Skill Piper

Addressing Gettysburg

Brought to you by, Matthew Callery

Addressing Gettysburg

As seen on NBC’s TODAY Show. Gettysburg's Flagship podcast dedicated to telling the stories of Gettysburg. The show has taken on a few different formats. 1. The Narrative episodes: Tell the history of the Gettysburg Campaign starting with the battle of Antietam, and going through the Battle of Gettysburg and beyond. These are researched and written with the help of local historians and will feature original music, and guest voiceovers. 2. Ask a Gettysburg Guide: We host a variety of different Licensed Battlefield Guides and ask them questions (submitted by our Patreon Patrons) about the Battle of Gettysburg. If you have a...

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Recent Episodes of Addressing Gettysburg

Ask A Gettysburg Guide SPECIAL #93- The Realities of Guiding According To Ralph and Jessie

Ask A Gettysburg Guide SPECIAL #93- The Realities of Guiding According To Ralph and Jessie

LBGs Ralph Siegel and Jessie Wheedleton care. They care about ye who want to become guides here at Gettysburg. Therefore, they're on the show to clue you in to the realities of guiding. Are you going to be that "Rock Star Guide" you fantasized about night after night? Or are you most likely going to give tours to sweaty, bored families, dreaming about their reservation at the Chinese Buffet? Actually, the buffet is good, so I wouldn't blame them. But, the latter is the answer. But they answer many other questions besides that one. So, sit back, open your...

Episode 3 2 September 2024 1h, 49m and 57s

Reconstruction Episode 1- 1861-1865 with Rich Condon

Reconstruction Episode 1- 1861-1865 with Rich Condon

THIS EPISODE DROPS LIVE ON PATREON at 7:30 AM EST TODAY! Join and listen with fellow Gettysnerds

You know how we like to do a series of shows on one topic. Right? Right. Well, this episode is the first on the subject of Reconstruction. I know, I know. You're saying "Reconstruction? How boring." Or maybe, "Reconstruction? Whatever, dude." And some of you are probably saying things I haven't anticipated and probably don't want to hear anyway.

Rich Condon joins us to talk about Reconstruction during the war. That's right. It started during the war, not after...

Episode 26 August 2024 1h, 31m and 2s

That's What She Said #1- Elizabeth Thorn- with Rosanne Zajko

That's What She Said #1- Elizabeth Thorn- with Rosanne Zajko

We are very proud to present the first episode of our first "spin-off" podcast, "That's What She Said", hosted by Bethany Yingling and Veronica "Ronnie Ronstadt" Brestenksy, women. In their inaugural episode, Beth and Ronnie are joined by Licensed Town Guide Rosanne Zajko to talk about one tough lady: Elizabeth Thorn, who dug almost 100 graves while 6 months pregnant.

This episode is brought to you by our Patrons. Did you know they heard this episode a full year ago? Membership has it's privileges.


Episode 3 26 August 2024 1h, 24m and 24s

Ask A Gettysburg Guide #92- Heroes of Culp's Hill with LBG Charlie Fennell

Ask A Gettysburg Guide #92- Heroes of Culp's Hill with LBG Charlie Fennell

LBG Charlie Fennell is back to talk about who he thinks the heroes of Culp's Hill are, well, just SOME of them. If you're studying for the guide exam, you will want to make sure you listen to this episode. You'll also want to make sure you join us on Patreon for hundreds of epsiodes about, not only, the Battle of Gettysburg, but the Civil War as a whole, which you also need to know. Plus, you'll be supporting our show which you might find yourself on after you're licensed! Win-win-win. Goo to


Episode 2 19 August 2024 2h, 7m and 16s

The U.S. Sanitary Commission at The Spangler Farm with Susan Wall

The U.S. Sanitary Commission at The Spangler Farm with Susan Wall

Susan Wall is a living historian who can often be found doing her thing at the George Spangler Farm. If you haven't gone out there yet, make sure you do as soon as you get the chance. The farm was carefully and truthfully restored to its 1863 appearance through diligent research by the Gettysburg Foundation and is well worth your time. In this episode, Susan tells us what the USSC did to assist the troops while here in Gettysburg.


Oh boy! There are hundreds of episodes on our Patreon page and they feature historians from all o...

Episode 19 August 2024 15m and 17s

Forever Silenced- "The Gettysburg Gun" with Stephen Evangelista

Forever Silenced- "The Gettysburg Gun" with Stephen Evangelista

Stephen Evangelista is back with another book. This time, it's about the history of the fabled "Gettysburg Gun", one of the artillery pieces which was disabled during the fighting near the Angle on July 3, 1863. Get your copies of “Forever Silenced” and “Our Story” here

Studying for the guide exam? Of course, we all are. Find out why 9 out 10 dentists agree that commissioning yourself a 1st or 2nd Lieutenant in our Officers' Club will help you improve your knowledge of the Battle of Gettysburg and the Civil War. Join the Addressing Gettysburg OFFICERS’ CLUB at www.patreo...

Episode 12 August 2024 15m and 17s

Searching For George Gordon Meade with Tom Huntington

Searching For George Gordon Meade with Tom Huntington

Tom Huntington is back on the show to talk about his book Searching For George Gordon Meade. Naturally, we meander off-topic for a bit, but it's all relevant stuff. Don't forget to check out Tom's blog too! Here's the books' description:

"While researching Searching for George Gordon Meade: The Forgotten Victor of Gettysburg, author Tom Huntington visited a severed leg, a buried arm, and a horse's head. He also hiked across Civil War battlefields, recited the names of fallen soldiers at a candlelit ceremony at Gettysburg, and drank a champagne toast in a Philadelphia cemetery on New Y...

Episode 5 August 2024 15m and 24s

Ask A Gettysburg Guide #91- Samuel W. Crawford- LBG Tracy Baer

Ask A Gettysburg Guide #91- Samuel W. Crawford- LBG Tracy Baer

Season 12 begins with LBG Tracy Baer coming on to talk about Major General Samuel Wylie Crawford the man, the soldier and a Gettysburg hero. 


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Episode 1 5 August 2024 2h, 46m and 56s

The Gettysburg Electric Map with Marc Charisse

The Gettysburg Electric Map with Marc Charisse

Marc Charisse is the former editor of the Hanover Evening Sun and, now, he hosts showings of the historic Gettysburg Electric Map. We discuss its history from creation to destruction by the park service to recovery and rehabilitation by private citizens with a love and respect for our history and the artifacts associated with it. Marc is also a magician and he showed me some tricks that only made me feel stupid once I learned how they work.


You can visit the map to this day. Marc gives the info in the show.

Episode 29 July 2024 15m and

The Peter Carmichael On AG TODAY Compilation

The Peter Carmichael On AG TODAY Compilation

This is the audio from a YouTube video. If you want to see it, here's the link

Since we are on hiatus from our live shows in the month of July, I put together this compilation as a tribute to one of my favorite guests and friend, Pete Carmichael, who passed away on July 21. These are his appearances on our show AG TODAY in part or in their entirety. If you'd like to watch the episodes in their entirety, they are listed below.

EDITOR'S NOTE: These videos were downloaded from...

Episode 25 July 2024 4h, 1m and 8s

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