Skill Piper

Who Am I Really?

Brought to you by, Damon L. Davis

Who Am I Really?

Adoptees telling their own stories of life in adoption, their search for their birth family, and how their reunion attempt turned out. Stories that make you laugh, cry, or simply say "wow". This podcast has two purposes: 1) To help you explore your own feelings about your adoption, accept your desire understand your own personal history, and decide for yourself whether reunification with your biological relatives is right for you. It will help you understand how others have dealt with issues related to protecting the feelings of their adopted families who may be supportive of your search, or question your motives...

...see more


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Recent Episodes of Who Am I Really?

041 – I’ve Finally Gotten Myself To A Sense Of Peace

041 – I’ve Finally Gotten Myself To A Sense Of Peace

After two years in foster care, Janet was adopted into the foster family. An interracial woman, she grew up in a white midwestern community in Ohio. Janet recalls the love she felt from her family and the isolation of being one of two people of color in her town. Through the International Soundex Reunion Registry ( she connected with her birth mother who had been waiting for her to register for years. In reunion, Janet forged a tight bond with her birth mother and maternal brother. On her birth father’s side, she finally met & bonded with her broth...

Episode 41 7 September 2024 48m and 19s

Deep Rooted Issues Of Shame And Guilt

Deep Rooted Issues Of Shame And Guilt

John called me from Charlotte, NC, but his story starts in Ontario Canada. He shares how he grew up in a strict home and how even though he was mischievous, he didn’t think his actions warranted his unceremonious delivery to boarding school. After decades of dedication to his search, he finally discovered his birth mother’s identity, accidentally uncovered deeply held lifelong secrets, and he hopes to have a pint with the man falsely named as his birth father. This is John’s journey. 

Episode 122 31 August 2024 54m and 43s

138 - She Never Thought She Would See Me Again

138 - She Never Thought She Would See Me Again

Marilyn called me from Southeast Tennessee. When she met her natural mother, she finally learned the story of what the woman had been through as the pieces of 50 years of history returned to her memory. Maryilyn admits she didn't have a huge void to fill in seeking reunion but that being in reunion has opened up closeness with her natural mother that some of her closest friends have waited years to achieve. Listen at the end for the cute story of how her son met his grandmother for the first time right at his own school, you're gonna love...

Episode 138 24 August 2024 34m and

124 - I Didn't Do Anything To Him

124 - I Didn't Do Anything To Him

Gayla called me, with her best friend Lisa, from Georgia. Gayla said she was loved so much by her adopted parents that you never would have known she was an adoptee. When she found her biological mother they got really close until the woman said something unkind about her adopted mother that strained their relationship some. Locating her biological father, Gayla was met with rejection until she drove 5 hours to meet the man face to face. A well intended misstep drove a wedge between them, so she holds out hope that her apology will be meaningful and they can be fr...

Episode 124 17 August 2024 47m and 36s

087 – A Journey To Find Out Where I Came From

087 – A Journey To Find Out Where I Came From

When he was a kid, Bill saw clues here and there that he was adopted, but no one ever actually said it. It wasn’t until he called an uncle he’d never met before that the truth was revealed, turning Bill’s world upside down. Reunion with his birth mother was an emotional event with a woman who was told never to speak of his existence again. Bill talks about how he felt toward the father he grew up who took the secret of his adoption to his grave, and how redemptive it’s been to be accepted by his birt...

Episode 87 10 August 2024 43m and 7s

137 - Searching For Mom

137 - Searching For Mom

Sara, from Seattle, Washington, was an over achiever adoptee who was secretly struggling and going off the rails. She intentionally avoided babies until her sister gave birth.. and having kids of her own drove home just how precious babies are. Sara feared reunion would literally kill her adoptive mother. But in reunion she finally heard from her biological mother that they looked just a like, a comment she had waited to hear her whole life.This is Sara’s journey.

Episode 137 3 August 2024 1h, 7m and 33s

104 – You’re Obviously One Of Us

104 – You’re Obviously One Of Us

Karen is from Stratford, Ontario, Canada. She shares her story of growing up a woman of color who stood out in her family and community.

Locating her birth mother she found little connection and a bit of tension, but ultimately she wants to keep the relationship going. That’s partially because her paternal reunion, while fulfilling in the most heartwarming ways, was sadly too brief. This is Karen’s journey.

The post 104 – You’re Obviously One Of Us appeared first on Who Am I...Really? Podcast.

Karen (00:04):

I was so sad at the tim...

Episode 104 27 July 2024 49m and 17s

My Two Moms

My Two Moms

Wendy, from Massachussetts, was adopted through Louise Wise, an agency with a notorious reputation. Separately, the tragic murder of Lisa Steinberg triggered her adoptive mother to give Wendy open permission to find her birth mother to let her know she’s ok. On her search, Wendy found her birth father first, but connecting with her birth mother is where she’s found similar interests and a relationship that continues to grow as she introduces her birth mother to her family. This is Wendy’s journey.

Wendy (00:02):

You know I called my adopted mom and said, you know...

Episode 114 20 July 2024 40m and 21s

097 – You Gotta Forgive

097 – You Gotta Forgive

James called me from right up the road in Laurel, Maryland and we have one degree of separation with one of my adoptive father, Willie’s, friends. In his story you’ll hear his struggle to find himself and an identity as a youth in a family that didn’t look like him. It took him years to find his voice after a bitter divorce left him and his adopted siblings abused. Thankfully James’s wife, an excellent investigator found his birth parents and helped initiate meaningful reunions that allowed James to express forgiveness and find belonging.

Jame's book, "...

Episode 97 13 July 2024 36m and 31s

053 – Seeing The Life That Could Have Been

053 – Seeing The Life That Could Have Been

Meredith had enough adoptees around her growing up that adoption was no big deal. Yet, her parents never felt comfortable actually discussing adoption. After getting pregnant, and spurred on by her mother-in-law’s intuition that Meredith wanted answers, she started searching. When her social worker found her biological parents, they were married with children. Her reunion has filled her with mixed emotions because she’s thankful for the life she’s led but’s she’s seen the family photos for the life that could have been.

The post 053 – Seeing The Life That Could Have Been appeared first on Who Am...

Episode 53 6 July 2024 36m and 44s

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