Skill Piper

Regenerative Agriculture Podcast

Brought to you by, John Kempf

Regenerative Agriculture Podcast

This is a show for professional growers and agronomists who want to learn about the science and principles of regenerative agriculture systems to increase quality, yield, and profitability.

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Recent Episodes of Regenerative Agriculture Podcast

Episode 126:  The Benefits of Pasture Cropping with Colin Seis

Episode 126: The Benefits of Pasture Cropping with Colin Seis

Colin Seis is a prominent figure in regenerative agriculture, renowned for his innovative pasture cropping solutions in Australia. His family's introduction to agriculture began when his four-times-great-grandparents were sent to Australia as convicts and eventually became successful farmers. Colin grew up on a farm held by his family for many generations in Australia, inheriting a wealth of agricultural knowledge from his father. However, after having witnessed the detrimental effects of conventional farming practices, he sought to find a better way. This led to the development of pasture cropping on the Seis operation, a method that integrates crops and pastures...

Episode 38 25 July 2024 1h, 10m and 12s

Podcast Short #7: Assessing the Efficacy of Regenerative Products with Kish Johnson

Podcast Short #7: Assessing the Efficacy of Regenerative Products with Kish Johnson

In this episode, John Kempf speaks with Kish Johnson, Director of Partnerships and Expansion at Advancing Eco Agriculture. Kish shares insights into AEA's international expansion and maintaining high product standards for global distribution. The conversation touches on Kish's diverse background, including his time in the UK and the Middle East, as well as how these experiences have shaped his approach to agriculture today.

They also discuss the evolution of AEA from a consulting company to one that also manufactures better-performing agricultural product offerings. Kish emphasizes the importance of thorough testing and validation, and that accurate agronomic recommendations...

Episode 35 23 July 2024 25m and 47s

Episode 125: The Benefits and Challenges of Intercropping with Lana Shaw

Episode 125: The Benefits and Challenges of Intercropping with Lana Shaw

Lana Shaw is the Research Manager at the South East Research Farm in Saskatchewan, Canada. She has been with the research farm since 2010, overseeing its transformation from a poorly funded facility into a center for innovative agricultural research. Lana holds a master's degree and has a background in government work related to agriculture. 

Her work focuses on practical, applied experiments that benefit local farmers, with a particular interest in intercropping and companion cropping to improve soil health and agricultural sustainability. Lana comes from several generations of Canadian farmers, grounding her efforts in the long-term resilience and sustainability o...

Episode 36 18 July 2024 40m and 35s

Podcast Short #6: Key Qualities You Need in an Agronomist with David Miller

Podcast Short #6: Key Qualities You Need in an Agronomist with David Miller

In this episode, John speaks with his friend and colleague, David Miller, Director of Applied Agronomyat Advancing Eco Agriculture. Together, they discuss the essential knowledge and skills required to excel as an agronomist, especially within the regenerative agriculture space.

David shares insights from his 15-year journey in agronomy, emphasizing the importance of big-picture thinking and a deep understanding of both plant physiology and soil biology. He talks about the balance between maintaining a high-level overview of agricultural systems while calling upon detailed, crop-specific knowledge in his work.

This conversation highlights the need for agronomists to...

Episode 35 16 July 2024 27m and 18s

Episode 124: Understanding the Complexities of Fruit Trees with Dr. Ted DeJong

Episode 124: Understanding the Complexities of Fruit Trees with Dr. Ted DeJong

Dr. Ted DeJong is a professor at the University of California where he has dedicated approximately 40 years to researching and teaching about stone fruits such as peaches, plums, and nectarines. His primary focus has been understanding the physiology of fruit trees, driven by his desire to probe into how plants function at a fundamental level. One of DeJong's significant contributions is his effort to simplify and clarify the complexities of fruit tree physiology. He’s observed that existing textbooks often describe the functions of trees in great detail but fail to explain how these functions occur. This gap led hi...

Episode 34 11 July 2024 56m and 48s

Podcast Short #5: Benefits of Mid-Season Foliar Applications

Podcast Short #5: Benefits of Mid-Season Foliar Applications

In this episode, John delves into the critical role of mid-season foliar applications in boosting crop health and productivity. He talks about how timely and strategic foliar feeding can address nutrient deficiencies, enhance disease resistance, and improve overall plant vigor, leading to a more successful harvest.

Key topics discussed:

Understanding the optimal mid-season window for applying foliar nutrients to maximize benefits

Identifying common mid-season nutrient deficiencies

Exploring how foliar applications can bolster plant immunity and reduce the impact of diseases

Highlighting best practices for effective foliar application to ensure...

Episode 33 9 July 2024 20m and 26s

Podcast Extra: Ask Me Anything with John Kempf

Podcast Extra: Ask Me Anything with John Kempf

In this Ask Me Anything webinar from June, John answers pressing questions from the audience and shares his extensive research and firsthand experience to help farmers achieve healthier, more resilient crops.

Discussion points include:

Combating disease and pest pressure on a variety of crops Foliar application and management Nitrogen management Cover crops Sap analysis And much more

Listen in to gain valuable insights and practical solutions from one of the leading experts in the field.

Additional Resources:
To watch more webinars from Advancing Eco Agriculture, please visit our YouTube channel, https://www...

Episode 32 4 July 2024 1h, 18m and 31s

Podcast Short #4: Plant Sap Analysis Management

Podcast Short #4: Plant Sap Analysis Management

In this episode, John speaks with Ethan Darling, an agronomist with Advancing Eco Agriculture, who has extensive experience with sap analysis. They discuss the challenges of timely sample collection and shipping. Ethan shares his background and how his innovative techniques have streamlined the process for the AEA team in the Pacific Northwest.

Ethan explains his journey from working in an agroecology lab to managing sap analysis processes at scale in Washington’s Yakima Valley. He details his initial methods of collecting, processing, and analyzing sap samples – Ethan has worked with up to 29,000 data points in a season! By i...

Episode 31 2 July 2024 21m and 19s

Episode 123: Breaking Traditions in Dry Climates with Keith Morter

Episode 123: Breaking Traditions in Dry Climates with Keith Morter

Keith Morter, a dryland wheat farmer from Oregon, transitioned to regenerative agriculture management practices. Keith initially used standard, conventional methods like plowing and extensive chemical applications on his operation. Dissatisfied with the results, Keith shifted to direct seeding and eventually embraced regenerative practices. By drastically reducing nitrogen use and implementing holistic management techniques, Keith observed significant improvements in soil health, crop resilience, and pest resistance. 

Despite challenges like low rainfall and high summer temperatures, his farm now thrives with healthier soils and sustainable crop yields, demonstrating the transformative potential of regenerative farming in challenging environments.


Episode 30 28 June 2024 1h, 29m and 55s

Podcast Short #3: Unveiling Plant Consciousness and Intelligence

Podcast Short #3: Unveiling Plant Consciousness and Intelligence

In this Podcast Short, John delves into the topic of plant consciousness and intelligence. John talks about how plants are not just passive organisms, but possess significant cognitive abilities and responsiveness. Drawing inspiration from Stephen Herrod Buhner’s works, particularly "The Lost Language of Plants," John discusses how plants demonstrate informed decision-making capabilities and can react to human intentions.

John also cites additional scientific findings that assert plants have sophisticated neural networks contained within their root systems, similar to human neural systems, which are capable of learning and memory.

Additional Resources:
Click here, to get...

Episode 29 25 June 2024 25m and 38s

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