Skill Piper

BaseCamp Live

Brought to you by, Davies Owens

BaseCamp Live

BaseCamp LIVE will equip you, the parent, educator, or mentor to climb the biggest mountains as you seek to shape young people to become exceptionally prepared, compassionate, and thoughtful human beings. Our guests are thought leaders, culture watchers, and educational experts who are seeing the benefits of a classical Christian education to form students into adults who can think critically, believe with courage, and serve compassionately.

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Recent Episodes of BaseCamp Live

Raising a Good Young Man, with Franklin Norton

Raising a Good Young Man, with Franklin Norton

Southern writer Flannery O’Connor once said, “A good man is hard to find,” and that statement seems more true today than ever. With increasing temptations and fewer strong role models, raising the next generation of good men has become one of our most important—and challenging—tasks.

However, there is hope. Classical Christian schools provide a unique environment where boys can grow into the men we desperately need, despite stereotypes that suggest classical education might be too gentle. In these schools, boys are shaped into men of character, strength, and virtue.

Join us as we address...

Episode 298 22 August 2024 49m and 51s

How the Great Books Impact Modern Life, with A.J. Hanenburg and Graeme Donaldson

How the Great Books Impact Modern Life, with A.J. Hanenburg and Graeme Donaldson

In today’s fast-paced, tech-driven world, it’s fair to question the value of students reading long-form books, which are at the heart of a liberal arts classical education. With so much content readily accessible, why do we still turn to these age-old texts, especially when the basic stories and facts are just a click away? Are these classic works still the best way to ground the next generation in God’s timeless truths while equipping them to navigate the complexities of the modern age?

Join us for a fascinating and enlightening discussion on the enduring relevance of the...

Episode 297 6 August 2024 49m and 9s

Classical Christian Education On the Move in Africa! With Karen Elliott

Classical Christian Education On the Move in Africa! With Karen Elliott

As parents and educators, it’s easy to get caught up in the daily hustle and bustle of our own families, schools, and communities, often missing the incredible stories of what God is doing around the world. Today, we want to take you on a journey to one of the most exciting areas of school and spiritual growth happening on the continent of Africa. 

We are thrilled to welcome back Karen Eliot, who will share the latest developments in Classical Christian Education, including the work and resources being created and deployed for schools and families in Africa—and f...

Episode 296 31 July 2024 41m and 3s

The Power of the Right Questions, with Sarah Abbott

The Power of the Right Questions, with Sarah Abbott

Have you ever noticed how asking the right question can spark incredible growth, deeper understanding, and engaging conversations? That’s the dream of every teacher and parent, but it’s not always easy! Jesus certainly knew the power of a well-placed question, often using them to challenge his listeners, provoke thought, and reveal deeper truths.
Imagine using the same strategy to awaken meaningful conversations with your children, even in the back of the minivan on the ride home from school. So, what makes for a good and effective question, whether in the classroom or at a family meal?

Episode 295 26 July 2024 34m and 46s

Rediscovering the Joys of Reading, with Cherie Harder

Rediscovering the Joys of Reading, with Cherie Harder

Imagine it’s 1927, and you’re flipping through a National Geographic magazine. On the back cover, a full-page ad invites you to join the Book of the Month Club, promising to send you a different great book each month. The tagline reads, “Relive the books that charmed you in your youth.”
Fast forward 100 years, and what charmed most of us in our youth likely wasn’t one of those great books that shaped Western thought and culture. Today, many Americans don’t read regularly, and even fewer delve into the timeless classics that answer so many of life’s basic questi...

Episode 294 22 July 2024 42m and 24s

Remembering History for Future Generations, with Sam Cox

Remembering History for Future Generations, with Sam Cox

Many of us remember history as a school subject filled with long lists of dates and random facts to memorize. However, classical education offers a different approach, treating history as a living conversation with the great minds whose ideas have spanned the centuries. It’s about bringing to life the stories of real people, heroes, and heroines, whose tales inspire us in our historic moments.

Our guest today, classical educator Sam Cox, shares his journey of bringing history alive in the classroom. He has retraced the steps of a group of Holocaust survivors, personally spending time with an...

Episode 293 12 July 2024 38m and 42s

Motivating Youth in a Lazy & Distracted World, with Craig Hefner

Motivating Youth in a Lazy & Distracted World, with Craig Hefner

Have you ever seen a young person struggling to get motivated, complaining about boredom, or seeming a bit lazy and apathetic? Or perhaps they’re the opposite, always busy, distracted, and jumping from one thing to the next throughout the day. This behavior is common in our modern world, but the ancients had a unique word for it: Acedia. Although this term has faded from our vocabulary, it’s worth rediscovering, as it helps us better understand this prevalent vice, especially challenging for teenagers. Fortunately, our guest Craig Hefner brings encouraging words and practical solutions to reframe this mindset in o...

Episode 292 1 July 2024 42m and 52s

Creating an Enriching Summer Break, with Keith McCurdy

Creating an Enriching Summer Break, with Keith McCurdy

It is officially summer break! Instead of sitting in front of screens or combatting boredom, guest Keith McCurdy brings practical advice for making this an enriching and impactful summer that will leave parents at peace, in control, and excited to have time with their children. Don’t miss this special episode preparing families for this exciting season.

What did you think of this episode?  Email us at!


We are thrilled to share the rollout of our brand new media platform, ZipCast, helping parents be encouraged on the go with what they...

Episode 291 21 June 2024 35m and 55s

Making the "True, Good, & Beautiful" Matter, with Junius Johnson

Making the "True, Good, & Beautiful" Matter, with Junius Johnson

If you spend time in classical Christian schools you’ll probably hear the phrase “the true, the good, and the beautiful.” These ideals represent the highest values and aspirations of humanity originating in Greek philosophy and found throughout the works of Plato- but what do they actually mean, and why do they matter today… beyond being an inspiring slogan or an ideal phrase to put on a wall hanging from Hobby Lobby? How do these concepts serve as a framework for raising the next generation and achieving full human flourishing? Listen to this episode with guest Junius Johnson to dive in...

Episode 290 14 June 2024 45m and 23s

Davies Behind the Mic: His Story, Perspectives, & Big News!

Davies Behind the Mic: His Story, Perspectives, & Big News!

In this historical episode of BaseCamp Live, Host Davies Owens is behind the mic for a candid discussion with his daughter about his unorthodox start in classical education, what challenges he sees facing the movement, and how his new mission is inspiring him like never before. They also share the history and future of this podcast as well as a huge announcement that will certainly excite parents, administrators, and school leaders alike.

What did you think of this episode? Should Davies be interviewed again? Email us at!

We are thrilled to share...

Episode 289 6 June 2024 50m and 13s

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