Skill Piper

Eckhart Tolle: Essential Teachings

Brought to you by, Oprah and Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle: Essential Teachings

Oprah Winfrey is delighted to introduce a new weekly podcast series from one of the great spiritual thinkers of our time: Eckhart Tolle. Eckhart’s wisdom will help you learn to quiet your mind, separate your ego from your true self and live a fully present life. Essential Teachings by Eckhart will provide a path to discover an enlightened state of consciousness. Oprah says Eckhart transformed her life and hopes these Essential Teachings will inspire you to seek your own higher purpose.

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Recent Episodes of Eckhart Tolle: Essential Teachings

The Transcendent Dimension is Discovery Not Achievement

The Transcendent Dimension is Discovery Not Achievement

In this episode, Eckhart discusses one of his key messages: our primary purpose here on Earth is a spiritual one. He says it is our job to free ourselves of the mind-made sense of self, which has never been more destructive.  He says all ancient teachings point to this timeless message. Eckhart goes on to explain if we don’t come to some understanding of that truth in this lifetime, then we have completely missed the point.  Eckhart says that nomatter what we achieve in this world, it will not provide the lasting satisfaction we’re looking for. We will n...

Episode 5 September 2024 33m and 19s

The Pain Body Is Part of the Human Condition

The Pain Body Is Part of the Human Condition

In this episode Eckhart talks further about the pain body. He compares it to the character Gollum, in Lord of the Rings. He says the pain body, feeds on suffering and creates misery for everyone.  However, Eckhart explains once we recognize the pain body for what it is, we don’t have to be held hostage anymore. Our awareness is the first step toward freedom. Eckhart goes on to say that people with a heavy pain body are often eager to awaken spiritually. The discomfort becomes so great, they take action to alleviate it. Eckhart admits he was such a p...

Episode 29 August 2024 34m and 49s

The Ego Loves Its Problems

The Ego Loves Its Problems

In this podcast, Eckhart says one of the hurdles we must confront regularly is our unconscious thinking.  He says our relentless, self-centered thoughts actually feed the ego and keep us mired in a fictitious sense of self. He explains the ego loves problems and strengthens its grip by creating suffering for ourselves and others. Eckhart says if we’re not growing spiritually, when crises strike, they will make us even more unconscious. But there’s a paradox. Eckhart explains suffering can actually push us to awaken. When we can’t take the pain anymore, we finally surrender. He says most un...

Episode 22 August 2024 38m and 9s

Do You Embody the Awakening of Consciousness?

Do You Embody the Awakening of Consciousness?

In this podcast Eckhart talks with an audience in Stockholm, Sweden. He says the idea is to inhabit The Now. Ironically, he says most of us try to escape it…through activities, addiction or our thinking. We would rather be anywhere other than here. We say: “I’ve got too much going on. I don’t have time for presence. ” Eckhart explains this mindset can wreak havoc with our lives and create dysfunction. He says the most important thing any of us can do is to embody consciousness. He says evolution on this planet is actually happening through us. And on a la...

Episode 15 August 2024 35m and 44s

Awakening Is Necessary for Our Survival

Awakening Is Necessary for Our Survival

In this podcast, Eckhart elaborates further about finding freedom from the bondage of self. He says the first step is to confront our thinking and resist the urge to identify with every thought we have. Eckhart says rising above thinking paves the way to liberation. Many people try to free themselves through substances like alcohol, drugs, food and sex.  While these might provide some fleeting relief Eckhart says what we’re really doing is falling below thinking and spiraling down into unconsciousness and addiction. Eckhart warns that we arequickly moving towards a crisis point for humanity and the planet. How...

Episode 8 August 2024 40m and 20s

Nothing In This World Provides Lasting Happiness

Nothing In This World Provides Lasting Happiness

In this podcast, Eckhart talks about how many of us strive to become a bigger, better version of “me.” We do that through myriad achievements, wealth, status or possessions. Eckhart says it’s like the person who believes buying a more palatial home will somehow signify they’ve made it. He believes people become so invested in outcomes they neglect the journey. He says even spiritual seekers fall into this trap when they chase after enlightenment which can become another form of ego. He explains these behaviors are all a misguided quest for fulfillment and identity. Eckhart cautions against looking f...

Episode 1 August 2024 30m and 19s

Awareness Of Our Thoughts Is the Beginning Of Awakening

Awareness Of Our Thoughts Is the Beginning Of Awakening

In this podcast, Eckhart talks with an audience in Adelaide, Australia. He says participating in the retreat will allow everyone to have a taste of presence, rather than know it as a mere concept.  He explains that many of us place little value on the current moment because we believe fulfillment can only happen at some point in the distant future. He says the anticipation of things-yet-to-be is so strong, we miss opportunities in the here and now because the thinking mind takes over and muddies the water. Eckhart shares an experience he had at the age of seventeen, whe...

Episode 25 July 2024 38m and 14s

There Is Something Beyond “My Life”

There Is Something Beyond “My Life”

In this episode, Eckhart explains that many of us must go through a lot of unhappiness before we awaken. He says he’s never met anyone whose life is not difficult and fraught with challenges. He believes it’s a good thing when we become dissatisfied with what we call “my life.” He says our spiritual growth often begins when we realize there must be something morebecause our suffering pushes us to find it. He goes on to explain that our real life is actually in the here and now separate from the past and the future which is eternal and...

Episode 18 July 2024 28m and 33s

Continuous Doing Leads to Forgetfulness of Being

Continuous Doing Leads to Forgetfulness of Being

In this episode, Eckhart talks about the fact that many people live in a continuous state of waiting for the next thing that will magically transform their lives: a relationship, job, house, even more money. He says we’re misguided when we believe something outside ourselves will provide lasting fulfillment; this mindset is considered normal. But Eckhart says normal won’t free us from our inner turmoil. He says even during the best of times, we feel something important is missing from our lives. Eckhart explains when we’re continuously doing - waiting for the next thing - we become forg...

Episode 11 July 2024 30m and 57s

The Light of Being Shines Through Our Humanness

The Light of Being Shines Through Our Humanness

In this podcast Eckhart talks about bringing together the human and the being aspects of ourselves. He says we would be consigned to a miserable fate if all we were was human because being trapped by a limited identity there would be no possibility of self-transcendence. Eckhart points out even big egos have little selves and their achievements, even if considerable, often make people so unhappy, they don’t help transform the world. Eckhart explains when the human and the being come together, the being shines through our humanness, reflecting the light of consciousness. He says the greatest miracle of all is that...

Episode 4 July 2024 26m and 25s

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