Skill Piper

The Modern Mann

Brought to you by, Olly Mann

The Modern Mann

Amazing stories, emerging trends, and sex advice - with Olly Mann, Alix Fox and Ollie Peart. 'Best Interview Podcast', British Podcast Awards. New episodes monthly, on the 10th. Get in touch or buy us a beer at

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Recent Episodes of The Modern Mann

PLAYBACK: How To Be A Dad, part 1

PLAYBACK: How To Be A Dad, part 1

Scratch mittens, strained relationships and GP-sanctioned fingering

Nine years ago, comedians Stuart Goldsmith and Tom Price joined Olly to discuss their impending fatherhood. 

What impact will it have on their respective relationships? Why does society appear to offer such a lack of support to men embarking upon their first baby? Do men need to know about the mucus plug?

They discuss all this, plus some bad taste jokes, with little understanding of what was in store for them over the next nine years... which makes this the perfect accompaniment to ou...

Episode 8 30 August 2024 30m and 8s

How To Be A Dad, part 10

How To Be A Dad, part 10

Playing with knives, navigating the ‘Dad Race’ at Sports Day, and getting a ‘backstreet assessment’ for dyslexia are on the conversational menu as comedians Tom Price and Stuart Goldsmith reunite with fellow father Olly Mann to discuss the pleasures and pains of parenthood.

Now aged 8, their boys are dealing with TikTok addiction, grappling with the instant gratification of Amazon deliveries, and trying to hack the marble jar. 

Meanwhile, our trio of Dads are learning how to transition from ‘performative parenting’, moderating the YouTube content on their smart TVs, and facing the in...

Episode 8 10 August 2024 1h, 38m and 51s

Playback: Micronesia's Got Talent ⚽

Playback: Micronesia's Got Talent ⚽

Paul Watson realised he would never play football for England - so attempted, instead, to be recruited by the worst international team in the world. His quest lead him to Pohnpei, Micronesia; and, although he never realised his dream of becoming an international soccer star, he ended up coaching them instead... 

What's it like training a team 9000 miles away from home, in a country with no football culture? What is the beautiful game's secret at bringing communities together? And how can one recover after a defeat against the Guam Crushers?

This interview first aired in 2017 - h...

Episode 7 26 July 2024 36m and 15s

I ₿ought A Football Club

I ₿ought A Football Club

Peter McCormack, Bedford’s ‘budget Ryan Reynolds’, is on a mission to take his local team all the way to the Premier League ⚽️

When he bought Bedford FC in 2021, they were in the tenth tier, and unknown outside the town. 

After rebranding them as Real Bedford, securing investment from the Winklevoss twins, and internationalising his business model, the Bitcoin guru has achieved back-to-back promotions for his club - despite having zero experience in professional football.

How has he done it? With a mix of chutzpah, a...

Episode 7 10 July 2024 1h, 46m and 34s

Playback: Meet Wes Streeting

Playback: Meet Wes Streeting

In the wake of the Brexit referendum in 2017, Wes Streeting had only been an MP for two years... and had won two elections in as many years. In this month's Playback, we take you back to that time - away from the election spin of 2024 - to understand the man most likely to be Britain's new health secretary.

Would you be an MP, at a time when public trust in politicians has fallen to the lowest level in living memory? Could you dedicate yourself to your constituents, yet also make time for your family, fighting fires on...

Episode 6 28 June 2024 27m and 28s

Negotiating Nudity: The Intimacy Coordinator

Negotiating Nudity: The Intimacy Coordinator

Sex scenes are a feature of modern filmmaking, yet require meticulous planning and sensitive handling in a post-#MeToo world. 

Enter intimacy coordinator Lucy Fennell - whose credits include True Detective, All Of Us Strangers, and Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story. Navigating Hollywood power dynamics, she assists storytellers, whilst also protecting performers in their vulnerable moments. 

In this eye-opening conversation with Olly, she reveals the techniques that prevent unwanted physical contact during simulated sex, explains how male and female directors sometimes react differently to her presence on-set, and considers what happens if and when an ac...

Episode 6 10 June 2024 1h, 41m and 5s

Playback: The Man Who Stole My Year

Playback: The Man Who Stole My Year

What’s it like when the person you’re closest to in the world isn't who you think they are?

Elizabeth* spent a year dating a man who provided only sketchy details about his life, but ingratiated himself into her friendship circle, her family and her home.

In this interview with Olly, she reveals how it felt to discover he was living a double-life, and how it’s affected her trust ever since...

This episode first appeared in March 2017. Now with an update from Elizabeth and remastered, we have paired this episode with our Ma...

Episode 5 31 May 2024 41m and 33s

This... is The Modern Mann

This... is The Modern Mann

Amazing, original true stories, trends and relationship advice from the multi-award winning podcaster Olly Mann. Plus a record of the month. What's not to like?

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Episode 17 May 2024 49s

My Real Identity

My Real Identity

Patricia never knew her birth parents. And she didn’t care to: adopted by a white family in Toronto, she felt awkward and embarrassed when people perceived her as Korean.

But, in her twenties, at the insistence of family and friends, she began a journey of discovery to uncover her roots: a bumpy ride that would take her to the other side of the world, into the arms of dubious private investigators, a fistfight, and institutional corruption.

In this poignant interview with Olly, Patricia explains how her sense of identity as a trans-racial adoptee has ra...

Episode 5 10 May 2024 1h, 28m and 32s

Playback: The Diver Who Got In Too Deep

Playback: The Diver Who Got In Too Deep

Smuggling marijuana from Thailand to Alaska; trading illicit fuel in Nigeria; evading the law in France - Robert Stone did it all.

From one small fishing boat in the Bahamas he built up a veritable fleet of vessels - including a 6000-tonne oil tanker - devoted to his businesses empire.

In this incredible interview with Olly, Robert reveals what it was like to be making a million dollars per month, switching between dozens of aliases and risking his life on the high seas...

This interview first aired as Diving To Adventure in August 2018...

Episode 4 26 April 2024 45m and 22s

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