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Rabbi Daniel Lapin

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Rabbi Daniel Lapin

Rabbi Daniel Lapin reveals how the world REALLY works and reminds us that the more things change, the more we need to depend upon those things that never change.

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Recent Episodes of Rabbi Daniel Lapin

Ep 253 | Feeling Stress: Medication or Meditation?

Ep 253 | Feeling Stress: Medication or Meditation?

The big new thing in American business is the meteoric increase in the number of employees taking off days for mental health. Sounds like a good thing, right? Seems to afflict mostly the under 35 crowd. There is also a monumental increase in conversation about mental illness. A frightening large proportion of people are taking psychiatric medication in numbers never before seen. So, is mental disease on the increase? Or are normal challenges of a busy normal life being pathologized into mental disease? Especially since there is virtually no mental disorder with any detectable biological marker. Different doctors--different diagnoses and differ...

Episode 3 September 2024 1h, 1m and 26s

Ep 252 | Amazing Spiders, Captured Women, & Becoming a More Manly Man

Ep 252 | Amazing Spiders, Captured Women, & Becoming a More Manly Man

Being self-disciplined and courageous are not just right things for men to do they also make men stronger. How some men on dating apps employ similar strategies of deception to spiders. Why Stockholm Syndrome happens and why women are slightly more impacted than men. In spite of what they may tell you, women are really really not attracted to men who sob in self-pity. They may say they admire it, they may say they respect it. But they are not attracted to it.  

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Episode 27 August 2024 29m and 21s

Ep 251 | Young Women Misled by Terrible Advice

Ep 251 | Young Women Misled by Terrible Advice

Four questions asked by young women and the terrible answers they got. My parents resent the guy I have been dating for 4 years. My boyfriend is 5 years older than I and I am now 21. My parents are judging him because his parents divorced. That is not his fault. The old fashioned way I was raised makes me feel guilt whenever I have a bit of fun. I am not a slut; how do I stop feeling like one? I love my boyfriend very deeply. I am 17 and a virgin. I am not sure about how far to go but I don't...

Episode 17 August 2024 56m and 35s

Ep 250 | Power: How to Have it & How to Use it in Love and War

Ep 250 | Power: How to Have it & How to Use it in Love and War

What woman is attracted to a man less powerful than she is? What country obeys another country less powerful than it is? Power = Prosperity + Prestige. Why America has not won a war since World War 2. What the Biden administration wants as the end play in the Israel Hamas war. Olympic male boxers defeating females and why woke people almost inevitably reject Judeo-Christian Bible based values. Where are the Hassidic Jewish progressives or the devout Evangelical Christian progressives? Why do they not exist?   

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Episode 10 August 2024 41m and 53s

Ep 249 | A Time to Find Joy in Love and a Time to Win Wars

Ep 249 | A Time to Find Joy in Love and a Time to Win Wars

Do you know how to define love? Well, we take a crack at it in this show and learn valuable lessons on how to love. Love is not a feeling--it is an action. Learn how to do it and you can surround your life with the joy of love. We examine war. Why is it that America places few restrictions upon Ukraine which stands no chance of defeating Russia while placing severe restrictions upon Israel that deny it the victory it could almost certainly win? Why is it that after World War 2, the last war that the United States won, A...

Episode 3 August 2024 1h, 4m and 45s

Ep 248 | Hair a Grief, There a Grief, Everywhere a Grief

Ep 248 | Hair a Grief, There a Grief, Everywhere a Grief

Why do far more men go bald than women? Why do far more men go bungee jumping than women? Why do extreme sports attract far more men than women? Why are death defying (and sometimes, death imposing) heroics more the province of men than women? All this and more is explained by your rabbi in today's show. Working out, weightlifting, and running, demanding more and more from our bodies, is thrilling and satisfying; how about doing the same with our souls? You might want to read more here It's been two and a half weeks si...

Episode 27 July 2024 43m and 17s

Ep 247 | Exploring Marriage With a Remarkable 20 Year-Old Young Man

Ep 247 | Exploring Marriage With a Remarkable 20 Year-Old Young Man

I have the pleasure of interviewing a young man on his journey from ages 13 to 23. I asked him when and how he broke away from the destructive demons that threatened his entire future. He asked me how my marriage guidance has changed over the past 40 years. Enjoy the benefits of special access to a vast library of resources as well as a monthly live chat with Mrs Lapin and me by joining our Happy Warrior community. Find out more here:  My guest's experiences applying to an American university and how it compares to the school he is atte...

Episode 20 July 2024 1h, 6m and 54s

Ep 246 | What Do Women Really Want? I'll Tell You!

Ep 246 | What Do Women Really Want? I'll Tell You!

The only really reliable polling on the 2024 election. This candidate has odds of winning of 60%. What people do with their money is more reliable indicator than what they tell pollsters and pundits.. The family triangle of strength Husband Wife Baby. But which way do the arrows go? Best way to see what women really want is to study Harlequin heroes. Harlequin sells about 150 million romance novels a year. Another romance novel, with excessively exaggerated themes, Fifty Shades of Grey sold over 100 million copies on its own. Your rabbi presents the characteristics of Harlequin Heroes. Are they sensationalized caricatures? Perhaps, but it is e...

Episode 6 July 2024 43m and 47s

Ep 245 | It’s Hard To Make a Living But It Doesn’t Have To Be

Ep 245 | It’s Hard To Make a Living But It Doesn’t Have To Be

This is the 500th episode of the Rabbi Daniel Lapin Show. I hope you find it worthy. Juneteenth--celebrating the execution of traitors Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, June 19, 1953. Here's an interesting exercise: How would you do as Robinson Crusoe, stranded on a remote and deserted island? Easier or harder if your spouse were there with you? How can the answer help you make more money? How come no Aztecs set up a colony in Barcelona? No Indonesians set up a colony near Amstierdam. No Nigerians set up a colony outside London. Why only the other way? Why did Europeans build fea...

Episode 25 June 2024 1h, 25m and 13s

Ep 244 | Eyes On Africa: Ten Reasons

Ep 244 | Eyes On Africa: Ten Reasons

Everyone thinks Africa is far smaller than it really is—-Is this racism? How many Greenlands could fit into Africa—1 or 15? Look at a map. Now look at a globe. How the Methodist Church of the Ivory Coast in Africa horrified white skinned Methodists. Why the Danube and the Rhine rivers in Europe are navigable but the Zambezi and Congo in Africa are not. European colonials were banished from Africa by the 1960s, that was good, right? China is now colonizing 52 out of 54 African countries, that is bad, right? Join the Happy Warrior community   Africa is more Chri...

Episode 15 June 2024 1h, 11m and 31s

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