Skill Piper

Imperfect Action

Brought to you by, Steph Taylor

Imperfect Action

How do I grow my business faster? What's the secret to success? How can design a business that serves me, not the other way around?Your host, Steph Taylor, asked all of these questions right before she built a million-dollar online business from the ground up in just a few short years. But she made every mistake along the way. Now, Steph's sharing the strategies she wishes she'd known when she was dreaming up her business plan from her corporate cubicle. The advice she wishes she'd had when she was juggling painful clients, answering client calls at 3 am and wondering...

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Recent Episodes of Imperfect Action

A bigger audience doesn't mean more profit: What to focus on instead of audience size

A bigger audience doesn't mean more profit: What to focus on instead of audience size

Growing your following or getting more subscribers isn't going to make you more sales—especially if your offers aren't already converting. More followers does not equal more profit, unless your business is already profitable and your offers are already converting well. In today's episode, I'm sharing why audience size isn't the be all and end all of business growth—and what you can focus on instead.

- Why large followings can have hidden problems that negatively affect conversion and sales.
- How getting your foundations in place is really important *before* you scale.
- Why shifting your...

Episode 807 14 May 2024 14m and 25s

7 ways that failures (and mistakes) work FOR you in your business

7 ways that failures (and mistakes) work FOR you in your business

As humans, we fear failure. Like somehow it'll be the end of the world. But failure is inevitable in business. You can't predict what will work and what won't—you just have to try, and then get up and try again. In today's episode, I'm sharing 7 ways that failure works *for* you and not against you.

- How understanding the core of fear and failure will help you to take baby steps towards the thing that you want to do.
- Why failing actually speeds up your success in the long term by learning and growing.

Episode 806 12 May 2024 24m and 6s

5 small shifts to sell your offers without feeling sales-y

5 small shifts to sell your offers without feeling sales-y

Hard truth: The only real way to make money in your business is to sell. Otherwise, you go broke. Money isn't a dirty word. Money is how your business gets to reach more people and make a bigger impact. In today's episode, I'm sharing how you can sell your offers without feeling too sales-y.

- How shifting your mindset can help you to see why selling is an act of service for your audience.
- What selling *is* and what it is *not*.
- How using your sales content and messaging strategically can help to pre-empt...

Episode 805 9 May 2024 14m and 23s

Struggling to grow your audience? You might be missing one (or both) parts of the audience growth formula

Struggling to grow your audience? You might be missing one (or both) parts of the audience growth formula

Growing your audience can be a long, hard slog. But it doesn't have to be. Audience growth can be simple—if you follow the two-part formula I'm sharing in today's episode. Having one part of the formula without the other (or having neither) just won't cut it in today's online world. In today's episode, I'm sharing 3 ways this shows up and how you can fix it.

- How balancing both sides of the audience growth equation is important for successful audience growth.
- Why creating great content is only as good as the strategy implemented to promote it...

Episode 801 7 May 2024 15m and 48s

Coaching Call: Turning free events into a profitable online business

Coaching Call: Turning free events into a profitable online business

Today I am coaching Hannah, who is passionate about bringing women together with in person and online events. The challenge Hannah faces today is how to get her clients to pay for something that is really valuable, when they've previously been getting it for free. In this episode, we talk about different ways she can turn her events into a paid membership that attracts the right people.

- Why building an email list is so important in business, rather than relying solely on social media or other platforms like Meetup.
- How creating a valuable freebie to...

Episode 803 5 May 2024 26m and 27s

4 mindset habits to adopt before your next launch for a bigger profit

4 mindset habits to adopt before your next launch for a bigger profit

It's easy to get caught up on the tech side of a launch, or the words, or the webinar—or any other parts of a launch. But one thing that's easy to miss is your mindset—and so it's important to get your head in the right space. In today's episode, I'm sharing why mindset is important in a launch and 4 habits that you can adopt before your next one.

- The importance of mindset when it comes to launching and how adopting better habits can lead to greater profits.
- Why launching is a repeatable process and...

Episode 802 2 May 2024 19m and 25s

The biggest takeaways from 800 episodes of this show (Part 2)

The biggest takeaways from 800 episodes of this show (Part 2)

Today marks 6 years since I launched this podcast and it's changed so much in that time. I've changed the name, the content, the cover art and so much more. The thing is, if I'd waited for it to be perfect before I started, I'd never have started it. Instead, here we are—800 episodes later. In today's episode, I'm sharing 5 more takeaways from these last 6 years.

- How launching is a rinse and repeat process that helps you to grow your income and impact faster, without needing to come up with something new every time.
- Why most of...

Episode 801 30 April 2024 20m and 9s

The biggest takeaways from 800 episodes of this show (Part 1)

The biggest takeaways from 800 episodes of this show (Part 1)

This is the 800th episode of "Imperfect Action"! I've learned so much along the way about business, as well as what works and what doesn't work in the ever-changing online world. In today's episode, I'm sharing my biggest lessons and takeaways along with the things that have moved the needle most for me and our listeners.

- The most common reasons why people may be looking but not buying your offer (and it may not be what you think!).
- Why creating content is still a super effective way to grow your audience and nurture them to...

Episode 800 28 April 2024 15m and 40s

6 essentials for attracting clients that value your offers

6 essentials for attracting clients that value your offers

Are you attracting people who tell you that your offers are too expensive? Or come to you for your free content but never buy from you? The clients you really need are those who value what you offer, are willing to actually *pay* for it and are not just looking for the cheapest option out there. In today's episode, I'm sharing 6 essentials for attracting clients who actually value your offers.

- The importance of choosing a niche that actually has money to spend.
- Why being really clear about your messaging is essential to communicating exactly what...

Episode 799 25 April 2024 12m and 16s

Ask Steph: How can I create a valuable freebie that doesn't give away too much?

Ask Steph: How can I create a valuable freebie that doesn't give away too much?

When creating a lead magnet, I see many business owners trying to give away as much value as possible. And while value can be important, it's usually *not* what will get them over the line. What's more important is figuring out what your ideal client needs to be ready to buy your offer. In today's episode, I'm answering a listener's question about creating a freebie that's valuable *and* meets their audience where they're at.

- Why giving away value does *not* equal sales and conversions and what you can focus on instead.
- The questions you can...

Episode 798 23 April 2024 12m and 35s

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