Skill Piper

Imperfect Action

Brought to you by, Steph Taylor

Imperfect Action

How do I grow my business faster? What's the secret to success? How can design a business that serves me, not the other way around?Your host, Steph Taylor, asked all of these questions right before she built a million-dollar online business from the ground up in just a few short years. But she made every mistake along the way. Now, Steph's sharing the strategies she wishes she'd known when she was dreaming up her business plan from her corporate cubicle. The advice she wishes she'd had when she was juggling painful clients, answering client calls at 3 am and wondering...

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Recent Episodes of Imperfect Action

Overcoming these 6 common challenges when you're an online business owner

Overcoming these 6 common challenges when you're an online business owner

Running your own business can be very satisfying and rewarding. But, it's never smooth sailing—there will always be setbacks that can knock you off course. In today's episode, I share 6 of the most common challenges I've experienced in business and my strategies and tips to overcome them.

- How persevering through the slow income growth phase of your business is easier with these 4 steps.
- Why growing your audience is a slow burn and the 2 options you could consider to speed up this growth.
- Why understanding that business ownership is a financial rollercoaster will he...

Episode 838 25 July 2024 20m and 3s

3 tips for sharing free content in a saturated online world

3 tips for sharing free content in a saturated online world

Our world is overflowing with free content and it's *way* more than we could ever consume. And as more social platforms pop up to share your content on, you're at the mercy of the ever-changing algorithms as trends come and go. In today's episode, I'm sharing my 3 top tips for creating standout content in a noisy online world.

- Why choosing your platform is more about being consistent than the platform itself—there's no one "right" platform to use.
- The importance of being intentional and strategic with your content, while focusing on your business goals and vi...

Episode 837 23 July 2024 17m and 57s

Debunking 5 unrealistic expectations of having an online business

Debunking 5 unrealistic expectations of having an online business

Starting and growing an online business has many perks—but that doesn't mean it's going to be fun all the time... In the beginning, we often have unrealistic expectations built up by all of the external noise around us, and then feel flat and uncertain wondering if we're "doing it right" when it doesn't happen! In today's episode, I'm debunking 5 of these unrealistic expectations and revealing more realistic approaches instead.

- The benefits of organic growth and why online businesses don't grow overnight
- How dispelling the myth that social media is ALL you need to grow yo...

Episode 836 21 July 2024 13m and 43s

Ask Steph: I have so many ideas, so how do I choose?

Ask Steph: I have so many ideas, so how do I choose?

Today I am answering a question from a listener who has multiple business ideas but doesn't know which one to pursue. In today's episode, I'm sharing how I've used the wrong ideas in the past and reveal the 6-step process I now follow when making decisions.

- Why unique ideas are not always the best ideas—or what people actually want.
- Why starting with the market you intend to sell to and brainstorming (their problems and solutions) is the first step.
- The power of 1:1 client research to gain insight into their problems and what th...

Episode 835 18 July 2024 19m and 16s

5 ways to free up your time so you can prioritise the things that matter in your business

5 ways to free up your time so you can prioritise the things that matter in your business

Running a business can be super BUSY! And it can be really hard to figure out how to balance your time across everything you need to do and all the tasks that need your attention. In today's episode, I'm sharing 5 strategies I use to free up my time and prioritise my tasks.

- Why defining your "Queen Bee" role is a must-do for anyone who runs a business.
- How automating your repetitive tasks can help to free up your time.
- Why delegating anything that's not your "Queen Bee" role will help you to buy...

Episode 834 16 July 2024 12m and 20s

Are you building the business you *want* to build? Here's 10 Qs to help you out

Are you building the business you *want* to build? Here's 10 Qs to help you out

I've made *a lot* of mistakes in my business journey—and one of these was lacking the clarity and focus for the vision I had for my business' future. I also built a previous business that I thought I was *supposed* to build but it was based on someone else's vision. In today's episode, I'm putting *you* in the hotseat with some questions to ask yourself to find this clarity and focus for *your* business.

- The 3 lessons I wish I'd learned earlier in my business and how you can learn from these mistakes.
- Why getting re...

Episode 833 14 July 2024 13m and 59s

5 ways to build your business income without investing even more money

5 ways to build your business income without investing even more money

Feel like you're doing all the things but your monthly income just isn't increasing? This is totally normal and growing a business can take a while. In today's episode, I'm sharing 5 things that you can do *now* to help build your income.

- Why understanding the income equation will help you to identify the cause/s of your slow income growth.
- How being clear on the strategy behind how you sell will help you to navigate ways to grow your income.
- The importance of using your free content to attract the right people into...

Episode 832 11 July 2024 12m and 52s

5 ways to generate cash on demand in your business

5 ways to generate cash on demand in your business

Most online businesses go through periods of low cash flow. So knowing how to generate cash on demand is a super useful skill to help you get back on track. In today's episode, I'm sharing 5 ways you can boost your cashflow when you're needing a quick cash injection.

- How creating a quick cash injection means you can generate more cash flow whenever you need to.
- The benefits of using a "time limited campaign" to boost your cashflow.
- Why using cash injections is a great way to take imperfect action and experiment with an...

Episode 831 9 July 2024 16m and 43s

How testing a new offer led to 19 sales without a massive launch (with Christine Kirkland)

How testing a new offer led to 19 sales without a massive launch (with Christine Kirkland)

Christine is a certified pilates instructor who has a membership platform teaching online pilates. She's also a member of my new Conversion Campaigns membership. In today's episode, we talk about a new offer she successfully launched to her community, despite having no business or marketing background.

- The benefits of creating a cash injection into your business outside of an existing monthly membership.
- How Conversion Campaigns helps to clarify ideas for new offers *and* joins the dots from idea to action to results.
- How using one-off campaigns to test new offers helps you to...

Episode 830 7 July 2024 22m and 32s

9 reasons you're not making enough sales right now (and no, it's not the economy)

9 reasons you're not making enough sales right now (and no, it's not the economy)

There's a lot of fear out there in the online space right now that says "no-one is buying" because of the economy. But it's normal for the economy to ebb and flow—that's nothing new. What's even more important when it comes to cashflow in your business is how you're showing up and selling your offers. In today's episode, I'm sharing 9 reasons why your sales may be slow right now that have nothing to do with the economy.

- Why showing up with effective sales processes for your offers are keys to creatively selling to your audience.

Episode 829 4 July 2024 16m and 58s

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