Skill Piper

The Freeing Energy Podcast

Brought to you by, Bill Nussey - Author, TED Speaker, and Climate Investor

The Freeing Energy Podcast

Hear from energy pioneers and visionaries from across the globe who are accelerating the shift to clean energy by making their own electric power for their homes, offices, and communities. Join TED speaker, author, and climate investor, Bill Nussey and co-host Sam Easterby as they talk to the people who are disrupting the century-old grid monopoly and making clean, local energy a reality. Visit for more.

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Recent Episodes of The Freeing Energy Podcast

Tom Jensen/FREYR Battery: From Giga Arctic to Giga Americas - the most capital and operationally efficient battery plant in Europe is headed for the US State of Georgia.

Tom Jensen/FREYR Battery: From Giga Arctic to Giga Americas - the most capital and operationally efficient battery plant in Europe is headed for the US State of Georgia.

Listen in as Host Bill Nussey talks with Tom Jensen, CEO and Cofounder of the publicly traded, Luxembourg and Norway based FREYR Battery. FREYR is emerging as a leader in clean, high density battery cell manufacturing. Jensen shares insights into the driving forces that have shaped FREYR to date, the importance of upstream and downstream partnerships, and why the company is committing some $2.6 Billion to the facility envisioned for Coweta County in Georgia. And, since FREYR’s Giga Arctic will be powered by 100% renewable energy, you will want to know what the plans are for powering Giga Americas in Ge...

Episode 99 7 February 2023 45m and 12s

John Berger and Michael Grasso: Sunnova wants to build a ground breaking local energy powered neighborhood and that is rattling cages. Will regulators let them?

John Berger and Michael Grasso: Sunnova wants to build a ground breaking local energy powered neighborhood and that is rattling cages. Will regulators let them?

One of the world’s largest installers of solar + storage energy systems has a groundbreaking and industry changing proposal to build a neighborhood that  runs  on local energy. Their proposal is currently in front of the California Public Utility Commission, but naysayers are trying to squelch the conversation.  Join host Bill Nussey as he talks with Sunnova’s CEO, John Berger and CMO, Michael Grasso. They share the background on what the clean tech leader is proposing and why;  how it will benefit consumers; and what critics are saying and doing to sideline the effort.

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Episode 98 9 December 2022 52m and 32s

Donnel Baird/BlocPower: His boyhood Brooklyn apartment was heated with an oven. Now he is pursuing a bold, gutsy vision of how entire cities can retrofit buildings and save on energy costs.

Donnel Baird/BlocPower: His boyhood Brooklyn apartment was heated with an oven. Now he is pursuing a bold, gutsy vision of how entire cities can retrofit buildings and save on energy costs.

In this episode we learn that one man didn't know exactly what to do at first, but he knew the “where,” the “when,” and the “why,” of the problem he saw.  And, that was enough to begin shaping an incredibly bold vision for building a potential unicorn in the clean tech space while simultaneously helping millions of low income Americans.   

Join us as host Bill Nussey talks with the CEO and founder of Brooklyn based BlocPower, Donnel Baird. Listen in as this visionary leader gives us a peek into a journey of why he started BlocPower, what drove his e...

Episode 97 30 October 2022 48m and 18s

Jacqueline Novogratz: Two decades of hard-edged hope coupled with off- grid solar changed the lives of hundreds of millions. What’s next?

Jacqueline Novogratz: Two decades of hard-edged hope coupled with off- grid solar changed the lives of hundreds of millions. What’s next?

For over two decades, Acumen and its partners have dared to go where traditional investors feared to tread. Acumen’s pioneering vision and legendary hard work has brought life changing, off-grid electricity to hundreds of millions of people worldwide. And, along the way, their work has inspired and supported intrepid entrepreneurs and innovators in some of the toughest market environments on earth.  Now, this clear-eyed, gritty bunch, filled with hard edged hope and armed with proven models and even more patient capital have set their sights on new goals. 

Listen in as Acumen founder and CEO, Jacqueline Novo...

Episode 96 11 October 2022 41m and 13s

Michelle Moore/Groundswell: Will America’s smaller, rural communities have to wait for the far reaching benefits of clean power?

Michelle Moore/Groundswell: Will America’s smaller, rural communities have to wait for the far reaching benefits of clean power?

