Skill Piper


Brought to you by, Tablet Magazine


Unorthodox is the universe’s leading Jewish podcast, hosted by Stephanie Butnick, Liel Leibovitz, and Joshua Malina. Each week we bring you News of the Jews, interesting guests—one Jewish and one gentile—and so much more.

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Recent Episodes of Unorthodox

Dispatches from Jerusalem

Dispatches from Jerusalem

India Abraham, a new immigrant from California who is also a medical tattoo artist, is offering free consultations and reduced-rate scar camouflage for victims of the October 7 massacre. Liel Leibovitz returns to the National Library of Israel for a tour.

Episode 422 25 July 2024 36m and 42s

Reuven Fenton on Summer Reads

Reuven Fenton on Summer Reads

Reuven Fenton has been covering breaking news for the New York Post since 2007. He comes to us today to talk about his first work of fiction, Goyhood: A Novel, and the magic of local news. 

Episode 421 18 July 2024 30m and 15s

Maggie Phillips on Jews and their Christian Allies

Maggie Phillips on Jews and their Christian Allies

As the war moves into its ninth month, having non-Jewish allies is more important than ever to many of us. Tablet Magazine’s own Religious Affairs Correspondent Maggie MacFarland Philips leads a conversation with Luke Moon, Executive Director of the Philos Project and Father Steve Grunow, CEO and Executive Producer of Word on Fire Catholic Ministries as they discuss ways Christian communities can support Jews. 

Episode 420 11 July 2024 44m and 51s

Summer Jams with Zusha and Omer Netzer

Summer Jams with Zusha and Omer Netzer

With the 4th of July comes the official BBQ season, so this week we’re bringing you some musicians who can help with your summer soundtrack. We have Shlomo Gaisin and Zachariah Goldschmiedt of the band Zusha, who combine Hasidic vibes with secular styles. We also go to Nashville to talk to the only Jewish-Israeli country music artist there, Omer Netzer.

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Episode 419 4 July 2024 53m and 43s

Vacation with A.J. Jacobs

Vacation with A.J. Jacobs

This week on the show, we’re throwing our duffel bags into El Al’s overhead bins. 

Journalist and author A.J. Jacobs returns to the show (for the sixth time!) to discuss his newest book, The Year of Living Constitutionally: One Man’s Humble Quest to Follow the Constitution’s Original Meaning. If you want to catch up on A.J.’s previous stints as Jew of the Week, you can find him on our very first episode, as well as here, here, here, and here.

Learn more about becom...

Episode 418 27 June 2024 51m and 35s

A Tablet Conversation with Congressman Ritchie Torres

A Tablet Conversation with Congressman Ritchie Torres

New York Congressman Ritchie Torres sits with Tablet Magazine’s Liel Leibovitz and Alana Newhouse to discuss Zionism, social media’s role in antisemitism, and the necessity of patriotism.

Episode 21 June 2024 25m and 16s

Unorthodox Guide to Summer

Unorthodox Guide to Summer

This week on the show, we know what you should add to the queue. 

Stephanie, Liel, and Joshua have come with their recommendations for the best TV, films, and books for a hot, hot summer. 

Chelsea Film Festival founder Ingrid Jean-Baptiste joins the show to discuss the festival’s global mission and her Martinique Jewish heritage.

Maya Lasker-Wallfisch comes by to talk about The Commandant’s Shadow, a new documentary in which Maya and her Auschwitz survivor mother meet the family of the camp’s former...

Episode 417 20 June 2024 57m and 23s

Father’s Day 5784 with Adam Nimoy, Rabbi Jeffrey Salkin, and Gabe Sanders

Father’s Day 5784 with Adam Nimoy, Rabbi Jeffrey Salkin, and Gabe Sanders

This week on the show, we’re marking Father’s Day and Shavuot with reflections on fatherhood, loss, and collective Jewish responsibility. 

Director Adam Nimoy shares stories from his memoir, The Most Human: Reconciling with My Father, Leonard Nimoy. He details what it was like to be the son of Spock, as well as how he and his father reconnected before Leonard’s death in 2015.

Tablet writer Gabe Sanders returns to the show with a personal essay about finding unexpected meaning while saying Kaddish for his father. 


Episode 416 14 June 2024 54m and 52s

A Beautifully Jewish Shavuot

A Beautifully Jewish Shavuot

This week on the show, we’re examining the most Beautifully Jewish object of all time: the Torah. In celebration of Shavuot, Beautifully Jewish hosts Stephanie Butnick and Tanya Singer explore creative, unexpected ways of connecting with the Torah. 

Israeli journalist Sivan Rahav-Meir, host of the Tablet podcast Sivan Says: Taking the Torah Personally, shares how she found her way into the Torah, and the daily wisdom it offers her.   

Dr. Carol Meyers of Duke University, who as Stephanie’s professor inspired her love of Jewish stories, explains why it’s so...

Episode 415 6 June 2024 45m and 37s

Unorthodox Presents Sivan Says

Unorthodox Presents Sivan Says

Unorthodox is off this week, but today we’re sharing an episode of the Tablet podcast Sivan Says: Taking the Torah Personally, featuring Sivan Rahav-Meir and our own Liel Leibovitz. 

Parshat Bechukotai’s got a lot of blessings, and a lot of curses. Follow God’s commandments, you’re in the clear. Don’t follow them, some gnarly stuff can happen. Persecution. Exile. A divine wrath. But could it be that it’s all a blessing, even the curses? That the worst sin isn’t some particular action, but apathy towards our connection...

Episode 30 May 2024 26m and 43s

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