In the Built To Grow show I detail the EXACT strategies responsible for growing each of my 8-figure companies. You also learn how I've helped companies to more than triple in size in less than a year. And you get the exact process we use with companies to help them generate millions of dollars over the course of months, because... The truth is businesses that are built to grow always grow. On the other hand, businesses that were not specifically engineered to grow, rarely grow and often hit plateaus. But when you know how to grow effectively, scaling becomes predictable...
...see more
My birthday was just a couple weeks ago.
And I realized how many people hate the idea of getting older, because I got a lot of: texts, and cards, and phone calls, from friends who said things like "You're getting older" or "How’s it feel to be one year closer to death" or something "funny" like that.
But one of the blessings that we get with age, is that we get WISER.
And you can change the course of your life, if you know how to use that wisdom to your advantage...
...Episode • 5 September 2024 • 2m and 19s
Do you know what I did the other day?
I got up and had a great workout, then I took a sauna, then I walked on the beach.
And then later on I took my daughter to the movies, and then we went shopping, and that night, I cooked a great dinner, and I talked to my son about guns because he just got back from an 8-hour gun training.
But what I didn't do, was look at my email, or reply to texts, or think about the thousand and one things that...
Episode • 14 August 2024 • 4m and 48s
When you hit a big target in your business or in your life, what’s the very first thing you do?
Let’s look at this from an entrepreneur standpoint… when a big target is hit in most businesses, what’s the first things your employees want to do?
They want to CELEBRATE, or they want to be rewarded with time off.
But when momentum begins, either in business or in your personal life, it is not the time to celebrate and sit on your laurels.
When momentum begins, that’s the time to...
Episode • 5 August 2024 • 6m and 23s
Listen in as Chris Guerriero and Warren Phillips (AKA: Non-Toxic Dad, scientist and health expert) discuss what it takes to be a great parent as a busy entrepreneur.
How to be a great parent while running a business What is the MOST EFFECTIVE parenting style for entrepreneurs How to balance parenthood and entrepreneurship How to balance RELATIONSHIPS with family and friends as an entrepreneur Top business and parenting tips for accountabilityEpisode • 24 July 2024 • 1h, 36m and 11s
Listen in as Chris Guerriero and Dr. Kirk Parsley (medical doctor, former Navy SEAL, sleep expert) discuss what it takes to optimize physical and mental performance for greater success.
- The Navy SEAL breathing exercise for stress and focus
- The MAXIMUM PRODUCTIVITY daily routine learned from Navy SEALs
- How Navy SEALs overcome limiting beliefs and self-doubt
- How to perform at your BEST while running a business
- The KEY HEALTH HACKS that change the game for entrepreneurs
- How to lower stre...
Episode • 17 July 2024 • 1h, 47m and 20s
I would argue that inspiration is the impetus for everything in our companies, and it’s the impetus for everything in our personal lives too.
For example, I’m constantly inspired by how my parents raised me....
Maybe not knowing at the time that those lessons were going to be so helpful to me, but now looking back and remembering those lessons, and from watching other great parents, has helped me to be a better parent myself.
I’m also inspired by people who are healthy and in great shape, and that drives me to...
Episode • 1 July 2024 • 6m and 31s
The truth is most people are lazy.
They're looking for an easy way, or they're looking for a shortcut to be successful.
And when you get used to looking for shortcuts in life, whether that's a shortcut to build a business, to accumulate wealth, or to lose weight, what happens every time is that you become the kind of person who constantly looks for shortcuts, and 2 things happen to you.
Watch now and see what these 2 things are and how to avoid them...
Episode • 21 June 2024 • 3m and 38s
Nobody becomes great unless they have an ego.
Nobody becomes a CEO unless they have an ego.
Nobody becomes a great pianist, or a great architect, or a great doctor, unless they have an ego.
Moral of the story, most people who succeed in ANYTHING have an ego.
Watch now and see why this is, and how this affects YOU...
Episode • 13 June 2024 • 2m and 6s
We've all known people who have been super successful whether it's in a sport, or in business, or in relationships, and then something happens where they experience a defeat and it breaks them, and they're never the same.
That always happens with people who define themselves as what they do for a living.
Meaning their identity is tied to whatever they do for work, like someone might be a basketball player or an entrepreneur, or a singer.
And as soon as they experience defeat in that area of their life, they have a...
Episode • 20 May 2024 • 3m and 18s
Listen in as Chris Guerriero and Rich Schefren (founder of Strategic Profits and Steal Our Winners) candidly discuss everything they do to improve brain function, boost cognitive performance, and offset dementia, including their favorite brain supplements, brain peptides, and personal lifestyle hacks that translate into more focus for faster business growth.
Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur or a seasoned business owner hungry for rapid growth, this interview is an absolute MUST-WATCH!
Don't miss out on this game-changing conversation that's redefining the best way entrepreneurs achieve success.
Episode • 1 May 2024 • 2h, 7m and 26s
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