom.

Read the Bible with us in 2024! This year, we’re tackling a group of Old Testament books traditionally known as “The Writings”— Psalms, Chronicles, Proverbs, Daniel, Ruth and more! Download your reading plan now.

Your support makes TMBT possib...

Episode 1018 3 September 2024 11m and 38s

Give Thanks to the LORD | The Writings | Psalm 106

Give Thanks to the LORD | The Writings | Psalm 106

Do you give thanks for the gifts God has given you? Do you make excuses for your sins? Are you guilty of grumbling? In today's episode, Keith reads through Psalm 106, encouraging us to be grateful toward God for rescuing us from our sin.

Read the Bible with us in 2024! This year, we’re tackling a group of Old Testament books traditionally known as “The Writings”— Psalms, Chronicles, Proverbs, Daniel, Ruth and more! Download your reading plan now.

Your support makes TMBT possible. Ten Minute Bible Talks is a crowd-funded project. Jo...

Episode 1017 2 September 2024 9m and 10s

Drawn into the Drama | The Writings | Psalm 105

Drawn into the Drama | The Writings | Psalm 105

Are you participating in God's mission to renew the world? Are you stepping into your place as he works to bless the nations? Or are you holding back certain areas of your life? In today's episode, Jeff shares how Psalm 105 invites us to see ourselves as a part of God's drama of redemption.

Read the Bible with us in 2024! This year, we’re tackling a group of Old Testament books traditionally known as “The Writings”— Psalms, Chronicles, Proverbs, Daniel, Ruth and more! Download your reading plan now.

Your support makes TMBT p...

Episode 1016 30 August 2024 9m and 59s

Praising the Creator | The Writings | Psalm 104

Praising the Creator | The Writings | Psalm 104

Why do you praise God? Is it because He saved you? Because He knows you? Because He loves you? In today’s episode, Patrick shares how the author of Psalm 104 praises God for a different reason: His creation.

Read the Bible with us in 2024! This year, we’re tackling a group of Old Testament books traditionally known as “The Writings”— Psalms, Chronicles, Proverbs, Daniel, Ruth and more! Download your reading plan now.

Your support makes TMBT possible. Ten Minute Bible Talks is a crowd-funded project. Join the TMBTeam to reach more pe...

Episode 1015 29 August 2024 7m and 14s

Praise the LORD | The Writings | Psalm 103

Praise the LORD | The Writings | Psalm 103

Do you have eyes to see God's goodness? Do you ever get a sense of awe when you consider what God has done for you? In today's episode, Jensen prays through Psalm 103, thanking God for His steadfast love for His people.

Read the Bible with us in 2024! This year, we’re tackling a group of Old Testament books traditionally known as “The Writings”— Psalms, Chronicles, Proverbs, Daniel, Ruth and more! Download your reading plan now.

Your support makes TMBT possible. Ten Minute Bible Talks is a crowd-funded project. Join the TMBTeam...

Episode 1014 28 August 2024 11m and 21s

Knowing God in the Unknown | The Writings | Psalm 102

Knowing God in the Unknown | The Writings | Psalm 102

Do the unknowns of life ever keep you up at night? Do you struggle to trust that God hears your prayers? Are you bottling up your anxiety? In today's episode, Tanya looks at Psalm 102 and reminds us that we have a Father who holds our future in His hands.

Read the Bible with us in 2024! This year, we’re tackling a group of Old Testament books traditionally known as “The Writings”— Psalms, Chronicles, Proverbs, Daniel, Ruth and more! Download your reading plan now.

Your support makes TMBT possible. Ten Minute Bible...

Episode 1013 27 August 2024 9m and 10s

How to Hate Well | The Writings | Psalm 101

How to Hate Well | The Writings | Psalm 101

Are Christians called to be haters? What does God want us to hate? How can we hate in a loving way? In today's episode, Keith looks at Psalm 101, reminding us that we are called to love God and hate what is evil.

Read the Bible with us in 2024! This year, we’re tackling a group of Old Testament books traditionally known as “The Writings”— Psalms, Chronicles, Proverbs, Daniel, Ruth and more! Download your reading plan now.

Your support makes TMBT possible. Ten Minute Bible Talks is a crowd-funded project. Join the TM...

Episode 1012 26 August 2024 8m and 7s

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