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Conversations and audio documentaries exploring a wide variety of themes pertaining to economics and politics, hosted by Della Z Duncan and Robert R. Raymond

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Recent Episodes of Upstream

[TEASER] Oil, Monopoly Capitalism, and Imperialism w/ Adam Hanieh

[TEASER] Oil, Monopoly Capitalism, and Imperialism w/ Adam Hanieh

This is a free preview of the episode "Oil, Monopoly Capitalism, and Imperialism w/ Adam Hanieh." You can listen to the full episode by subscribing to our Patreon here:

As a Patreon subscriber you will get access to at least one bonus episode a month (usually two or three), our entire back catalog of Patreon episodes, early access to certain episodes, and other benefits like stickers and bumper stickers—depending on which tier you subscribe to. You’ll also be helping to keep Upstream sustainable and allowing us to keep this project going...

Episode 3 September 2024 19m and 10s

Better Lives for All w/ Jason Hickel

Better Lives for All w/ Jason Hickel

We’re often told that it would be unfeasible for everyone on the planet to live good lives—that if there wasn’t some degree of poverty—or at least lower living standards—in the rest of the world, then we’d blow right through the ecological limits of the planet. Even if it’s not said explicitly, the argument is that some people need to be poor in order for us in the Global North to live good lives. There’s a lot wrong with this assumption on a lot of different levels, but most importantly—it’s empirically inaccura...

Episode 27 August 2024 1h, 6m and 3s

[TEASER] Nathan Fielder's "The Curse" w/ Carlee

[TEASER] Nathan Fielder's "The Curse" w/ Carlee

You can listen to the full episode "Nathan Fielder's 'The Curse'" by subscribing to our Patreon here:

As a Patreon subscriber you will get access to at least one bonus episode a month (usually two or three), our entire back catalog of Patreon episodes, early access to certain episodes, and other benefits like stickers and bumper stickers—depending on which tier you subscribe to. You’ll also be helping to keep Upstream sustainable and allowing us to keep this project going. Find out more at or at

Episode 20 August 2024 24m and 53s

The Logical Case for Socialism (and Against Capitalism) w/ Scott Sehon

The Logical Case for Socialism (and Against Capitalism) w/ Scott Sehon

Facts don’t care about your feelings. Logic isn’t fair. Reason isn’t concerned with your emotions. These oft-regurgitated cliches hurled at the left by those on the right might sound familiar to you. Hey, maybe they’ve even been directed at you personally. And, aside from seeing these claims from the right as simply funny, they’re also quite ironic. Because, when you actually dig down into the arguments of both the left and the right, it becomes quite clear, quite quickly, that the facts are actually on our side. That when you use logic and reason to argue f...

Episode 13 August 2024 1h, 58m and 6s

[UNLOCKED] Capitalism and the Weight Loss Industry w/ Johann Hari

[UNLOCKED] Capitalism and the Weight Loss Industry w/ Johann Hari

Weight loss has become a fully fledged industry in the United States—another classic trick by the capitalist class: manufacture a problem to make profits, and then sell a half-solution back to the population to purportedly address that problem. Are you experiencing health issues from the poisonous food manufacturing industry in the United States? No problem, we got you. Here’s a drug. 

You might have heard of a drug called Ozempic—if not, don’t worry, we’ll bring you up to speed soon, but for now, all you need to know is that it’s a brand new w...

Episode 8 August 2024 58m and 10s

[TEASER] The Liberal Virus

[TEASER] The Liberal Virus

You can listen to the full episode "The Liberal Virus" by subscribing to our Patreon here:

As a Patreon subscriber you will get access to at least one bonus episode a month (usually two or three), our entire back catalog of Patreon episodes, early access to certain episodes, and other benefits like stickers and bumper stickers—depending on which tier you subscribe to. You’ll also be helping to keep Upstream sustainable and allowing us to keep this project going. Find out more at or at Thank...

Episode 6 August 2024 24m and 8s

Walter Rodney, Marxism, and Underdevelopment with D. Musa Springer & Charisse Burden-Stelly

Walter Rodney, Marxism, and Underdevelopment with D. Musa Springer & Charisse Burden-Stelly

Pan-African Marxist, underdevelopment theorist, guerrilla intellectual, father, husband, radical—these are all terms that we could use to describe Walter Rodney. You may know him from his classic text, How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, you may know that he was assassinated at the age of 38 for his activism, or you may not know who he was at all—either way, his ideas and his influence have most likely reached you, if not directly, then indirectly, through the waves and ripples that his life and work created in the many intersecting liberation movements throughout the planet. 

Described by some as de...

Episode 30 July 2024 1h, 22m and 42s

[TEASER] Sex, Desire, and the Neoliberal Subject

[TEASER] Sex, Desire, and the Neoliberal Subject

You can listen to the full episode "Sex, Desire, and the Neoliberal Subject" by subscribing to our Patreon here:

As a Patreon subscriber you will get access to at least one bonus episode a month (usually two or three), our entire back catalog of Patreon episodes, early access to certain episodes, and other benefits like stickers and bumper stickers—depending on which tier you subscribe to. You’ll also be helping to keep Upstream sustainable and allowing us to keep this project going. Find out more at or at upstr...

Episode 23 July 2024 15m and 48s

Breaking Up with Capitalism w/ Malaika Jabali

Breaking Up with Capitalism w/ Malaika Jabali

As socialists in the United States one of our most important tasks—at least under our current material conditions—is to raise class consciousness among the mass of people: the basic work of tuning people in to the existence of structures and systems that define and limit our lives. 

As much as we on the left might take these things for granted, it’s always important to remember that many, many folks out there don’t think of the world in terms of socialism, capitalism, Marx, Engels—certainly not the relations of production under monopoly capitalism. But that doesn’...

Episode 16 July 2024 54m and 46s

[TEASER] Capitalism and the Weight Loss Industry w/ Johann Hari

[TEASER] Capitalism and the Weight Loss Industry w/ Johann Hari

Listen to the full episode by subscribing to our Patreon here:

As a Patreon subscriber you will get access to at least one bonus episode a month (usually two or three), our entire back catalog of Patreon episodes, early access to certain episodes, and other benefits like stickers and bumper stickers—depending on which tier you subscribe to. You’ll also be helping to keep Upstream sustainable and allowing us to keep this project going. Find out more at or at Thank you.

Weight loss...

Episode 9 July 2024 18m and 19s

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