In her inspiring new book, Rural Renaissance, social entrepreneur, author and clean energy non-profit CEO Michelle Moore offers a vision of thriving rural communities where clean power is the spark that leads to greater investment, vitality, and equity. Additionally, Moore argues that we have everything we need in hand today to make this vision a reality.  

In this wide ranging discussion with Freeing Energy, Moore breaks down the key elements that will shape a rural renaissance.  Learn how the work being done by Groundswell, the non-profit she leads, is helping to develop community power by connecting solar an...

Episode 95 27 September 2022 42m and 22s

Astrid Atkinson/Camus Energy: What do Capybaras and Google’s famous reliability have to do with managing a dynamic, zero carbon electric grid?

Astrid Atkinson/Camus Energy: What do Capybaras and Google’s famous reliability have to do with managing a dynamic, zero carbon electric grid?

Scalability, high availability, rapid detection and mitigation of failure…just some of the requirements of a highly performant infrastructure managing a massive distributed environment…like Google’s cloud services.

Could the same principles and patterns apply to the requirements of managing a rapidly changing electric grid? And, what might that mean for different types of electric utilities in a future defined by decentralized resources like solar, batteries, demand response, and EV charging? 

Listen in as Camus Energy CEO and Co-founder, Astrid Atkinson, discusses these topics and shares how she and the Camus team are translating a decad...

Episode 94 13 September 2022 45m and 24s

Catherine Von Burg: Can climate tech founders achieve success without compromising on their mission?

Catherine Von Burg: Can climate tech founders achieve success without compromising on their mission?

When our guest and her partners launched their business a dozen years ago, she had a vision, a technology, and the determination to stick to the mission. If you have a startup in the clean tech space or just interested in really cool technology, listen in as Catherine Von Burg, CEO and Co-founder of SimpliPhi Power, shares the amazing story of how sticking to the mission resulted in a groundbreaking energy storage solution with SimpliPhi Power’s safe, non-toxic battery systems that are being used globally in 40 countries today.  

Episode 93 30 August 2022 51m and 24s

Patrick Walsh & Anish Thakkar: How is this solar+battery startup improving tens of millions of lives while simultaneously creating one of the hottest companies in climate tech?

Patrick Walsh & Anish Thakkar: How is this solar+battery startup improving tens of millions of lives while simultaneously creating one of the hottest companies in climate tech?

Our guests today run a global cleantech powerhouse that recently closed $260 million in a series D funding round. They've served 90 million customers so far and they're adding two million households a year at their current connection rates. If that isn't inspiring enough, what makes these two scrappy entrepreneurs even more inspiring is the fact that they have looked beyond the wealthy markets of the US and Europe and built their company in emerging markets like Kenya, Zambia, Uganda, and other countries in Africa. In just over a decade, these founders have built a team of 2,000 employees, created a field...

Episode 92 16 August 2022 49m and 1s

Jennifer Garson/DOE: Is water power innovation dead in the water? Innovators and this DOE Team are charting a very different course that suggests anything but.

Jennifer Garson/DOE: Is water power innovation dead in the water? Innovators and this DOE Team are charting a very different course that suggests anything but.

Host Bill Nussey dives into the astonishing world of hydropower and marine energy with Jennifer Garson, Director of the Water Power Technologies Office in the US Department of Energy. Garson helps us navigate the well chartered waters of our nation's oldest source of electricity generation and largest source today of energy storage. She shares just how big a role hydropower and marine energy can play and is already playing in shaping the future of clean renewable energy in communities nationwide.  And, Garson describes how her team is opening the floodgates for innovators and entrepreneurs as they drive even more i...

Episode 91 2 August 2022 41m and 31s

Bonus Content:  Podcasters Roundtable - Experts Navigate Politics and Energy Transformation

Bonus Content: Podcasters Roundtable - Experts Navigate Politics and Energy Transformation

Freeing Energy Podcast Host Bill Nussey joins fellow leading Cleantech podcasters for the 5th in a series of lively roundtable discussions on the most pressing questions and issues facing the transition to a clean renewable energy future. In this episode, these top podcasters chime in on topics such as the impact of the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision, Senator Joe Manchin’s big “no” to climate progress legislation, the ongoing war in Ukraine, and escalating attacks by pro-fossil fuel pundits. It’s a rich, one-hour discussion of energy trends, developments, challenges and opportunities. Listen in as the group starts t...

Episode 90 28 July 2022 1h, 2m and 29s

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