Skill Piper

Salad With a Side of Fries Nutrition, Wellness & Weight Loss

Brought to you by, Jenn Trepeck

Salad With a Side of Fries  Nutrition, Wellness & Weight Loss

What to eat and when to cheat! Let's decipher between all the “diets” out there. You know what to do but it itsn't working. In fact, your diet could be making you fatter. Ever wondered if cryo-freezing your fat cells would really work? Should you try acupuncture? A hypnotist? If you do, how do you know if someone’s good? Salad with a Side of Fries is the podcast that will answer all these questions and more! Talking wellness and weight loss for real life, because most of us are going to drink, eat out, skip the grocery store and who wa...

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Recent Episodes of Salad With a Side of Fries Nutrition, Wellness & Weight Loss

Nutrition Nugget: Rice Cakes

Nutrition Nugget: Rice Cakes

Nutrition Nugget! Bite-size, bonus episodes offering tips, tricks and approachable science. This week, Jenn is talking about rice cakes. Rice cakes get a lot of attention as a great quick healthy snack…but are they really? Jenn walks through the nutrition facts, explains how they are “empty carbs” and yet still shares great tips for how you can healthfully implement rice cakes into your day, if you enjoy them. Like what you're hearing? Be sure to check out the full length episodes; new releases every Wednesday.  Have an idea for a nutrition nugget?  Submit it here:

Episode 6 September 2024 14m and 14s

Your Default vs Your Design (feat. Kate House)

Your Default vs Your Design (feat. Kate House)

Jenn and her guest Kate are letting you in on a little secret today - you have the power to change your life. This episode is packed full of tips on how to stop living your life on default mode, and how to design the life you live. 

This week, Jenn is joined by empowerment coach Kate House. Kate shares about her quarter life crisis, and how she determined that she needed to take control of her life in order for it to change. She talks about the best ways to deal with contentment and comparison during b...

Episode 266 4 September 2024 52m and 22s

Nutrition Nugget: Naked Carbs

Nutrition Nugget: Naked Carbs

Nutrition Nugget! Bite-size, bonus episodes offering tips, tricks and approachable science. This week, Jenn is talking about naked carbs. Maybe you’ve been hearing of naked carbs lately but you aren’t exactly sure what that means. Eating naked carbs means that you are eating carbs by themselves, which can cause blood sugar spikes. Don’t worry, you don’t have to give up your favorite foods. Jenn walks through various studies around combinations of foods and shares the best way to incorporate high quality carbs into your diet. Like what you're hearing? Be sure to check out the full len...

Episode 30 August 2024 13m and 42s

Plantastic Cooking (feat. Gwen Kenneally)

Plantastic Cooking (feat. Gwen Kenneally)

We all know that we need to eat more vegetables, but what if you just can’t stand them? And what if the only way you can think of to eat them is salads? Maybe you just haven’t cooked vegetables in a way that you truly enjoy. Our guest this week offers ideas and tips but, above all, encourages you to play with your food to find what you love!

On this week’s episode, Jenn is joined by Hollywood caterer and cookbook author, Gwen Kenneally. Gwen gives some great tips on how to make vegetables pop an...

Episode 265 28 August 2024 41m and 25s

Nutrition Nugget: 30 Seconds A Day

Nutrition Nugget: 30 Seconds A Day

Nutrition Nugget! Bite-size, bonus episodes offering tips, tricks and approachable science. This week, Jenn is talking about 30 seconds a day. What if Jenn told you that you could reprogram your brain to be healthier by committing to doing 30 seconds of something a day. Based on two recent studies that she has read, she is explaining what you can do to reprogram your brain, and why it takes such little time. What will you do with your 30 seconds? Tune in to learn more. Like what you're hearing? Be sure to check out the full length episodes; new releases every Wednesday.  H...

Episode 23 August 2024 7m and 17s

Live from New York...It's Salad with a Side of Fries!

Live from New York...It's Salad with a Side of Fries!

We can’t believe we have hit 5 years of Salad With a Side of Fries! This episode highlights audience questions from the Live podcast recording in NYC. Tune in to hear the answers to those questions that can benefit anyone on their health journey. If you’re new to Salad with a Side of Fries, this is a great episode to start with.

In this episode, you will hear questions that audience members asked Jenn during her Live podcast recording in NYC to celebrate 5 years of Salad With a Side of Fries. Audience members get the opportunity to a...

Episode 264 21 August 2024 53m and 22s

Nutrition Nugget: Velveeta

Nutrition Nugget: Velveeta

Nutrition Nugget! Bite-size, bonus episodes offering tips, tricks and approachable science. This week, Jenn is talking about Velveeta. After seeing a trending recipe on social media with Velveeta as the “star of the recipe”, Jenn had to take a look at the nutrition facts. She was floored by the facts that she found and the amount that would be used and consumed in the trending recipe. Tune in to learn more about Velveeta to decide if you want to include it in your diet, or if you’ll pass on it. Like what you're hearing? Be sure to check out th...

Episode 16 August 2024 11m and 14s

IBS is a BS Diagnosis (feat. Hannah Aylward)

IBS is a BS Diagnosis (feat. Hannah Aylward)

Have you gotten the diagnosis of IBS? Jenn and Hannah are here to talk about why IBS is BS, and what things you can do to overcome the IBS symptoms. Tune in to learn more about digestion and gut health. 

On this week’s episode, Jenn is joined by health coach, Hannah Alyward. Hannah walks through what IBS is and why the common recommendation of elimination diets isn’t a forever solution. She explains why people experience bloating and what the bloating you are experiencing could mean. She also talks about what is happening inside of our diges...

Episode 263 14 August 2024 44m and 25s

Nutrition Nugget: Train Like An Olympian

Nutrition Nugget: Train Like An Olympian

Nutrition Nugget! Bite-size, bonus episodes offering tips, tricks and approachable science. This week, Jenn is talking about training like an Olympian. With the 2024 Olympics currently happening in Paris, it’s no surprise that we may be comparing ourselves to these amazing athletes, or at least feel inspired by them. While we likely cannot mimic the discipline and lifetime of training they have committed to, there are 6 things that the everyday person can learn from how olympians train to support our own  athleticism and overall health! Join today’s inspiring conversation. Like what you're hearing? Be sure to check out the f...

Episode 9 August 2024 19m and 21s

7 Types of Rest

7 Types of Rest

Do you ever feel like you're at the end of your rope, and you never feel truly rested? Join Jenn as she discusses how to take a step back and look at what type of rest your body needs in order to recharge. 

In this episode, Jenn is sharing the 7 different types of rest. She walks us through each type and shares the different ways that you can implement that type of rest into your day or busy routine. From mental rest to spiritual rest, your brain and body require some time to relax and just be. T...

Episode 262 7 August 2024 43m and 31s

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