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World Economic Forum

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World Economic Forum

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Recent Episodes of World Economic Forum

A CEO coach shares new leaders’ biggest blindspots (and how to overcome them)

A CEO coach shares new leaders’ biggest blindspots (and how to overcome them)

Ty Wiggins coaches leaders during the hardest moment in their careers – the shift from mere mortal to CEO. He drives the CEO and executive transition practice at consultancy Russell Reynolds and has had a backstage pass to what works (and what doesn’t) in the top role. He’s put what he’s leaned into a new book, The New CEO, and in this wide-ranging interview, he shares tactical advice that can help any leader adjust, from what to do in the first 100 days, how to get more honest feedback from your team, common pitfalls to avoid, the traits effective leaders...

Episode 4 September 2024 46m and 20s

Breathe! The cities working together on air pollution and climate change

Breathe! The cities working together on air pollution and climate change

How can cities - with ever growing populations - tackle air deadly pollution and reduce greenhouse gas emissions? Breathe Cities is a global network of cities sharing data, expertise and experience to do just that. Guest: Jaime Pumarejo, Executive Director of Breathe Cities. Links: Breathe Cities: GAEA - Giving to Amplify Earth Action: Alliance for Clean Air: World Economic Forum Centre for Nature and Climate: Related podcasts: Check out all our podcasts on : - - : - : - : Join the :

Episode 4 September 2024 22m and 42s

'We have the most to benefit, but also the most to lose': how AI could transform human health

'We have the most to benefit, but also the most to lose': how AI could transform human health

Artificial intelligence has the potential to massively improve human health: from developing new drugs to providing more accurate diagnoses and helping people who live with severe disabilities. But AI also has the potential, if used wrongly or governed badly, to make life worse for people dealing with health problems. In this episode, we hear from people on the front lines of the technology. This episode was first published on 29 May, 2024. Radio Davos will resume new weekly podcasts from September 2024. Speakers: Victor Pineda, president and founder of the Alexandra Reeve Givens , CEO, Chris Mansi, CEO, Daphne Koller, founder and CEO of...

Episode 29 August 2024 37m and 39s

In the age of the 'manosphere', what's the future for feminism? With Jude Kelly of the WOW Festival

In the age of the 'manosphere', what's the future for feminism? With Jude Kelly of the WOW Festival

Theatre director Jude Kelly founded the Women of the World (WOW) Festival almost two decades ago to spur conversations about women, men and feminism. WOW is now a global phenomenon, but does the rise of online misogyny pose a threat to progress on gender equality. Jude Kelly, who spoke to Radio Davos on World Women's Day 2024, says why it is vital to include men in the conversations about an issue that affects us all. This episode was first published on 28 March, 2024. Radio Davos will resume new weekly podcasts from September 2024. Links: WOW Foundation: Gender Gap Report: Podcasts: Check out all...

Episode 22 August 2024 37m and 6s

Meeting in the metaverse: Actor Rainn Wilson joins us on the virtual polar ice

Meeting in the metaverse: Actor Rainn Wilson joins us on the virtual polar ice

What's Dwight from The Office doing in the metaverse? Actor Rainn Wilson joins us in avatar form to check out a virtual world created by the World Economic Forum that aims to raise awareness of the impact of climate change on the Arctic and the rest of the world. We also hear from Gail Whiteman, Professor of Sustainability at the University of Exeter Business School, and Executive Director of Arctic Basecamp on her hopes for action to stop the Earth reaching disastrous tipping points. And Rebecca Ivey, head of the Global Collaboration Village, tells us how the metaverse can bring...

Episode 15 August 2024 32m and

AI vs Art: Will AI rip the soul out of music, movies and art, or help express our humanity?

AI vs Art: Will AI rip the soul out of music, movies and art, or help express our humanity?

For half a century, Nile Rodgers has been making hit records that have touched people's hearts around the world. The creative force behind disco pioneers Chic, and some of the best known songs of David Bowie, Madonna and Beyoncé, tells us the definition of an artist: someone whose work "speaks to the souls of a million strangers". But what if generative AI can make music that's just as good? Is AI a threat or a blessing to art and human expression? We also hear from the head of the Hollywood actors' union on why moviemakers went on strike over the t...

Episode 8 August 2024 40m and 45s

How do we ensure the green transition doesn't penalise the poorest?

How do we ensure the green transition doesn't penalise the poorest?

Going green - in energy, agriculture, industry and elsewhere - will have costs and benefits, so how can we ensure the poorest don't pay the price or miss out on the opportunities? A new report from the World Economic Forum has defined six 'archetype' countries and looks at the differing challenges across the globe, and what policymakers need to know to achieve an 'equitable transition'. Guest: Tarini Fernando, Lead, Equitable Transition, World Economic Forum Links: Accelerating an Equitable Transition: A Data-Driven Approach: Related articles: How do we ensure the green transition doesn't penalize the poorest? 5 key insights into how to...

Episode 1 August 2024 24m and 48s

How to motivate your team - from an organization with 17 million volunteers

How to motivate your team - from an organization with 17 million volunteers

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is powered by 17 million volunteers in 191 counties.. At its helm is Jagan Chapagain, a man who started himself at the organization as a teenaged volunteer in Nepal, wanting to do good. He returned after college and has been with the organization ever since, eventually serving in a number of leadership roles until he was appointed to his current position of chief executive officer and secretary general in February 2020. In this wide-ranging conversation, he sets the stage for humanitarian challenges ithe world faces as well as how the IFRC is developing...

Episode 26 July 2024 21m and 16s

How chemicals companies are joining forces to become more sustainable

How chemicals companies are joining forces to become more sustainable

Incubated at the World Economic Forum, the Global Impact Coalition (GIC) is an organisation that pools the resources of major chemicals companies to develop ways of making their industry more sustainable. We hear from Charlie Tan, CEO of the GIC, and from two technical experts at the GIC's Research and Development Hub at Netherlands-based research centre TNO. Speakers: Jan Harm Urbanus, Lead Scientist Circular Plastics, TNO Hella Koops, Senior Project Manager and Cluster Lead Circular Plastics, TNO Charlie Tan, CEO, Global Impact Coalition Links: Centre for Energy and Materials - World Economic Forum: GIC: TNO: Related podcasts: Check out all...

Episode 25 July 2024 33m and 11s

"The Centre Must Hold" - what role does centrist politics play in a polarised world?

"The Centre Must Hold" - what role does centrist politics play in a polarised world?

As populists are on the rise in many countries, how should the moderates respond? We hear from Yair Zivan, the author of a new book called "The Centre Must Hold", who argues that centrism is more than just the mid-point between two extremes, and can be a radical force for good. Links: “The Centre Must Hold: Why Centrism is the Answer to Extremism and Polarisation,” edited by Yair Zivan: Essay by World Economic Forum President Borge Brende: The Second Coming, poem by WB Yeats: Related podcasts: Check out all our podcasts on : - - : - : - : Join the :

Episode 18 July 2024 38m and 27s

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