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High Performance Mindset | Learn from World-Class Leaders, Consultants, Athletes & Coaches about Mindset

Brought to you by, Dr. Cindra Kamphoff

High Performance Mindset | Learn from World-Class Leaders, Consultants, Athletes & Coaches about Mindset

Do you want to develop the mindset of the World’s Best? Are you ready to unlock your true potential? Join Dr. Cindra Kamphoff each week, a national leader in the field of Sports and Performance Psychology, as she interviews thought leaders, executives, professional athletes, and entrepreneurs to help you get out of your comfort zone and after your goals. With nearly one million downloads and counting, Dr. Kamphoff provides insights into her personal work with the Minnesota Vikings, Fortune 100 companies, and other top executives and athletes to help you accomplish all your goals and dreams. Ready to launch your tr...

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Recent Episodes of High Performance Mindset | Learn from World-Class Leaders, Consultants, Athletes & Coaches about Mindset

640: 3 Core Principles of Performance Psychology with Sam Bishop, Keynote Speaker and Executive and Sport Psychology Coach

640: 3 Core Principles of Performance Psychology with Sam Bishop, Keynote Speaker and Executive and Sport Psychology Coach

Sam Bishop has a decade of experience working with elite performing athletes and professional sports teams. His client base ranges from Premier League and Women’s Super League footballers, to Premiership rugby players, Professional Golfers and Cricket players. 

Over the last 5 years, he has also worked as an Executive and Performance Psychology Coach adapting his performance coaching style from the sports fields to the boardroom. He regularly delivers performance psychology keynote talks and masterclasses to companies such as Hewlett Packard, Nestlé, Citibank and Microsoft.

In this episode, Cindra and Sam discuss: 

The #1 thing holdi...

Episode 13 September 2024 42m and 33s

639: For Me Not To Me

639: For Me Not To Me

Your life is based on the meaning you give it. You want to reframe things that limit you and your future. Choose meanings that empower you not enable you. Choose meanings that make you better not bitter. Choose meanings that help you not hinder you. See everything has happening FOR you not TO you.

Power Phrase this Week: “I see difficulties and challenges as happening for me, not to me.”

Quote of the Week: Hal Enrod, a Bestselling Author of the Miracle Morning said, “That is our responsibility to choose the most empowering reason for the ch...

Episode 6 September 2024 5m and 26s

638: Stop Criticizing Yourself

638: Stop Criticizing Yourself

Self-compassion, or the practice of being kind to yourself in times of failure, pain or when you note something you don’t like about yourself instead of being self-critical, is key to practice right now to be your best more often.

When we show self-compassion, we give ourselves the same kindness as we would to others recognizing that all humans suffer and we are not alone. We can then use tools to stop being so critical of ourselves remembering we are not alone.


This week’s Power Phrase: “I am kind to myself. I remind...

Episode 26 August 2024 5m and 53s

637: Choosing a Good Attitude

637: Choosing a Good Attitude

In this episode, Dr. Kamphoff shares why it is important to remember we have a negativity bias. Still, we can counteract that negativity by choosing not to believe everything we think. Instead, we can remember to see the opportunity in every difficulty.
This week’s Power Phrase:  “I choose a good attitude regardless of what I cannot control. I talk to myself not listen.”

Episode 19 August 2024 6m and 17s

636: Why We Need To Fail Fast

636: Why We Need To Fail Fast

In this episode, Dr. Cindra shares with us how we can create psychological safety in a culture in which we are a leader. Psychological safety is important because it leads to higher performance, but also people feel comfortable trying new things, asking questions, and admitting mistakes—all which leads to creativity and innovation. This helps us respond to mistakes in a positive and empowering way.

Power Phrase this Week: ”I see failure and mistakes as opportunities to learn and grow.”

Quote of the Week: “If you want to succeed, double your failure rate.”  -Tom Watson, CEO of IBM<

Episode 12 August 2024 5m and 4s

635: How to Overcome Self-Doubt

635: How to Overcome Self-Doubt

We can all be overcome by self-doubt. In this episode, Dr. Cindra Kamphoff shares with us why self-doubt is so common and how to overcome it.

Power Phrase of the Week: “I choose to see the possibilities for myself and my future.”

Quote of the Week: “Fear and self-doubt have always been the greatest enemies of human potential.” - Brian Tracy

Episode 5 August 2024 6m and 17s

634: Why Emotional Intelligence is the Most Important Skill to Develop & How to Develop It, with Dr. Patty Ann, CEO and Founder of Relationship Toolbox, LLC.

634: Why Emotional Intelligence is the Most Important Skill to Develop & How to Develop It, with Dr. Patty Ann, CEO and Founder of Relationship Toolbox, LLC.

Dr. Patty Ann Tublin is the CEO and Founder of Relationship Toolbox LLC, a training and development coaching and consulting firm specializing in the development of emotional intelligence and other “soft” skills that promote optimal individual and group performance that impacts the bottom line. Dr. Patty Ann understands that a company’s people are its most important asset.

She is the podcast host of “The Dr. Patty Ann Podcast” and the author of two Amazon best-selling books: "Not Tonight Dear, I've Got a Business to Run" and "Money Can Buy You Happiness: Secrets Women Need to Know to Get Paid...

Episode 3 August 2024 48m and 18s

633: How to Overcome Impostor Syndrome

633: How to Overcome Impostor Syndrome

In this episode, Dr. Cindra Kamphoff shares the history of the Impostor Syndrome, what to do when you experience it, and why many high achievers experience feelings of an impostor.

Power Phrase of the Week: “I believe in myself and my ability.”

Quote of the Week: "Believe you can and you're halfway there" - Theodore Roosevelt

Episode 29 July 2024 5m and 55s

632: Unleash the Power of the Nervous System for Faster Healing and Optimal Performance with Garrett Salpeter, Founder of NeuFit and The Neubie

632: Unleash the Power of the Nervous System for Faster Healing and Optimal Performance with Garrett Salpeter, Founder of NeuFit and The Neubie

Are you dealing with any physical pain in your body?

Pain from an injury, an accident, an operation, or some type of physical trauma?

If so, you're likely wondering if there's a better, faster way to heal. Today, we're going to talk about that better faster way with our guest, Garrett Salpeter.

Garrett is a nervous system expert. Using his formal training as an engineer and neuroscientist, Garrett has created a patented device called THE NEUBIE. This amazing invention is used by doctors, therapists, and professional sports teams around the world, including by...

Episode 26 July 2024 47m and 37s

631: How to Bounce Back

631: How to Bounce Back

You were meant to adapt and adjust. You were meant to be resilient and bounce back. You can get through anything you are going through right now! The key is to intentionally reframe your experience and remember resilience has been part of your history.  

Power Phrase of the Week: “I can see the opportunity in every difficulty.”

Quote of the Week: “Success is how high you bounce when you hit rock bottom.” - George S. Patton, US Military General

Episode 22 July 2024 5m and 26s

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