Skill Piper

The Prepared Mindset Podcast

Brought to you by, Austin Diehl

The Prepared Mindset Podcast

A podcast for the everyday citizen, interested in preparation, shooting, planning and accountability. Features a broad range of guests, topics and discussion points, as well as current events pertaining to politics, training, preparation, and the world around you.

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Recent Episodes of The Prepared Mindset Podcast

Episode 263 - HTA Range Day 2024 Debrief

Episode 263 - HTA Range Day 2024 Debrief

We made the trek out to Templeton, Pennsylvania, for our second Human Trafficking Awareness Range Day event. If you've been listening for a while, you've no doubt heard us rave about the experiences we had last year, both good and bad. We doubled down on the experience this year and got a AirBnB and added two dudes to our crew. We split ourselves up and took even more individual courses than last year, and have a ton to speak on in this debrief conversation. From Breaching, to pistol grip and vision. to 2-Man CQB and precision carbine, there was...

Episode 263 18 September 2024 1h, 51m and 55s

Episode 262 - Being the Effective Civilian

Episode 262 - Being the Effective Civilian

In the realm of training and preparedness, until relatively recently, civilian has been a dirty word. Many of us have been through a poor experience, where we're talked down to, or treated poorly simply for a lack of service. This ties back to the assumption that no time of service, correlates directly to no time training. That however, in 2024, is simply no longer the case. In this weeks episode I talk about the value of determined, passionate learning and development, and the knowledge and proficiency that can be attained without a specific resume, or pedigree. I also take the...

Episode 262 11 September 2024 1h, 11m and 31s

Episode 261 - Learning Has No Finish Line...

Episode 261 - Learning Has No Finish Line...

Randy is back, joining me for another discussion, as we take a more philosophical look at training and self improvement. We talk about the important of defining not just why you're doing the things you're dong, but evaluating what you're doing, and what you're trying to achieve. Throughout the conversation, we talk on some very important ideas, like personal accountability and its importance, the constant battle against confirmation bias, the toxic nature of comparison, and more. Keeping things like like focus, and personal attention to detail constantly present in both your practice and training, but in the planning for...

Episode 261 5 September 2024 1h, 33m and 26s

Episode 260 - Sunday SITREP #41

Episode 260 - Sunday SITREP #41

September is upon us and it is "unofficially" the beginning of fall! As we do every month, I bring you my thoughts and beliefs around key current events, and the potential impacts they carry to you and I. In this installment of the SITREP series, we get into a critical legal decision by a three judge panel in the 5th circuit court, reversing a critical previous ruling that illegal immigrants have rights and protections under our Second Amendment. Not only do we talk about the ruling, but we tie this issue back, once again, to the profound importance of...

Episode 260 1 September 2024 55m and 51s

Episode 259 - Modern Rural Civilian

Episode 259 - Modern Rural Civilian

While we don't talk a lot about homesteading on the pod, it's got to be one of the humbling and valuable endeavors that one can undertake for themselves. To that end, I sit down in this weeks episode with Mark Bonnalie, who runs the Modern Rural Civilian channel, and dive into his journey of moving off the grid. Greater self sustainment is a responsibility taken by less and less folks these days, and it makes Mark's knowledge and story all the more valuable for those of us looking to grow in those same aspects of life. We talk at...

Episode 259 30 August 2024 1h, 39m and 48s

Episode 258 - Welcome Back Josh!

Episode 258 - Welcome Back Josh!

As hard as it is to believe, its been just over three months since Josh has been on for a conversation, but he's finally back, and we have a lot to catch up on. From a training rotation to the dirty south, to our upcoming trip back to Ben Franklin Range for the annual HTA range day event, we get into what we've been doing both with the podcast, as well as the community, and what we have in store for some of our next steps. The last time we heard from Josh, we had just completed the three...

Episode 258 21 August 2024 1h, 34m and 48s

Episode 257 - Doctrine Bound vs. Doctrine Sound

Episode 257 - Doctrine Bound vs. Doctrine Sound

Doctrine. We rely on it for many things both inside and outside of our training sphere. Sometimes it's called by a different name, but it's there, behind the scenes. Sometimes, we latch on to doctrine and adhere to it so literally that we actually do more harm than good. To dig into this, and hash out this topic, I also get to catch up and sit down with Blake Flannery. As a Recon Marine with a twenty year career, as well as a successful instructor outside the military, Blake has a lot of experience to draw from for this...

Episode 257 14 August 2024 1h, 37m and 24s

Episode 256 - Breaking down the Shot at Trump

Episode 256 - Breaking down the Shot at Trump

It's been a few weeks, and we've settled down a bit from the initial shock and awe of the attempt on the life of former President Trump. Now that some of the odd internet drama has subsided, and we have at least some degree of confirmed information and reports to go off of, we sit down and take the time to examine more closely, what happened, and where things went wrong. I'm joined for this discussion, by J.T. who has over a decode of experience in law enforcement, with most of it being spent specifically in a sniper...

Episode 256 7 August 2024 1h, 45m and 13s

Episode 255 - Sunday SITREP #40

Episode 255 - Sunday SITREP #40

Situation Report for August, and we have a few really critical items to touch on. Venezuela is experiencing their fallout from what appears to be an attempt at a rigged election to ensure victory for the incumbent. Protestors took to the streets and have clashed with law enforcement over the alleged results. Clearly, there are some parallels with what many of us experienced four years ago, and still more expect to experience in just a few short months. Additionally, I share my thoughts and my feelings around the absolutely atrocious attempt to provide the individuals behind the September 11th...

Episode 255 4 August 2024 48m and 53s

Episode 254 - Team Refinement, and Achieving More Together

Episode 254 - Team Refinement, and Achieving More Together

Building a tribe, assembling a team, finding a network, it's something we have either all been chasing, or chased at one point in our individual journeys. However, once we find our group, we locate this tribe, where do we go from there? There's a large effort that comes with trying to bring together a band of talented individuals, and get them all reading off the same sheet of music. Many folks underestimate this endeavor and become easily discouraged. In this weeks episode, I talk about my own experiences, and hopefully share some knowledge that will help you all avoid...

Episode 254 31 July 2024 1h, 11m and 43s

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