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How to Be Awesome at Your Job

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How to Be Awesome at Your Job

Get more fun, wins, meaning, and money from your job! With 25,000,000 downloads and mentions in The New York Times, Forbes, and Linkedin Learning. This show helps grow your skills and impact at any job that requires thinking and collaborating. Each week, Pete interviews thought-leaders and results-getters to discover specific, actionable insights that boost work performance. Their stories and advice sharpen the universal skills to flourish at work. Boost your time/energy management, leadership, confidence, career opportunities, and fulfillment—while still getting home earlier.Try starting with episode 0: START HERE and listener favorite episodes we put at the beginning numbered: A, B...

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Recent Episodes of How to Be Awesome at Your Job

981: Using AI to Enhance Your Reading, Notes, Memory, and Decisions with Kwame Christian

981: Using AI to Enhance Your Reading, Notes, Memory, and Decisions with Kwame Christian

Fellow podcaster Kwame Christian giggles with Pete as he shares his insights and lessons learned on a novel notetaking approach. 


1) How to listen and understand audio at 3X speed 

2) How notetaking improves your decision-making 

3) How AI can make a fun soundtrack for your life 

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Kwame Christian is a best-selling author, business lawyer and CEO of the American Negotiation Institute (ANI). ...

Episode 25 July 2024 53m and 48s

980: Building the Habits of Mentally Strong Leaders with Scott Mautz

980: Building the Habits of Mentally Strong Leaders with Scott Mautz

Scott Mautz shares powerful strategies to stay confident and in control when negativity strikes. 


1) How to wisely managed doubt–and confidence 

2) The early warning signs of self-acceptance being degraded 

3) The three-step solution to reset negative chatter 

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Scott Mautz is a high-octane speaker expert at igniting peak performance and deep employee engagement, motivation, and inspiration. He’s a Procter & Gamble veteran who su...

Episode 22 July 2024 39m and 19s

979: Building Greater Trust and Connection through Storytelling with Scott Mann

979: Building Greater Trust and Connection through Storytelling with Scott Mann

Retired Green Beret Scott Mann shares battle-tested strategies for motivating people in low-trust, high-stakes environments. 


1) Why storytelling is super powerful 

2) The key shift that makes stories memorable

3) How to regulate emotions (both yours and others)

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Lt. Col. Scott Mann is a retired Green Beret with over twenty-two years of Army and Special Operations experience around the world, and a New York Time...

Episode 18 July 2024 50m and 36s

978: Crafting Your Personal Resilience Plan for Beating Burnout with with Marie-Hélène Pelletier

978: Crafting Your Personal Resilience Plan for Beating Burnout with with Marie-Hélène Pelletier

Marie-Hélène Pelletier argues that resilience isn’t a trait and provides a customizable path to develop yours. 


1) Why no one should assume they’re resilient

2) How to design your Resilience Plan 

3) The tiny actions that build big resilience 

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Throughout her career in business management and psychology, Dr. Pelletier has spearheaded the dialogue on the crucial issues of leader...

Episode 15 July 2024 39m and 14s

977: What Makes Leaders Bad—and What You Can Do About It–with Dr. Barbara Kellerman

977: What Makes Leaders Bad—and What You Can Do About It–with Dr. Barbara Kellerman

Dr. Barbara Kellerman explores the roots of bad leadership and offers strategic tips for challenging it. 


1) Where leadership training falls short 

2) The two core components of “bad” leadership 

3) Four tips for standing up to bad leaders 

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Barbara Kellerman was Founding Executive Director of the Center for Public Leadership at the Harvard Kennedy School; the Kennedy’s School’s James MacGregor Burns Lec...

Episode 11 July 2024 37m and 25s

976: How (and When) to Freely Speak Your Mind with Elaine Lin Hering

976: How (and When) to Freely Speak Your Mind with Elaine Lin Hering

Elaine Lin Hering discusses why to stop censoring yourself at work—and how to strategically do that. 


1) The massive costs of keeping quiet 

2) The fundamental question that helps you speak up wisely 

3) The subtle ways we silence others—and how to stop 

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Elaine Lin Hering works with organizations and individuals to build skills in communication, collaboration, and conflict management. She has w...

Episode 8 July 2024 41m and 23s

975: Elevating Leadership through Radical Humility with Urs Koenig

975: Elevating Leadership through Radical Humility with Urs Koenig

Urs Koenig reveals how to level up your leadership through the five shifts of radical humility. 


1) Why leaders win more when they’re humble 

2) Two tricks to getting better quality feedback 

3) How to make any tough conversation less intimidating 

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Urs is a former United Nations military peacekeeper and NATO military peacekeeping commander, a highly accomplished ultraendurance champion, a widely published pr...

Episode 1 July 2024 27m and 16s

974: The Eight Inner Skills to Career Happiness with Stella Grizont

974: The Eight Inner Skills to Career Happiness with Stella Grizont

Stella Grizont shares the simple things everyone can do to feel happier and more fulfilled every day. 


1) The master key for overcoming toxic situations 

2) The key response that builds quality relationships 

3) How to set healthy boundaries without feeling guilty 

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Time Magazine named Stella a leading happiness expert. As a speaker and executive coach, Stella works with leaders who are seeking deepe...

Episode 27 June 2024 38m and 34s

973: Mastering the New Rules of Persuasion with Leslie Zane

973: Mastering the New Rules of Persuasion with Leslie Zane

Leslie Zane reveals why traditional persuasion tactics often fall short—and offers a new alternative that’s more effective. 


1) Why most attempts at persuasion fall short  

2) How to bypass resistance with triggers 

3) The unexpected people who will drive your success 

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Leslie Zane is an award-winning marketer, TEDx speaker and the foremost authority in harnessing the instinctive mind to accelerate brand and b...

Episode 24 June 2024 44m and 35s

972: Amy Edmondson on How to Fail Well

972: Amy Edmondson on How to Fail Well

Amy Edmondson shares how to minimize unproductive failures and maximize intelligent ones. 


1) What separates good failure from bad failure 

2) The surprisingly simple tool that prevents many failures 

3) How to stay motivated in the face of failure 

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Amy C. Edmondson is the Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management at the Harvard Business School. Her work explores teaming – the dynamic forms of collaborat...

Episode 20 June 2024 33m and 28s

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