Skill Piper

Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz

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Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz

In Washington, politicians are full of half-truths and hot air. They do little more than grandstanding by spouting off talking points and spin. The Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz is here to help you cut through the rhetoric and noise and explore the politically right way to think about the issues .

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Recent Episodes of Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz

My Free Advice for Winning This Election | 7/24/24

My Free Advice for Winning This Election | 7/24/24

I’m told by everyone that Trump must win at all costs. Yet Republicans are not doing anything different to ensure they don’t repeat their losing streak. With Democrats resetting the race, Republicans can no longer run the same playbook. I argue that Trump should call on Speaker Johnson (R-La.) to cancel the August recess and focus on victims of illegal immigration every day during the Democrat convention. Trump himself should be invited to speak before Congress. Then lawmakers should pass a budget defunding catch-and-release while promising, “No border? No budget!” Their entire message must be aimed...

Episode 24 July 2024 58m and 26s

Ranked-Choice Voting and the Plan to Paint Red States Blue | Guest: Dorothy Moon | 7/23/24

Ranked-Choice Voting and the Plan to Paint Red States Blue | Guest: Dorothy Moon | 7/23/24

We begin today by discussing how Republicans don’t even believe their own talking points, which is why they were unprepared for a general election that didn’t include Joe Biden. I offer broader context to this election by noting that standing for nothing didn’t help them in 2022; it harmed them throughout their tenure in control of the House; and it won’t help them now. They need to run on a bold agenda, and that begins with a budget fight in September. Next, we’re joined by Dorothy Moon, chair of the Idaho GOP, who warns that RINOs are...

Episode 23 July 2024 59m and 55s

Republicans Must Not Run a 'Stand for Nothing' Campaign | 7/22/24

Republicans Must Not Run a 'Stand for Nothing' Campaign | 7/22/24

Republicans seem to think that Democrats will spontaneously combust on their own. That is not true. Today, I make the case for pushing Trump to run a campaign on bold substance rather than shying away from our issues. He continues to make it clear that he will throw conservatives under the bus and feels that our issues will lose the campaign. The reality is the exact opposite. I also believe House Republicans should force a vote invoking the 25th Amendment to get all Democrats on record as affirming that Biden is fit to serve. They must also have a...

Episode 22 July 2024 56m and 19s

Saving Red America Before It’s Too Late | 7/18/24

Saving Red America Before It’s Too Late | 7/18/24

We begin by tying together looser observations on the RNC and the impending Democrat switcheroo of Biden. I’m concerned that conservatives have not war-gamed a scenario of Democrats bringing on a fresh face in contrast to Trump’s own image problems and fatigue from his age. We offer ideas for Republicans and Trump to strike while the iron is hot and actually indict Democrats on the key issues before Democrats make the switch. Finally, I discuss the fact that we need to focus on red states where we don’t have to worry about losing to the Democrats and wh...

Episode 19 July 2024 1h, 2m and 45s

Balancing Principle with Pragmatism  | 7/18/24

Balancing Principle with Pragmatism | 7/18/24

Many issues and events surrounding the RNC have brought out important debates among conservatives concerning the balance of principle with the need to appeal to voters. Today, I discuss the need for balance with most principles. We’re not all about workers or corporations. We’re not all about one group or the other. We have fixed principles that are for the “whole of the people,” that you pragmatically present to appeal to various people. But what we don’t need is an overindulgence of an extreme ascetic cosplay to pander to a specific group, all the while using the other...

Episode 18 July 2024 1h, 17m and 2s

Why Every Day Is Election Day | 7/17/24

Why Every Day Is Election Day | 7/17/24

Today is one of our longest and most foundational shows. For all my life, we’ve been entreated to make the false choice of either voting for RINOs or risking Democrats winning and there is nothing you can do about it. Today, I go through the news of the day with the thesis that every day, conservative influencers, and often ordinary voters, get a vote by getting on the activism playing field and pushing Republicans to the right. I warn about the need to do this with Trump now before it’s too late. He is floating a trial ball...

Episode 17 July 2024 1h, 27m and 12s

What Is It We Are Actually Fighting FOR? | 7/16/24

What Is It We Are Actually Fighting FOR? | 7/16/24

A comprehensive discussion of JD Vance, my thoughts on the convention, and how we have an entire party and movement that are clueless about what they believe. Today is a foundational show where we discuss false dichotomies in populism and the difference between unbridled populism and conservative populism. Too many Republicans are now embracing straight-up socialism under the guise of appealing to the working class, when in fact there is a much better way. I offer some suggestions. With that, I explain the good and the bad with JD Vance. He’s good on social issues and foreign policy bu...

Episode 16 July 2024 1h, 5m and 48s

What 'Fight, Fight, Fight' Can and Must Mean

What 'Fight, Fight, Fight' Can and Must Mean

We all agree that the near-assassination of President Trump should serve as a cathartic moment. But today I warn that it will not change things on its own unless we change our mentality. Now more than ever we have both the opportunity and the imperative to end all compromising with the Left. Fighting means we stop elevating RINOs and people like Mike Johnson. It means that in red states we politically kill the Left and destroy all their policies the way they want to physically harm us. If we believe the Left has blood on its hands, it’s ti...

Episode 15 July 2024 1h, 45s

The Undeniable Cancer Epidemic Being Covered Up by the Corrupt Medical Profession | Guest: Dr. Angus Dalgleish | 7/12/24

The Undeniable Cancer Epidemic Being Covered Up by the Corrupt Medical Profession | Guest: Dr. Angus Dalgleish | 7/12/24

We begin the show discussing the observation that left-wing lies of grave consequence are able to persist indefinitely without being challenged. That is due to the fact that we have no smart, effective, and principled political movement. One example is the COVID shots. Despite everything we know, they are still being expanded. We’re joined later on by Dr. Angus Dalgleish, one of the most accomplished and experienced oncologists in the U.K. He warns that the vaccines are causing an unmistakable rise in all forms of cancers and that they are clearly much harder to treat. He provides al...

Episode 12 July 2024 1h, 23s

My Most Important Show Ever | 7/11/24

My Most Important Show Ever | 7/11/24

Yes, out of nearly 2,000 podcasts, I can definitely say that this is the most important one ever, because it speaks to the most existential threat to our political future and, in turn, our civilization. I connect the dots of Trump’s liberal endorsements, liberal positions, platform change, obsession with Project 2025, and obsession with talking down pro-life and talking up homosexuality to prove how Trump is creating a long-term franchise to own America’s right and then brand it as a Macron- or Bloomberg-style coalition that is a big tent for the corporatist left minus the very far left. The one...

Episode 11 July 2024 1h, 10m and 39s

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