Skill Piper

Work On Your Game: Discipline, Confidence & Mental Toughness For Personal & Professional Development

Brought to you by, Dre Baldwin

Work On Your Game: Discipline, Confidence & Mental Toughness For Personal & Professional Development

“Dre Is The BEST At Being REAL, Direct And Strategic As A Coach.” [Get Dre's #WeeklyMotivation Text 📲: 305.384.6894] Work On Your Game: 1) Discipline: Show up day after day to do the work. 2) Confidence: Put yourself out there -- boldly and authentically. 3) Mental Toughness: Continue showing up and putting yourself out there, even when the success you've expected hasn't yet happened. 4) Personal Initiative: Be a go-getter and make things happen instead of waiting for things to happen. Work On Your Game is about Mindset, Strategy, Accountability & Execution as it applies to personal and professional development and producing results in areas from business to spor...

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Recent Episodes of Work On Your Game: Discipline, Confidence & Mental Toughness For Personal & Professional Development

#2995: How To "Scale-Up" Your Life

#2995: How To "Scale-Up" Your Life

For ages, I felt stuck. Tons of effort, zero progress. Brutal. But then I cracked the code. Now, I'm mentally dialed-in, crushing goals. This post reveals how I scaled my life and became unstoppable. Ready to join me? Let's go! Show Notes: [03:28]#1 What does scaling mean?  [08:32]#2 Emphasize multiplier activities. [17:18]#3 Offloading of activities.  [22:26]#4 Have an urgency about maximizing ROi from those multiplier activities.  [24:55] Recap Episodes Mentioned: 1193: Focus: The Force Multiplier — Next Steps: Text Dre Baldwin: Text Dre at 1.305.384.6894 (or go to Work On Your Game University:  Sponsor: AG1 by Athletic Greens: http://drinkA...

Episode 26 July 2024 28m and 29s

#2994: How & When To Offer Unsolicited Advice

#2994: How & When To Offer Unsolicited Advice

Unsolicited advice can backfire! To avoid being annoying, I now ask about goals first, get permission to share my thoughts, and then detach after offering them. This approach keeps me from becoming "that person" and helps me build stronger relationships. Want to up your communication game too? Show Notes: [03:56]#1 You must be clear on the other person's stated objectives.  [09:49]#2 Get permission to offer advice.  [15:20]#3 Wash your hands.  [19:46] Recap — Next Steps: Text Dre Baldwin: Text Dre at 1.305.384.6894 (or go to Work On Your Game University:  Sponsor: AG1 by Athletic Greens:

Episode 25 July 2024 22m and 52s

#2993: The 4 Levels Of Discipline

#2993: The 4 Levels Of Discipline

Stuck in feast-or-famine mode with discipline? Same! I crush it when motivated, but consistency? Forget it.  I'm on a quest to unlock level 4 discipline: unstoppable, even when uninspired. Wanna ditch mediocrity with me? Let's share tips and become mentally awesome together! Show Notes: [03:14]#1 You do what you are penalized for not doing. [07:47]#2 You do what you're supposed to do when you are supervised. [12:36]#3 Doing your job on your own volition with the right mindset.  [17:11]#4  Doing your job on your own volition even when you’re not mentally activated to do it. [21:46] Recap Episodes Mentioned: 2314: No One Deserves A "Living Wage" — Next St...

Episode 24 July 2024 26m and 37s

#2992: Get Busy!

#2992: Get Busy!

Stuck feeling like you're constantly starting goals but never finishing?  Same. This week's podcast dives deep into how to finally take consistent action and reach your full potential. Imagine waking up energized, crushing your to-do list, and finally reaching that next level in your game.  Ready to unlock your unstoppable self?  Show Notes: [03:05]#1 Do things that do not scale to separate yourself from the lazy competition. [10:28]#2 Do things the long way to build skill through repetition.  [18:15]#3 Become a mass producer.  [21:34] Recap — Next Steps: Text Dre Baldwin: Text Dre at 1.305.384.6894 (or go to Work On Your Game Un...

