Skill Piper

Ten Minute Bible Talks Devotional Bible Study

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Ten Minute Bible Talks Devotional Bible Study

Top 5 devotional podcasts worldwide according to Connect with God in the time it takes you to drive to work or empty the dishwasher. Every episode focuses on one passage, explains it and applies it to your life. Co-hosted by Keith Simon, Jensen Holt McNair, Tanya Willmeth, Jeff Parrett and Patrick Miller.

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Recent Episodes of Ten Minute Bible Talks Devotional Bible Study

Beauty in Time | The Writings | Ecclesiastes 3

Beauty in Time | The Writings | Ecclesiastes 3

Do the seasons of life have a purpose? Am I making the most of the time I have? If time is running out, why do I long for eternity? In today's episode, Jeff speaks on the famous poem in Ecclesiastes 3, showing us how the seasons of life point us to our eternal home.

Read the Bible with us in 2024! This year, we’re tackling a group of Old Testament books traditionally known as “The Writings”— Psalms, Chronicles, Proverbs, Daniel, Ruth and more! Download your reading plan now.

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Episode 991 26 July 2024 10m and 55s

Are You Chasing Pleasure? | The Writings | Ecclesiastes 2

Are You Chasing Pleasure? | The Writings | Ecclesiastes 2

What's the secret to happiness? Is it found in chasing your own pleasure? Will pleasure truly satisfy? In today's episode, Patrick shares how the Preacher's experience in Ecclesiastes 2 reminds us that the pleasures of this world are not worth building our life on.

Read the Bible with us in 2024! This year, we’re tackling a group of Old Testament books traditionally known as “The Writings”— Psalms, Chronicles, Proverbs, Daniel, Ruth and more! Download your reading plan now.

Your support makes TMBT possible. Ten Minute Bible Talks is a crowd-funded project. Join...

Episode 990 25 July 2024 8m and 52s

Is Life Meaningless? | The Writings | Ecclesiastes 1

Is Life Meaningless? | The Writings | Ecclesiastes 1

"Everything is meaningless." The book of Ecclesiastes begins in such a way that you might question why it's in your Bible. Is life truly meaningless? In today's episode, Jensen shares how the context and genre of Ecclesiastes 1 helps us understand it's place in God's Word and points us to Jesus.

Read the Bible with us in 2024! This year, we’re tackling a group of Old Testament books traditionally known as “The Writings”— Psalms, Chronicles, Proverbs, Daniel, Ruth and more! Download your reading plan now.

Your support makes TMBT possible. Ten Minute Bib...

Episode 989 24 July 2024 13m and 35s

Ruth: A Redemption Story | The Writings | Ruth 4

Ruth: A Redemption Story | The Writings | Ruth 4

Are you plagued by hopelessness? Do you find it hard to trust God's plan for your life? Do you ever question God's promises of redemption? In today's episode, Tanya shares how Ruth 4 points us to a God who works all things together for the good of those who love Him.

Read the Bible with us in 2024! This year, we’re tackling a group of Old Testament books traditionally known as “The Writings”— Psalms, Chronicles, Proverbs, Daniel, Ruth and more! Download your reading plan now.

Your support makes TMBT possible. Ten Minute Bi...

Episode 988 23 July 2024 9m and 37s

A Strange Love Story | The Writings | Ruth 3

A Strange Love Story | The Writings | Ruth 3

Is the book of Ruth a love story? If so, it's not the one you'd expect. In today's episode, Keith shares how Ruth 3 transcends your typical romance novel, pointing us to a far greater love story - the one between Jesus and his church.

Read the Bible with us in 2024! This year, we’re tackling a group of Old Testament books traditionally known as “The Writings”— Psalms, Chronicles, Proverbs, Daniel, Ruth and more! Download your reading plan now.

Your support makes TMBT possible. Ten Minute Bible Talks is a crowd-funde...

Episode 987 22 July 2024 10m and 59s

Faithful Presence | The Writings | Ruth 2

Faithful Presence | The Writings | Ruth 2

Are you tempted by the allure of absence? Are you paying attention to the presence of the Holy Spirit? Do you long for a bigger story? In today's episode, Jeff shares how Ruth 2 calls us to be faithfully present in every situation because we have a God who is faithfully present with us.

Read the Bible with us in 2024! This year, we’re tackling a group of Old Testament books traditionally known as “The Writings”— Psalms, Chronicles, Proverbs, Daniel, Ruth and more! Download your reading plan now.

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Episode 986 19 July 2024 8m and 26s

How Do I View God? | The Writings | Ruth 1

How Do I View God? | The Writings | Ruth 1

Have your experiences shaped your view of God? In your heart, is he a supportive or distant Father? Is He truly working for your good? In today's episode, Patrick shares how Naomi's story in Ruth 1 invites us to question how our experiences have shaped our heart's theology.

Read the Bible with us in 2024! This year, we’re tackling a group of Old Testament books traditionally known as “The Writings”— Psalms, Chronicles, Proverbs, Daniel, Ruth and more! Download your reading plan now.

Your support makes TMBT possible. Ten Minute Bible Talks is a...

Episode 985 18 July 2024 8m and 51s

Seeing Through the Fog | The Writings | Psalm 89

Seeing Through the Fog | The Writings | Psalm 89

When life gets foggy, are you tempted to give up? Is God still good during a season of suffering? Will God be faithful? In today's episode, Jensen shares how David's prayer in Psalm 89 reminds us of our hope on the other side of the fog.

Read the Bible with us in 2024! This year, we’re tackling a group of Old Testament books traditionally known as “The Writings”— Psalms, Chronicles, Proverbs, Daniel, Ruth and more! Download your reading plan now.

Your support makes TMBT possible. Ten Minute Bible Talks is a crowd-fun...

Episode 984 17 July 2024 13m and 11s

When Darkness is Your Only Friend | The Writings | Psalm 88

When Darkness is Your Only Friend | The Writings | Psalm 88

Psalm 88 is the saddest Psalm in the Bible. The Psalm begins with pain and ends with agony. But the fact that this prayer is in the Bible is good news to those who suffer. In today's episode, Tanya shares how Psalm 88 points us to Jesus - who hears our cries and bore our pain on the cross.

Read the Bible with us in 2024! This year, we’re tackling a group of Old Testament books traditionally known as “The Writings”— Psalms, Chronicles, Proverbs, Daniel, Ruth and more! Download your reading plan now.

Your s...

Episode 983 16 July 2024 11m and 33s

God's Favorite City | The Writings | Psalm 87

God's Favorite City | The Writings | Psalm 87

Why is God always choosing favorites? Why does God choose Zion as His favorite city? Should Christians today recognize Zion as holy territory? In today's episode, Keith looks at Psalm 87, showing us why God's love for Zion has eternal implications for us today.

Read the Bible with us in 2024! This year, we’re tackling a group of Old Testament books traditionally known as “The Writings”— Psalms, Chronicles, Proverbs, Daniel, Ruth and more! Download your reading plan now.

Your support makes TMBT possible. Ten Minute Bible Talks is a crowd-funded project. J...

Episode 982 15 July 2024 9m and 9s

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