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Big Questions with Cal Fussman

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Big Questions with Cal Fussman

As a bestselling author, speaker and one of the greatest interviewers of this generation, Cal Fussman has sat down with some of the world’s most influential individuals: Muhammad Ali, Mikhail Gorbachev, Serena Williams, Jeff Bezos, Jack Welch, John Wooden, Al Pacino and hundreds of others, digging deep into their hearts and delivering their wisdom to the rest of the world. Now, in Big Questions, Cal continues his journey. Uncovering the heart, head, and soul of his guests in thoughtful, deep and entertaining conversations.

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Recent Episodes of Big Questions with Cal Fussman

The US Open: A Player To Root For

The US Open: A Player To Root For

Cal continues a summer of storytelling by passing on one about a player you might like to root for in this year’s U.S. Open. The backstory of Taylor Townsend shows us how there are winds in life that hold us back and winds that push us forward. And the value of perseverance in between.

Episode 88 3 September 2024 9m and 29s

Creating A Life Of Deep Connections

Creating A Life Of Deep Connections

Cal gets an unexpected e-mail asking about the feeling behind making a deep connection. It compels him to think back through a career of experiences with Muhammad Ali and Mikhael Gorbachev, bonds with people who took him in when he traveled around the world, friendships, and even ties with people who connected with his words and voice without ever having met him. But now, in a digital world where people can get a thousand likes while having no real friends, he finds great purpose giving workshops that connect others so they can get the most out of one another.<...

Episode 87 27 August 2024 18m and 28s

NFL Rule Change Will Do You Good

NFL Rule Change Will Do You Good

The change in the opening kickoff of National Football League games may seem inconsequential when compared to other developments in the world. As Cal wonders about the emotion and spirit that will be lost from the game, he realizes that the way he’s reacting to the new rule is a metaphor for the way many of us see change. It’s worth thinking about for a moment at a time when artificial intelligence is becoming the biggest change humanity has ever seen.

Episode 86 20 August 2024 8m and 7s

Santana’s Michael Shrieve: Acid to AI

Santana’s Michael Shrieve: Acid to AI

The Hall of Fame drummer looks back at the band’s iconic performance at Woodstock in 1969 when Carlos Santana dropped some LSD shortly before being summoned to go on stage. Michael had ingested mescaline. Carlos believed his guitar turned into a snake during the rendition of Soul Sacrifice and at the same time Michael was transported to heaven. Video that captured the group’s dynamic is a living testament to human connection with music. It also makes us consider the place of the latest landmark in music: artificial intelligence.

Episode 85 13 August 2024 26m and 7s

The Tie That Binds

The Tie That Binds

Cal finds out lots of things he never knew about someone he thought he knew . . . at that person’s funeral. It got him to think about how well we know each other, and how well we connect . . . which sparked him to figure out a way that will enable you to connect better. This short podcast could change your life.

Episode 84 6 August 2024 8m and 5s

The Olympics And The Great Race

The Olympics And The Great Race

Cal looks at the word inclusion through the controversy at the Olympics opening ceremony last week. And what a diverse message really looks like through the most exciting race he ever saw – one that was won by three hundredths of a second at the Olympics more than 50 years ago. The lessons in those two experiences give us all something to think about.

Episode 83 30 July 2024 13m and 38s

Election Of The Ages

Election Of The Ages

Cal describes how listener reaction to last week’s podcast about the attempted assassination on Donald Trump influenced his decision to speak out on Big Questions and tell the world what he’s learned through his meetings with the people who’ve shaped the last 75 years of world history. The timing of his recording of this week’s message on the upcoming election is an eerie confirmation that it’s the right way to go.

Episode 82 23 July 2024 13m and 20s

The Trump Assassination Attempt

The Trump Assassination Attempt

Cal looks at the attempt on the former president’s life in a way that you won’t find anywhere else. This podcast is not red vs. blue. It’s not political. Cal’s childhood in the 1960s was run through a montage of assassinations – from John F. Kennedy to Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy. And he believes that it’s hard to sustain a democracy when people are shot and killed while they are in office or before they can be elected. We are living in a very disconnected time. After spending his entire life connecting through conversation...

Episode 82 16 July 2024 6m and 43s

Damon Burton: Think Twice About Your AI Content

Damon Burton: Think Twice About Your AI Content

Cal continues his journey into the world of artificial intelligence when he talks with the SEO guru. The Big Question is how the AI digital content now inundating the internet measures up against content that has authentic human connection at its essence. Be prepared to be surprised.

Episode 80 9 July 2024 55m and 15s

Jamie Metzl: Seeing AI Like Electricity

Jamie Metzl: Seeing AI Like Electricity

Cal talks with the futurist who tells us that artificial intelligence is going to be embedded in everything we do -- and that means many aspects of the world around us will be moving at an accelerated pace. His book, Superconvergence, looks at how AI will transform our lives as it is embedded in genetics and biotech. It could mean living longer, feeding billions and supercharging the economy. We don’t want to think about the downside – which is why we must. Jamie’s got a Ph.D. from Oxford, a Juris Doctor degree from Harvard Law School and he was...

Episode 79 2 July 2024 53m and 17s

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