Episode 23 July 2024 26m and 29s

#2991: Do It Now

#2991: Do It Now

Same to-do list, zero progress? Been there. My game stalled, frustration soared. But there's a way out! This week's podcast dives into the power of "doing it anyway." Learn how to silence self-doubt and build unshakeable consistency. Level up YOUR game! Show Notes: [02:48]#1 The most difficult stuff is often the most important stuff.  [09:27]#2 Do not feed procrastination, laziness, or fear with more time.  [16:44]#3 Flip side of inertia.  [20:03] Recap — Next Steps: Text Dre Baldwin: Text Dre at 1.305.384.6894 (or go to Work On Your Game University:  Sponsor: AG1 by Athletic Greens:

Episode 22 July 2024 23m and 16s

#2990: The Game Is The Game

#2990: The Game Is The Game

Felt stuck pushing a mental boulder uphill. Maybe it's not the mountain, but how I play the game. Let's learn the hidden rules to become mentally unstoppable. Join me? Show Notes: [04:15]#1 Stop trying to change the game and instead learn how to play. [16:34]#2 Understand the rules of the game.  [24:04]#3 Understand the only thing that's changing is the players.  [27:37] Recap — Next Steps: Text Dre Baldwin: Text Dre at 1.305.384.6894 (or go to Work On Your Game University:  Sponsor: AG1 by Athletic Greens:  Get Dre’s Emails FREE:  Http://  Free...

Episode 21 July 2024 32m and 51s

#2989: The Power Of Tap Rooting

#2989: The Power Of Tap Rooting

Today's class is about the power of tap rooting. A taproot is a central, dominant root from which other roots grow laterally. If you've been in network marketing, you understand this concept.  You might meet a few people who aren't good prospects for your business, but their cousin, neighbor, or mailman might be perfect. You can only reach them through the initial person. This is what tap rooting is about—finding out who they know, even if they're not the right person themselves. Show Notes: [05:19]#1 The person you need to know may not be the person you're currently talking to, but...

Episode 20 July 2024 28m and 29s

#2988: How To Prioritize Your Day

#2988: How To Prioritize Your Day

Today's topic is prioritizing your day.This concept is often attributed to Stephen Covey, author of "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People," though I can't confirm it directly.  Today, I'll expand on these points, making them my own in this masterclass. As entrepreneurs or anyone managing their schedule, we often face the challenge of unfinished tasks at day's end. I'll help you understand why this happens and how to prioritize effectively. Show Notes: [03:28]#1 Prioritize the rocks. [10:36]#2 Handle the gravel. [17:32]#3 Deal with the sand. [22:59]#4 Fill in the gap with water. [24:54]#5 Put things in proper order. [27:23] Recap — Next Steps: Text Dre Baldwin: Tex...

Episode 19 July 2024 29m and 32s

#2987: Hard Over Easy: Your Competitive Advantage

#2987: Hard Over Easy: Your Competitive Advantage

Most people seek hacks, tips, and shortcuts for the easy way. There's a time and place for that—I use them too. But some things can only succeed the hard way. You can't avoid this if you want power and influence over yourself and others. Today, I'll discuss the strategic advantages of tackling things that are clearly hard. Hard means requiring great effort or endurance—not easy. Show Notes: [04:37]#1 Most people want everything to be easy.  [12:58]#2 There's never a traffic jam going towards things that are hard. [16:50]#3 Taking on more responsibility is hard. [20:16] Recap — Next Steps: Text Dre Baldwin: Text Dre at...

Episode 18 July 2024 23m and 22s

#2986: How To Stop Accepting Things You Don't Want

#2986: How To Stop Accepting Things You Don't Want

Many of us tolerate things we wish were different, hoping they'll change on their own. But change requires action. Today's class we will tackle how to stop accepting things you don't want in your life. Tune in for practical steps to transform your life. It's time to take control and thrive.  Show Notes: [03:24]#1 Make a list. [07:21]#2 Make a decision. [12:27]#3 Stand your ground. [17:51] Recap — Next Steps: Text Dre Baldwin: Text Dre at 1.305.384.6894 (or go to Work On Your Game University:  Sponsor: AG1 by Athletic Greens:  Get Dre’s Emails...

Episode 17 July 2024 22m and 25s

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