Skill Piper

The Mental Mastery Alliance

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The Mental Mastery Alliance

We talk about everything that makes you think. Breaking away from anything that may be limiting you

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Recent Episodes of The Mental Mastery Alliance

#298: Death and my perception of correlation to observable life.

#298: Death and my perception of correlation to observable life.

Fear of death often stems from the unknown, yet this very uncertainty can be a source of comfort rather than dread. Since we lack concrete knowledge about what lies beyond life, it’s worth considering that our fear might be misplaced. Death is a universal experience, and its mystery can remind us to embrace the present, appreciating every moment without the burden of fearing the inevitable. By acknowledging that we truly know nothing about what happens after we die, we can let go of our anxieties and live more fully, focusing on the richness of life rather th...

Episode 23 July 2024 43m and 46s

#297: Trump | Politics | Your Past | Jelly Roll | Bluesfest

#297: Trump | Politics | Your Past | Jelly Roll | Bluesfest

Televised politics often mirror the structure and scripting of your favorite TV shows, meticulously crafted to captivate and influence their audience. Much like a well-written drama, political events on TV are designed with specific narratives, characters, and climactic moments to elicit emotional responses and shape public perception. Politicians, much like actors, are coached on what to say and how to present themselves, ensuring their messages are delivered with precision and impact. The timing of announcements, the setting of debates, and even the reactions of the audience are all orchestrated to create a compelling story. This careful choreography aims to...

Episode 17 July 2024 34m and 18s

#296: Canada Day | Consciousness and the story we tell ourselves | Politics are a joke.

#296: Canada Day | Consciousness and the story we tell ourselves | Politics are a joke.

Canada Day, celebrated on July 1st, is a powerful testament to the unity and pride of Canadians. It is a day that underscores the strength and resilience of the nation’s spirit. The humanity of Canadians shines brightly, characterized by their warmth, kindness, and a deep sense of community. This contrasts with the broader society of Canada, which, while progressive and inclusive, continues to navigate complex social issues. Canada Day serves as a reminder of the nation’s collective journey and the enduring compassion of its people, highlighting the distinct yet harmonious interplay between individual huma...

Episode 1 July 2024 27m and 30s

#295: Politics | Business | Conspiracy | Hollyweird | Adyashanti | The Mailbag Ep. 5 (I think)

#295: Politics | Business | Conspiracy | Hollyweird | Adyashanti | The Mailbag Ep. 5 (I think)

A huge thanks to everyone who submitted questions for this Mailbag episode! Your curiosity and engagement are what make the show so much fun.

Want to be on the next one and have your question answered live? Call or text us at 647.338.1265! We can’t wait to hear from you.

Call or Text the show: 647.338.1265 Have your voice heard (iMessage is free)

Episode 18 June 2024 33m and 3s

#294: Society as a Macrocosm | Canada and Front Holes | Seeing past it all.

#294: Society as a Macrocosm | Canada and Front Holes | Seeing past it all.

Society whispers expectations, paints a picture of success, and defines happiness within its neat lines. But what if there’s more? What if the truest joy lies in peeling back the layers and discovering the vibrant tapestry of humanity beneath?

This journey isn’t about rejecting societal norms, but about seeing through them. It’s about recognizing the unique desires, passions, and dreams that reside within each individual. Dive deeper and connect with the raw, beautiful messiness of being human. It’s in this space, beyond the manufactured illusions, that we find genuine connection and forge a...

Episode 11 June 2024 31m and 39s

#293: The Demons we fight | The Division they trick us with | The Love of a Fallen Friend!

#293: The Demons we fight | The Division they trick us with | The Love of a Fallen Friend!

If you are having any trouble at all with any kind of addiction and you want to reach out please do! I have been there! please don’t become a statistic! free iMessage 647.338.1265

Episode 27 May 2024 27m and 41s

#292: What is Reality? | Braindump Thought Process Episode.

#292: What is Reality? | Braindump Thought Process Episode.

The audacity of reality lies in its relentless capacity to defy our expectations and confront us with truths that are often startling in their intensity. It intrudes upon our carefully constructed narratives and comfortable illusions with a force that is both humbling and transformative. This boldness of reality challenges our perceptions, demanding that we adapt, rethink, and grow. Whether through the unexpected twists of personal life or the broader upheavals in society, reality asserts itself with a raw honesty that compels us to face the unvarnished facts of existence. In doing so, it reveals the resilience and...

Episode 21 May 2024 39m and 56s

#291: The Dichotomy of Douchebaggery and the Intentional Collapse of the Middle Class

#291: The Dichotomy of Douchebaggery and the Intentional Collapse of the Middle Class

The decline of the middle class in North America is a complex issue, but some argue it’s not accidental. Factors like globalization, automation, and stagnant wages are squeezing the middle. Critics point to policies favouring the wealthy and corporations, suggesting a system rigged against the middle class. While there’s no single culprit, the question remains: is the shrinking middle class an unintended consequence or part of a larger design? My take? Its fully intentional.


Episode 15 May 2024 26m and 47s

#290: Comparison is the thief of joy | An Ode to your younger self | Conversations with an old friend.

#290: Comparison is the thief of joy | An Ode to your younger self | Conversations with an old friend.

Gathered around microphones cell phones and a failed zoom call, the nostalgia flowed as freely as the memories at “The Cabin,” our cherished watering hole from years past. Two decades may have passed since our last conversation, but the camaraderie and connection were instant as we delved into the past and present. Amidst the laughter and shared anecdotes, it was evident how our lives had intertwined once more, now both dedicated to the noble pursuit of mental health advocacy. From our days pouring drinks to our current roles in the healing profession, the journey had been tran...

Episode 26 April 2024 1h, 35m and 57s

#289: My Take on The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz | 20-minute brain dump as well.

#289: My Take on The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz | 20-minute brain dump as well.

Embracing new information is the cornerstone of personal growth. Just as plants need sunlight to flourish, our minds require fresh insights to thrive. When we actively seek out and absorb new knowledge, we expand our perspectives, challenge our assumptions, and ignite our curiosity. Whether it’s learning a new skill, exploring different cultures, or delving into diverse viewpoints, each nugget of information enriches our understanding of the world and ourselves. Through continuous learning, we evolve, adapt, and unlock the potential within us to achieve our goals and lead fulfilling lives. So, let’s keep our minds open and...

Episode 16 April 2024 35m and 18s

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