Skill Piper

The Long View

Brought to you by, Morningstar

The Long View

Expand your investing horizons and look to the long term. Join hosts Christine Benz and Jeff Ptak as they talk to influential leaders in investing, advice, and personal finance about a wide-range of topics, such as asset allocation and balancing risk and return.

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Recent Episodes of The Long View

Brian Feroldi: 'The Biggest Edge That Individual Investors Have'

Brian Feroldi: 'The Biggest Edge That Individual Investors Have'

Today on the podcast, we welcome back author and financial educator, Brian Feroldi. His bestselling book is Why Does the Stock Market Go Up? He is also the founder of a financial education company called Long Term Mindset and a contributor to The Motley Fool. In addition, Feroldi has a big presence on YouTube, where his videos receive hundreds of thousands of views. He received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Connecticut and his MBA from the University of Rhode Island.



Long Term Mindset

The Motley Fool


Episode 277 23 July 2024 55m and 3s

Charles Duhigg: Communicating to Connect

Charles Duhigg: Communicating to Connect

Our guest on the podcast today is Charles Duhigg, a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist and author of The Power of Habit, Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business, and Smarter Faster Better. His writing has won numerous honors, including the National Academies of Sciences, National Journalism, and George Polk awards. Duhigg is a former Los Angeles Times staff writer. In between 2006 and 2017, he was a reporter at The New York Times. He currently writes for The New Yorker magazine and other publications. He graduated from Yale University and earned a Master of Business Administration from Harvard...

Episode 276 16 July 2024 55m and 41s

David Herro and Rajiv Jain: Should US Investors Renew Their Passports?

David Herro and Rajiv Jain: Should US Investors Renew Their Passports?

And we are thrilled to have with us today two fabulous investors in global equities. David Herro is here from Harris Associates. He is a longtime portfolio manager at Oakmark International and Oakmark International Small Cap. Rajiv Jain, to David’s left, is here from GQG Partners, which he founded in 2016. Both of these gentlemen have strategies that are rated Gold by Morningstar’s Manager Research team. So, we’re really excited to have them here and to dig into international investing and the case for international investing.


David Herro Bio

Oakmark Intern...

Episode 275 9 July 2024 52m and 44s

Scott Burns: The Case for a Simple Retirement Plan

Scott Burns: The Case for a Simple Retirement Plan

We’re hitting pause on new episodes during this holiday week. But we wanted to resurface one of our favorite conversations of the past year—the one that Jeff Ptak and I had with author and longtime columnist Scott Burns. We hope that you’ll enjoy it, and we’ll be back with a fresh episode next week.

Our guest on the podcast today is syndicated personal finance columnist and author, Scott Burns. Scott began his career as a newspaper columnist in The Boston Herald in 1977, where he was also the financial editor. In 1985, he joined the staff of...

Episode 274 2 July 2024 51m and 37s

Don Graves and Wade Pfau: How Home Equity Affects Retirement Planning

Don Graves and Wade Pfau: How Home Equity Affects Retirement Planning

Today we have two guests on the podcast, Don Graves and Wade Pfau. Don Graves is the president and founder of the Housing Wealth Institute and an instructor of Retirement Income at The American College of Financial Services. He is considered one of the nation’s leading educators on incorporating housing wealth into retirement income planning. He is also the author of three books, Housing Wealth: An Advisor’s Guide to Reverse Mortgages, Housing Wealth Conversations, and The Retiree’s Guide to Housing Wealth. He graduated from the Fox School of Business at Temple University.

Wade Pfau is pro...

Episode 272 25 June 2024 58m and 27s

Scott Rick: Are You a Tightwad or a Spendthrift?

Scott Rick: Are You a Tightwad or a Spendthrift?

Our guest on the podcast today is Scott Rick. Scott is an associate professor of marketing at the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business. He is the author of a new book, Tightwads and Spendthrifts: Navigating the Money Minefield in Real Relationships. He received his Ph.D. in behavioral decision research from Carnegie Mellon in 2007, and he then spent two years as a postdoctoral fellow at Wharton. His research focuses on understanding the emotional causes and consequences of consumer financial decision-making, with a particular interest in the behavior of tightwads and spendthrifts.



Episode 271 18 June 2024 53m and 33s

Andrew Blake: Broker/Dealer Consolidation and Fee Compression Have Been Much Bigger Headwinds for Advisors Than Market Volatility

Andrew Blake: Broker/Dealer Consolidation and Fee Compression Have Been Much Bigger Headwinds for Advisors Than Market Volatility

Our guest on the podcast today is Andrew Blake. Andrew is associate director of wealth management for Cerulli Associates. He is a member of Cerulli’s Wealth Management practice, leading coverage of asset manager distribution strategy for products sold through financial advisors. With a focus on the wealth management landscape, Andrew assesses trends related to advisor use of investment products as well as their relationships with clients and varying practice types. Prior to joining Cerulli, Andrew worked at John Hancock Investment Management and a Boston-area RIA. He has a BBA in marketing as well as management and strategic leadership fr...

Episode 270 11 June 2024 49m and 36s

Keith Lee: ‘We Think Revenues Are a Better Indicator of Size Than Market Capitalization’

Keith Lee: ‘We Think Revenues Are a Better Indicator of Size Than Market Capitalization’

Our guest this week is Keith Lee. Keith has been lead portfolio manager on the Brown Capital Management Small Company Strategy since 1992. He and the Small Company team were named Morningstar’s Fund Manager of the Year for Domestic Equity in 2015, and the mutual fund carries a Morningstar Medalist Rating of Gold. Keith is also a member of the board of directors and chairman of the management committee for Brown, and he has held the positions of CEO and CIO. He is a trustee of the Baltimore Community Foundation and active in many other Baltimore-based philanthropies. He holds a BA...

Episode 269 4 June 2024 50m and 3s

Jamila Souffrant: ‘What Type of Life Do You Actually Want to Live?’

Jamila Souffrant: ‘What Type of Life Do You Actually Want to Live?’

Our guest on the podcast today is Jamila Souffrant. She is the author of a new book called Your Journey to Financial Freedom: A Step-by-Step Guide to Achieving Wealth and Happiness. She is also the host of the Journey to Launch podcast. Jamila’s focus is helping people increase their net worths and eliminate debt while also enjoying financial freedom. Prior to starting up her own business, Journey to Launch, she worked at MetLife for 13 years, where she managed a multimillion-dollar portfolio of real estate assets.



Your Journey to Financial Freedom: A...

Episode 268 28 May 2024 45m and 13s

Dan Ivascyn: The Outlook for Bonds Amid a Covid ‘Aftershock Global Economy’

Dan Ivascyn: The Outlook for Bonds Amid a Covid ‘Aftershock Global Economy’

This is Dan’s second appearance on The Long View, his first taking place back in May 2019, when Christine Benz and I interviewed him for the podcast. Dan is Pimco’s group chief investment officer, a managing director, and a member of the firm’s executive committee and investment committee. He is also lead portfolio manager for the firm’s Income, Credit Hedge Fund, and Mortgage Opportunistic strategies, and a portfolio manager for Total Return strategies. Morningstar named Dan Fixed-Income Manager of the Year for 2013. Dan earned his bachelor’s degree in economics from Occidental College and his MBA in analyti...

Episode 273 21 May 2024 39m and 41s

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