Skill Piper

Mind Love • Modern Mindfulness to Think, Feel, and Live Well

Brought to you by, Melissa Monte | Mindset Mentor

Mind Love • Modern Mindfulness to Think, Feel, and Live Well

Give your mind a little love with Mind Love, a podcast dedicated to the exploration of the power of the mind, focusing on mindset, mindfulness, mind-body-soul, and science-based approaches to mental health. Each week, Melissa Monte hosts interviews with inspiring guest experts, delving into evidence-based mind science and real-life stories from those who have overcome their mental challenges.Whether you’re looking to find purpose and inner peace, rewire negative thought patterns, manifest your goals, or simply treat yourself with more kindness, Mind Love will help you unlock your mind's potential. Get ready to expand your understanding of the mind an...

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Recent Episodes of Mind Love • Modern Mindfulness to Think, Feel, and Live Well

From Clutter to Clarity: Feng Shui Your Home’s Energy Flow with Marie Diamond

From Clutter to Clarity: Feng Shui Your Home’s Energy Flow with Marie Diamond

We will learn:

How your environment signals to the universe what you desire and the importance of space-clearing How your space can improve your romance and your finances How to find your personal energy number

Ever walk into a room and feel like something's just... off? You can't quite put your finger on it, but suddenly, you're having trouble relaxing or getting anything done.

Here's the deal: our environment affects us way more than we realize. It’s not just about what’s in your space, but how your space is arranged.

Episode 358 23 July 2024 1h, 9m and 26s

How to Speak Up for Yourself with the Soul Instead of the Ego with Amy Green Smith

How to Speak Up for Yourself with the Soul Instead of the Ego with Amy Green Smith

We will learn:

How to master the art of setting boundaries without drama Why people emotionally regress and how to handle it with empathy How specificity in conversation might save your relationships

Every gift has a shadow, and every shadow a gift. This has been one of my biggest lessons throughout my spiritual growth. I've learned that the impact of our actions or words can vary dramatically based on the energy we bring to them.

Take serving others, for instance. It can spring from a sense of purpose and self-worth, or it...

Episode 357 16 July 2024 1h, 20m and 9s

Unconditional Love, Healing, and Life Lessons from Dogs with Brianna Madia

Unconditional Love, Healing, and Life Lessons from Dogs with Brianna Madia

We will learn:

How feeling "too much" impacts lives and relationships, and how you can embrace your full self without apology. How Brianna's dogs led her to make radical life choices and what she’s learned from her aging dogs about slowing down and living in the moment The heart-wrenching yet empowering conversations about navigating relationships with imperfect parents—and how it shapes us.

Dogs have a lot to teach us. They don’t care about our flaws or past mistakes. They don’t hold grudges or criticize our choices. They simply love us for who...

Episode 356 9 July 2024 1h, 15m and 11s

How a Single Conversation Could Improve Your Relationship Forever with Topaz Adizes

How a Single Conversation Could Improve Your Relationship Forever with Topaz Adizes

We will learn:

The hidden power of acceptance in relationships. How asking thought-provoking questions can revolutionize your conversations and relationships. How to craft questions that avoid dead-end answers and spark powerful, transformative discussions.

Have you ever noticed that certain conversations or people leave you feeling a particular way? Maybe it’s a really good feeling—like true connection, fulfillment, or belonging. Or maybe it’s not so great, leaving you frustrated, disconnected, or defensive. Sometimes, it’s hard to pinpoint why.

The question is, do certain dynamics just exist as they are, and you’...

Episode 355 2 July 2024 1h, 2m and 8s

Post-Traumatic Growth and the Beauty in Brokenness with Edith Shiro

Post-Traumatic Growth and the Beauty in Brokenness with Edith Shiro

We will learn:

How belonging creates healing How spiritual development changes your brain The five stages of post-traumatic growth that turn our pain into power

Why do some people seem to bounce back from life's hardest blows, while others stay down?

Sometimes, you might be the one who can't seem to find your footing after a struggle. And if you're actively denying your pain or comparing it to others, thinking, "What I went through isn't that bad; I shouldn't be feeling this way," you're going to miss the lesson.


Episode 354 25 June 2024 1h, 9m and 27s

Zen Principles in Motion with Ultrarunner Katie Arnold

Zen Principles in Motion with Ultrarunner Katie Arnold

We will learn:

How a radical use of present-tense affirmations can reshape your reality. How to embrace boredom and repetitive activities as a superpower How to truly flow with life

If you’re anything like me (and I’ve got a hunch that you might be, given that you’re listening to this podcast), you have spent quite a bit of time working on yourself.

But eventually, you get to a point where you think, okay, this is all good in theory, but what about in practice?

It’s easy to feel...

Episode 353 18 June 2024 1h, 9m and 11s

The Secrets to Inner Sovereignty: Reclaiming Your Freedom, Energy, and Power with Emma Seppälä

The Secrets to Inner Sovereignty: Reclaiming Your Freedom, Energy, and Power with Emma Seppälä

We will learn:

The true consequences of external validation How to shift from time management to energy management How your relationships reflect your self-worth and how to break the cycle

Do you want to know a powerful question you can ask yourself every time you react to something: Am I responding this way because it’s necessary or because of a past experience?

Our experiences, especially from childhood, shape a huge part of who we are today. Memories, beliefs, and habits get deeply rooted in our subconscious minds. Then, they control our ac...

Episode 352 11 June 2024 1h, 8m and 46s

Communicating with Open Hearts and Open Minds for Respectful Disagreements with Justin Jones-Fosu

Communicating with Open Hearts and Open Minds for Respectful Disagreements with Justin Jones-Fosu

We will learn:

How to plant seeds of change within your relationships How to challenge your perspective and understand others more deeply How to use an inside-out approach when dealing with disagreements

Have you ever been in the middle of an argument and felt like there was no way out?

The exhausting back-and-forth where nobody seems to give an inch can leave you wondering if there's a way to find common ground without giving up what you believe in.

We often try to show who we are by what we...

Episode 351 4 June 2024 1h, 12m and 54s

From Self-Doubt to Wise Confidence with Giovanni Dienstmann

From Self-Doubt to Wise Confidence with Giovanni Dienstmann

We will learn:

When we should take a different approach to self-acceptance How to develop an aspirational identity The three pillars of self-confidence and how they can transform your self-image

Have you ever had that inner voice that whispers, “I can’t do this,” right before you’re about to take on something new?

Or maybe it’s louder, a persistent chant of self-doubt that seems to paralyze you, keeping you stuck where you are, not really moving forward in life.

But that’s not your true inner voice. It’s the reptilia...

Episode 350 28 May 2024 1h, 2m and 6s

Breaking the Cycle of Ancestral Trauma and Inherited Anxiety with Laura Rhodes-Levin

Breaking the Cycle of Ancestral Trauma and Inherited Anxiety with Laura Rhodes-Levin

We will learn:

The hidden impact of historical trauma and how it's shaping your current behaviors and anxieties How the scars of your past can be converted into unique gifts and strengths How love as an active process can change your mental health

Can you relate to this?

You grow up looking at your family, thinking, "Phew, thank goodness I'm not like them."

But then, one day, it hits you like a ton of bricks. You catch yourself saying the exact same things your mom used to say, word for...

Episode 349 20 May 2024 1h, 7m and 7s

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