Skill Piper

It's a Good Life

Brought to you by, Brian Buffini

It's a Good Life

It's a Good Life, the podcast for entrepreneurs. A podcast about growth - personal growth and growing your business. Inspirational and practical content that reflects the positivity it takes to be an entrepreneur. Presented by Brian Buffini founder of America’s biggest corporate coaching company. Entrepreneurship isn’t always an easy life, but with the right guidance, it can be a good one. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Recent Episodes of It's a Good Life

Quick Cut: S2E211 Trust More, Worry Less and Enjoy the Journey

Quick Cut: S2E211 Trust More, Worry Less and Enjoy the Journey

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Whether it’s a listing appointment or a first date, there are times when you know early on a deal isn’t in the cards, but it’s too early to call it off. What results is often a great story, one to tell and retell for years to come. In this short episode, Brian Buffini talks about the time he and his wife tried to find a new family pet and ended up with a story they still laugh about to this day. You’ll learn why it’s imp...

Episode 211 25 July 2024 10m and 31s

S2E210 Bold Predictions - The Good News and the Opportunities

S2E210 Bold Predictions - The Good News and the Opportunities

In today’s complex real estate market, you need to raise your game and be more professional than ever before. In this special episode, Brian outlines current market conditions, talks to NAR Chief Legal Officer and Chief Member Experience Officer Katie Johnson, and introduces a brand-new training program that will separate the pros from the amateurs in the industry.



The most up-to-date research on market conditions.   The new rules of real estate and some intricacies of the NAR settlement.

·      How the CFSP training program will raise the bar for the entire indus...

Episode 210 23 July 2024 55m and 16s

Quick Cut: S2E209 How Lou Holtz Coached Me at Augusta National

Quick Cut: S2E209 How Lou Holtz Coached Me at Augusta National

Click here to listen to the full episode

Even the best coaches need little a bit of coaching themselves from time to time. In this case, Brian received priceless advice from top college football coach, Lou Holtz while playing golf at the world-renowned Augusta National Golf Club. While the trip was intended to lift Brian’s spirits after he lost his home and belongings, including his golf clubs, in the wildfires that tore through San Diego in 2007, things didn’t go according to plan. You’ll hear how tough words can bring out your best, the import...

Episode 209 18 July 2024 8m and 55s

S2E208 What I Learned from the Masters

S2E208 What I Learned from the Masters

How can a golf tournament help you to overhaul and upgrade your business? In this episode, Brian explains how attending the Masters Tournament impacted him both personally and professionally and shares the lessons that can help to rejuvenate and elevate any business.



·     Why you must commit to excellence. 

·     Why high standards are so powerful. 

·     How to extend next-level hospitality.



Do It N.O.W. campaign

Mid-year Bold Predictions


Certified Full-Service...

Episode 208 16 July 2024 36m and 23s

Quick Cut: S2E207 Developing a Knack with Money

Quick Cut: S2E207 Developing a Knack with Money

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In today’s culture, many people find themselves endlessly struggling to manage their finances. They work more just to spend more and, as a result, end up where they’ve always been — trapped! In this episode, recorded live at MasterMind, Brian gives ideas and principles to help you make a quantum leap in your finances, get ahead of the game and escape the economic rat race for good!


Inspirational quotes from today’s interview:

“The culture’s view of financial success is this: work...

Episode 207 11 July 2024 10m and 9s

S2E206 How to Simplify Your Life

S2E206 How to Simplify Your Life

Today’s world can often feel cluttered, complicated and chaotic. With so many distractions and demands to contend with, it’s easy to get stressed and overwhelmed. In this episode, Brian shares how to identify and prioritize what really matters to you so that you can simplify and live the good life.



·     The symptoms of a complicated life.

·     Why simplicity matters.

·     The KISS method.






S2E156 Ready, Set, Goal!


S2E158 How to...

Episode 206 9 July 2024 21m and 17s

Quick Cut: S2E205 Discipline Equals Freedom with Jocko Willink

Quick Cut: S2E205 Discipline Equals Freedom with Jocko Willink

Click here to listen to the full episode

Jocko Willink is a decorated retired Navy SEAL officer, author and cofounder of Echelon Front. In this episode, Brian interviews Jocko about the leadership principles he learned on the most dangerous battlefields in the world. Jocko outlines how effective leadership is the most important factor in whether a team succeeds or fails. If you want to lead - and win - then this podcast is a must! 

Inspirational quotes from today’s interview:

“The good performers are the highly disciplined individuals.” – Jocko Willink<...

Episode 205 4 July 2024 12m and 11s

S2E204 Marketing Made Easy with Guy Kawasaki

S2E204 Marketing Made Easy with Guy Kawasaki

What are the common traits of people who live remarkable and fulfilling lives? In this episode, world-renown tech titan Guy Kawasaki reveals the three pillars that can help you to transform from average to exceptional, live the life you’re meant to and make a difference in the world.



·     Why a growth mindset is vital.

·     How you can develop grit.

·     How to embody graciousness.




Guy Kawasaki


Remarkable People podcast

“Think Remarkable,”...

Episode 204 2 July 2024 30m and 35s

Quick Cut: S2E203 The War Within

Quick Cut: S2E203 The War Within

Click here to listen to the full episode

In striving to succeed and reach their goals, many people experience a challenging balancing act between their emotions and their logic. In this episode, Brian examines the reasons for this internal tug of war and teaches how to achieve more balance and live the good life.



·     The 5 emotions we experience in our business lives.

·     The 5 logical tug of war partners.

·     The best ways to manage these internal conflicts.





Episode 203 27 June 2024 10m and 56s

S2E202 The Science of Succeeding with Vanessa Van Edwards

S2E202 The Science of Succeeding with Vanessa Van Edwards

When your connections with people deepen, your influence, impact and income increase. In this episode, bestselling author and speaker Vanessa Van Edwards outlines the three levels of connection and explains how to best communicate to create meaningful engagement with others.



·     The questions that positively influence a connection.

·     The significance of self-narratives in leadership.

·     Practical tips for overcoming awkwardness.   



S2E54 Charisma - How to Have It and How to Use It

Science of People



Episode 202 25 June 2024 30m and 15s

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